Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wow! They must really be out of stars for the Hollywood Walk of Fame


  1. Ah, I rolled through it too quick. Not seeing yours at the bottom until I went out running up and down Sunset till I found yours.

  2. Is it true that Randy and Evi Quaid's names are squatting on brother Dennis' star?

  3. Wait are you saying that Boris Badenov does not deserve one? Pshaw.

  4. I agree with Wavedeform. And your star is perfectly located - in front of the Believe It or Not Museum ...

  5. I get the other ones, but why is Ken Levine there? I...oh, this is your site, Ken...just kidding!

  6. It is kind of a shame that the Rugrats and Shrek have stars (I kid you not), but Rocky and Bullwinkle don't.

    Ken...I think we finally have a real cause on our hands. After we work on yours, that is.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. (Seriously, do we get Ken and David nominated for their life's work? I believe they can fulfill the obligation of showing up for the ceremony.)

    UPDATE - For cryin' out loud, Larry Gelbart's not even on the list. There's something wrong with the whole system.

  9. The walk of fame is basically paid advertising, isn't it? There's a nomination process but it's such that pretty much any author/actor/director/etc. whose work you've heard of will qualify. Then there's something like a $25,000 fee to be paid. Sometimes it's paid by a fan club but it's usually paid by the studio/network/publisher when there's a new movie/show/book to promote.

  10. Winston said...
    The walk of fame is basically paid advertising...

    Are you suggesting that these walk of fame stars are nothing more than a publicity stunt designed to generate money for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce in exchange for a piece of rock? Well spotted sir.

    I think it's safe to say that the studios-- or someone with a project to promote-- generally foot the bill. That's why the unveiling's so often coincide with the release of a movie/album/etc.

  11. I am shocked, SHOCKED that Hollywood is for sale.

    Round up the usual suspects...

  12. So, which Walk of Fame generator site did you use?

    You guys knew that right? It's the same star in each picture.

  13. I can't believe some of those names. It cheapens your inclusion when you consider the Taco Bell dog and Kellie Pickler made it.

  14. "Badunov".

    Ok; where'd you find the StarMaker Machinery...


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