Sunday, December 21, 2014

You can hear me on the radio

Just a reminder: I'll be on 100.3 THE SOUND in LA and on line at 6 PM PST and 9 PM EST, playing an eclectic selection of shit I like and telling stories (some of them true) about the songs and what they mean to me. 

Just go here and click on the "Listen Live" button.  It's a pretty cool station.  You very well may bookmark it. 

Again, not to over-hype it, but I play a Captain Beefheart song.  I KNOW you'll want to tune in for that.

Oh... and no Christmas music.


  1. If you play Shelley Fabares I can call in and make a Johnny Lizard joke like when you were at UCLA.

  2. Darn. Not available in Ottawa.

  3. I am vastly amused that the Now/Next on the website player isn't even attempting to keep up with you.

  4. Only *formerly* host of Dodger Talk??

  5. You didn't sell the last song? Was it not yours?

  6. Thanks! Hour well spent!


  7. THE INTERVIEW is "nothing to be proud of", says China.

    Ken, do you agree that the Sony hack is just giving even more publicity to a mediocre movie?

  8. Pierre Trudeau12/21/2014 10:22 PM

    Nice show 2nite. when will my rebate on your book be arriving?

    Oh yeah, I keep forgetting to ask: any opinion on the most recent farcical baseball Hall of Fame voting...I believe it was classified the "Golden Era" vote.

  9. Good job, Ken. I imagined you DJing back in the day. Very smooth and entertaining. The Electric Prunes, oh my. Brought back memories.

  10. Ken, this would be a Friday question. I have been binge watching the episodes of MASH with Harry Morgan as Col. Sherman T. Potter. I am old enough to remember him from Dragnet but I really love him a Col. Potter on MASH. What was he like to work with?

  11. "Goooo, Kenny, Gooo-oooo..." - The Monks of St. Francis covering Jimmy Blanton.

    By the way, if you'd like to listen to my show, which is also an oldies show, but with great rare tunes, such as, this month, one of the earliest versions of "Hey Joe" (it isn't Hendrix and it isn't Billy Roberts, either!), click on my name at the top of this post.

  12. It was fun. Saw the Facebook notice in time to use my smartphone to listen while sitting on bus benches along Wilshire near downtown (and a short bus trip in between). Thanks!

  13. Can we hear an aircheck for those who missed it? -SL

  14. Sorry. Was going to listen. Then I remembered that I didn't give a crap.


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