Monday, June 06, 2011


Time magazine just named this humble site one of the Top 25 blogs of 2011.  I imagine Roseanne just canceled her subscription to Time magazine.   Thanks so much and for all you new readers, here are a few archive links to give you an idea of what nonsense goes on here. 

The Traci Lord Family Show

Pregnant in Heels

Writers' torture:  waiting for your script to be read

How to really write a romantic comedy

My best home run call

Thanks again.  This is much better than a Peoples' Choice Award.


  1. Congratulations, Ken!

    I start my day every morning with your blog.

  2. Congratulations! Well deserved!

  3. Way to go Ken! Just goes to show quality does win out.

  4. Well deserved! Take that Rosanne!

  5. Congratulations - I wonder what it says about me that I only recognized two of the recommended blogs (you and Beware of the Blog) and immediately clicked on all the nonrecommended ones.

    WV: meritedy - what you are, Ken! (real WV, believe it or not)

  6. Congratulations & definitley well deserved! Does this mean you're also the early favorite to be "Person of the Year" for 2011?

  7. congratulations! well deserved

  8. Congrats, Ken!

    Pam aka SisterZip

  9. Congratulations. From the first day we ever met, I knew that someday you would be an award winning blogger.


  10. Congratulations! They got it right - it's a great blog!

  11. Congratulations! There are some pretty outstanding blogs on that list (Videogum gum is one of my favorites). And then there are the ones that identify red-carpet dress designers or analyze David Bowie songs... not to mention "America's Favorite Hamburger Weblog!"

  12. Mazel tov, Ken, well-deserved.

  13. Congrats to you Ken- you deserve to be top rated.

    But did you have to bring up Pregnant in Heels? I had pretty much put that train wreck out of my brain, and now it is back again. grrrrrr....

  14. Wow! And about time!

    No matter how crappy my day is portending to be, this little piece of comic brilliance ALWAYS starts my off with smiles and out and out laughter!

    Never has such esteemed recognition been more deserved!

  15. Congratulations Ken - this is well deserved.

    Reading your blog has been a joy every day. Thank you.

  16. Adding a WOO-HOO! to that WOW. How fantastic and so deserved! Loved the write up, too. Congratulations, Ken!

  17. I knew hanging around this place long enough would pay off! Now I can tell everyone "I read Ken Levine before Ken Levine was cool!"

    Seriously, much congrats. The media occasionally gets things right, I guess.

  18. Gee, it would seem that humor, humanity and intellect trumps vitriol and self-pity. I guess I need to re-new my subscription to Time Magazine.

    Thanks Ken for a fun and or informative read every day and congrats!


  19. Well deserved recognition, bravo!

  20. Awesome news!

    --I'm not sure I want your cult status altered in this way.--

    But well deserved!

  21. Well deserved, Ken!

    There are more than 200 million dead blogs out there on the web, and their average number of postings is 2. You have the substance to stay into for the long haul, and have been rewarded with a loyal following (myself included.)

    Just remember - step away from the reality shows. Nothing to see there...

  22. Bah, this is further evidence of the Jewish patriarchal system running roughshod, what was the question again?

    Well done, old chap.

    B Smith

  23. Congratulations, Ken! This is beyond cool!

    Now going to tell all my friends and remind them that we had lunch together in LA!

  24. Congrats Ken! Well deserved! I always enjoy reading your blog. Very funny stuff.

  25. Ken -

    Major congratulations! Very cool. But you are squandering a golden opportunity - quick! - plug your book and throw up a link for the looky-loos, then your book could be in the top 25 of the NY Times best seller list! : )

  26. Lauren Tuerk6/06/2011 5:00 PM

    So happy for you, Ken!!!!

  27. Very nice! I just hope the site can handle the increased traffic!

  28. Please Don't Eat Me6/06/2011 5:26 PM

    Not only are you in the Top 25, but you're listed as # 7. And, more importantly, waaaaaaaaay ahead of the breathless wonder, Nikki Fincke.


    And umm... when you sell your blog, you're going to split with us loyal followers, right?

  29. Aloha! Hey Ken, are the Ms taking votes for best sidekick on the radio side? You have my vote. Let me know how to let them know. I listen to as many games as I can using my MLB iPhone app. I'm on Maui and the only time we get the TV side is if the Ms play Angels or Dodgers. I'm listening to game one at the White Sox right now and I miss ya brah!
    Terry Pennington Napili HI

  30. Thanks everybody. And to Terry and anyone else, you're welcome to drop the Mariners a line and tell them you like what you hear. Would love to come back beyond this year if the situation is right.

  31. One more backpat from me!

  32. Great news - though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given that this place is one of the few blogs I can imagine laughing out loud at when re-reading (not to mention that my cheap-ass piracy-friendly self paid for the privilege in book form)

  33. All your life is TIME magazine
    I read it too, what does it mean?


  34. Wow, bravo Ken! I was lead to your blog about 6 months ago after hearing Aaron Sorkin mention that he frequented it and I've come back just about every day since. Wonderfully entertaining stuff! Keep it up!

  35. Fantastic news. Congrats.

  36. Ray Richmond6/06/2011 9:35 PM

    Congrats Ken! Hugely, richly deserved.

  37. Frank Paradise6/06/2011 9:39 PM

    Cheers to Ken for keeping me and many others entertained every day!

  38. Brad Brickley6/06/2011 10:09 PM

    Yay! All this and the Mariners are playing well too! Congratulations!

  39. Keep it up! Maybe some network will hire someone to turn it into a comedy.

  40. Congratulations...glad I knew this site before it became fashionable.

  41. Congratulations! The top 25 is pretty impressive too. Should we be expecting a spin-off for 2012?

  42. Congratulations, Ken. My first mouse click of the day takes me to your blog. I really enjoy your insights and humor. Mike Botula

  43. Yay! I love this blog too. Congratulations. Julie, Burlington Iowa

  44. Congratulations! One of your lurkers, primarily. Check your blog daily for some grins and insight into the writing process. Can always count on you.

  45. Congrats. Intelligent and funny blogs are the best.

  46. To you, Ken, well-deserved congratulations. I second the idea that you should get a link up for your book (and anything else that brings you royalties).

    To Time Magazine -- what took you so long?

  47. 'Topes Lose, 'topes lose, but Levine Wins! Congratulations!

  48. Not surprised, Ken. You are the ultimate in talent. You reek of talent. You bleed talent. Did I mention I think you're talented? Go, Ken, Go!

  49. 50 is the new 356/07/2011 8:25 AM

    I think this may be the first time I've been an "early adopter"! Like others here, your blog has been on my short-list of "must read daily" blogs since its early days. Hell, you even have me reading about baseball ... no small feat, that!

    The TIME accolades are well-deserved, Ken; your posts are consistently entertaining, informative, insightful, and a force to be reckoned with (see: Roseanne). On top of all of that, you seem to be a genuinely nice, very cool guy, despite the level of fame and success you've attained. It's reassuring to know that the good guys don't always finish last!

    Mazel tov and a big woo-freaking-hoo from the East Coast!

  50. KEN LEVINE -- A TRIPLE-THREAT. Writer. Husband. Father. What more can a man ask for??

  51. At least they could have put you on the cover.

  52. I think you should add Times best blog to your accomplishments in your profile bio. Congrats - will you still answer your loyal readers' questions, now that you are finally famous? I have read you every morning, after I read Zits. Now I will read your blog entry - then Zits.

  53. Congratulations, Ken!

  54. Congratulations, Ken. Can "Man of the Year" be next?

  55. Well deserved. Congrats, Ken.

  56. Congrats, Ken. Richly deserved, and of course we knew it all along.

    (Funny how some of us seem to feel like you getting this recognition reflects well on us! Is that pathetic or what?)

  57. Oh, big deal. They once put Hitler on the cover, you know.

    Seriously, good on you. May you soon have a million followers.

  58. Congrats Ken! A great achievement sir.


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