Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Movie Preview -- Part Two

As the Levines wing to Gotham for Thanksgiving, here are more movies being unleashed upon you this holiday season.  Part One was yesterday.

TANGLED – It’s really Rapunzel but Disney is afraid that any mention of a fairy tale will hurt boxoffice business for this animated film. Up next is a remake of SLEEPING BEAUTY to be called FEMALE ON THE ROOFIE.

MADE IN DAGENHAM – Sally Hawkins in a British NORMA RAE. Make sure you ask for Dental Coverage, Sal.

THE COMPANY MEN – Ben Affleck and Tommy Lee Jones are two white-collar guys whose lives are destroyed when they are fired. Heartbreaking scene where they’ve sunk so low they’re watching THE TALK.

THE NEXT THREE DAYS – Russell Crowe plans to spring his wife out of prison. And then cheat on her.

FASTER – The Rock in yet another cry vengeance movie. Come on, Dwayne. You’re better than this! You should be in…

THE TEMPEST – co-starring with Helen Mirren in this Shakespeare classic. Or at least…


THE NUTCRACKER IN 3D – As if that alone won’t scare the crap out of little kids, it stars Nathan Lane.

LOVE & OTHER DRUGS – Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway in a rom-com with an incredibly novel premise: Yeah, they fall in love but here’s the amazing twist – at first they don’t like each other! And wait! There’s more! The originality continues! Viagra jokes!

LITTE FOCKERS – MEET THE PARENTS sequel. I can’t think of a movie in the last ten years I’ve wanted to see less.

Tomorrow, the conclusion of the Winter Movie Preview.  


  1. Jim, Cheers Fan11/23/2010 7:22 AM

    I saw an ad for the Yogi Bear movie last night, and couldn't quite tell who the flesh-and-blood actor playing off the green screen was. It looked a bit like Keanu, but he hasn't fallen that far off the A list, has he? Whoever it is, he was successful enough at one time to get a mortgage on a house that he's now having trouble meeting, I guess.

  2. Probably Tom Cavanaugh or "Ed" and "Love Monkey".

  3. Sally creeping down the alley11/23/2010 8:21 AM

    Here's a sad thing, of all the holiday movies on this list, Yogi Bear is the one I'll probably go see. Yes, it'll be lame, but it knows it. And that's enough right there for me to watch--it won't be pretending to be more than what it is. And that's saying a lot in Drek land.

  4. We enjoyed Made In Dagenham -- worth seeing.

    I can't believe they're trying to resurrect that franchise. It was like Lemmon and Matthau going to the well once too often with the GRUMPY OLD MEN concept.

  6. "LITTE FOCKERS – MEET THE PARENTS sequel. I can’t think of a movie in the last ten years I’ve wanted to see less."

    A powerful statement contrasted against the recent release of LIFE AS WE KNOW IT.

  7. Love & Other Drugs - how could you not want to see that less? Speaking of mining stories that have been done to death, the previews also provoked memories of leads I might at least be able to tolerate in something like this, vs. the likes of, yucch, JG.

  8. LITTE FOCKERS – MEET THE PARENTS sequel. I can’t think of a movie in the last ten years I’ve wanted to see less.


  9. "Company Men" isn't bad. Think of "Men of a Certain Age" in terms of a general vibe. Also, how many movies do you see set in abandoned shipyards?

    Warning: the ending was added in response to audience feedback (though I think it works).

  10. Al in Portland11/23/2010 6:58 PM

    Yogi Bear? Dang, I thought it was Yogi Berra, and I was ready to go buy a ticket.

  11. The topic seems to come up a lot here, so I thought I'd share this.


    Topic A w/ James Urbaniak - Ep. 1 "Jumping The Shark".

  12. I find the whole idea of a Yogi Bear live-action + CGI movie depressing. Daws Butler was a dear, personal friend of mine, and no one else will ever really be Yogi to me.


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