Monday, July 05, 2010

The MASH characters today

Reader Bob Sommers wondered where the characters of MASH would be today? Since the Korean War was almost 60 years ago they'd probably all be dead. Super short blog post.

But here’s the good news: through the miracle of reincarnation they have all come back and are with us here today.

Frank Burns is now Glenn Beck.

Radar O’Reilly is now Bill Gates.

Hot Lips is now Faye Dunaway.

Charles Winchester is George Will.

B.J. Hunnicutt has become Al Gore.

Trapper John is now Mark Cuban.

Father Mulcahy is now Alan Dershowitz (God has a real sense of humor).

Dr. Sidney Freedman is Phil Jackson.

Max Klinger is Marv Albert.

Henry Blake is Bill Clinton.

Hawkeye Pierce is Ken Levine (hey, it’s my blog).


  1. Colonel Flagg would've turned into Glenn Beck. Just sayin'.

  2. Ummm, Ken? Aren't ... um, and I'm not tryin' to be picky here, but ... aren't Henry and Frank GONE now?? But seeing Margaret as Dunaway is spot on!
    And I see Col. Flagg transformed into Rush Limbaugh, though a bit slimmer (honestly, no one could've done the "Flagg" role better than Ed Winter [R.I.P.])

  3. No, Col. Flagg would have become Ollie North. And Hawkeye from the early episodes would have been Bill Clinton. Come to think of it, Hot Lips could be Hilary.

    Seriously, I think Hawkeye became House.

    When I first saw the post title, I thought it was going to suggest that Trapper got fired from that San Francisco hospital in a sexual harassment suit.

    WV: disticor - a company that delivers packages overnight by train.

  4. Ouch, what an insult to Hot Lips.

  5. And Col. Potter would be? Bill Gannon.

  6. I didn't know Phil Jackson was

  7. Igor would be Wolfgang Puck.

  8. The annoying guy with a guitar would be a different annoying guy with a guitar.

  9. Colonel Flagg would be Dick Cheney.

    Ken, your desire to be Hawkeye raises an interesting question: Is Hawkeye Pierce the coolest TV sitcom character ever?

  10. Also, Rizzo would be Lt. Provenza on The Closer.

    wv: SWASTAGO - logo for the Third Reich Parcel Service.

  11. Max is Marv, that's marvelous! I'd almost forgotten about Marv's hobby.

  12. Jim, Cheers Fan7/05/2010 12:26 PM

    The annoying guy with a guitar would be a different annoying guy with a guitar.

    He came back from Korea and went to Faber College, where Knowledge Is Good. There was an incident at a frat party.

    I think George Will will take this as a compliment, since he's spent his entire life trying to be G. Emerson Winchester IV, even before Charles Emerson Winchester III was conceived on paper.

  13. I've always found a distinct similarity between Charles Emerson Winchester and William F. Buckley, Jr.

  14. And Nurse Kellye would be ... forgotten as usual.

  15. I still say Glenn Beck is the crazy (like a fox) evangelist Dr. Gene Scott.

  16. Sorry Ken, but I know for a fact Frank Burns would have been George W. Bush.

    If the old Hot Lips came back in her original incarnation - she would have been Frank's Karl Rove.


    Col Flagg would have come back as Eric Prince.

  18. Sally creeping down the alley7/05/2010 5:17 PM

    And Spearchucker Jones would be President Obama.

  19. The annoying guy with a guitar would be a different annoying guy with a guitar.

    No, he'd still be Loudon Wainwright III.

  20. With all of the botched plastic surgery that Swit has had, I would say that she could be played by Joan Rivers.

  21. I thought Klinger would evolve into RuPaul....

  22. Oh, come on. Charles Winchester has SOOOOO much more class than George Will.

  23. Its frightening to me how many lines of Frank Burns' could/have come from the mouths of various GOP/Fox News people. They're virtually indistinguishable.

  24. No way Frank Burns is Glenn Beck. Burns was somewhat lovable.

  25. Such love and tolerance on these posts. Larry Gelbart wrote his own, "Where would they be now" bit, in a recent book on MASH. Interestingly, he has Hawkeye as a right winger. Age allows for reason, I suppose.

  26. I doubt Major Burns would be Glenn Beck although there are some similarities, both of them being in conservative positions but the major difference is Glenn believes in questioning government while Burns believes in blindly following orders. I see Major Burns as a Greg Gutfeld or Bill O'Reilly. I like Frank by the way.


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