Having a mild heart attack while paddle boarding.
If ever there was a guy who lives life to the fullest it’s Kelsey Grammer. I couldn’t keep up with him. Few could. Iron Man maybe. But the energy he exudes – all positive – lifts everyone around him. And the example he sets on sets – always striving to be the best – inspires us to do the same.
It’s no coincidence that some of the best episodes I’ve ever written or directed involved Kelsey. I’ve even recently posted a few examples. Room Service from FRASIER and Rat Girl from CHEERS.
Most of us have our little ups and downs. Not Kelsey. His life swings from soaring highs and crushing lows. But no matter how low, whatever the crisis, he rises above it. And I’m sure that’s what he’ll do now.
If you’d like to leave a get well note in the comments section I’ll forward them to him.
Kelsey will be back. And we’ll all be saying – Jesus! The guy’s had a heart attack and we still can’t keep up with him.
Get well soon, Mr. Grammer. I'll never forget the day about five years ago when a college student asked me "Really? Frasier was a character on a show before 'Frasier'?" I realized that day that ...
A) I'm very, very old -- now I know how my parents felt hearing people say "Did you know Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?"
B) The character of Frasier has gone far beyond his origins. He's as much a part of the TV canon of characters as Lucy Ricardo, Ralph Kramden, Mary Richards, Homer Simpson, etc. Thank you for giving us so many years of enjoyment.
Oh, and I'll never be able to listen to Gilbert and Sullivan again without hearing you, as Sideshow Bob, singing it.
Mr. Grammer,
PLEASE get well and keep doing that voodoo that you do so...well...you get the idea.
Seriously, you have the voice that, as a radio guy, and a voice over guy, makes me realize how much I'm not a voice over guy. Thank goodness people keep telling me I am.
Anyway, get better and continue to amaze us all with your talent and your humor. Especially your offbeat sense of taking the norm and bending it to your will.
You are one in a million.
Mike Bell
Anyone who's given as much joy as you have can count on all the prayers and love that God and a mending heart can handle.
I have a vision of Kelsey in a hospital gown, IV hooked up to his longboard, riding waves already. Yes, I need to lay off the onion nachos at night. It seems telling Mr. Grammer to 'feel better' is like tossing water in the ocean.
I got to see him sing "God Bless America" at a pro arena polo match in Burbank. He hit the high note and some of the horses never recovered. It was worth it. Ebullience Incorporated are you, sir!
Tell him I'd be happy to put his Amazon wishlist on my sidebar (it's becoming a trend). Just lemme know!
I watch Frasier a few times a week in the early morning hours when CBS in Los Angeles is running episodes, and no matter which one it is, there is always dignity, style and a joy of performance from Kesley Grammer.
Mr. Grammer, I've no doubt that you'll be up and about again quicker than the average human being (you've got that knack, it seems, also evidenced by you bounding into another television role after "Back to You" was cancelled). Thank you for all you've done so far over the years.
You've been one of my favorite actors for so long and you're actually the only reason I plan to see "Swing Vote." Your President Andrew Boone ties right into my interest in American presidents, real and fictional.
Thank you. For all of it.
Hope Mr.G gets well soon! A fine actor. Not that I'd wish poor health on a bad actor. Well, not all of them. But Mr.G has contributed so much entertainment and happiness to all our lives. So, yeah, get well soon.
Get well soon KG!
There's nothing funny about heart attacks even tho I daresay it was a while before onlookers realised you weren't fooling.
Please stay away from rough sports in future.
You have an audience to think of.
Get well, Mr. Grammer.
And don't worry: with such a big talent, you don't need a stupied heart to keep living and getting laughs.
My estimation of him went up when I learned the follwing things, in this order;
1) He drove a Dodge Viper
2) He rolled it
3) End over end
Frasier was a key outlet for my "not quite normal" sense of humour growing up, which has developed through Arrested Development, Curb and others.
Thanks for making a comedy that wasn't Friends.
Get well soon Kelsey...Back to you should have had another season!! but we'll just have to make do with the frasier repeats until the new show in the autumn.
Get well soon, Mr. Grammer. We're all waiting to see what you'll do next because TV comedies need some serious reviving. Honestly, you could read the phone book and we'd laugh. And we'd love to see you back on "Medium" too!
In truth, during my 25 years of life I honestly can not remember another person who was as present, and in such variety of TV programmes than yourself. From the Cheers Frasier, and the Frasier Frasier (because they were SO different), Sideshow Bob, Chuck Darling, and I'm sure countless others that I have yet to discover, you always manage to bring a smile to my face when one's called for. I'm hoping this minor setback does not prevent you from continuing to amuse the millions and millions of fans you have, and I look forward to see you rested and ready for your new show in the fall.
Get well soon
Some guy from germany writes:
Get well soon - I can't wait to find out how the US version of Roman's Empire will look like!
Honestly the guy is insanely funny and I demand he stays around!
kelsey grammer is a rare comedic talent who somehow always manages to infuse even the straightest of lines and dialogue with a shot of humor. i dont know how he does it but i am glad he is doing it. i fell in love with cheers largely on account of frasier crane and i always look forward to hearing his lines. be well soon.
andrew, a writer from singapore
Get well soon. We need someone of your comic stature on television.
The very first Simpsons shows I let my sons watch were the Sideshow Bob episodes. Their favorite was "Cape Feare" while my husband & I like "Sideshow Bob Roberts."
With very best wishes for your recovery...
Hope your recovery is swift and full. My sage advice is, "Listen to your wife!" because you know she's going to make sure you are following the doctor's orders.
Mr. Grammer - get well soon. I look forward to being entertained by your comedic ability in the fall. Dr. Frasier Crane and his family's life have made me laugh for years, and I thank you for that.
Thanks for giving us this opportunity, Mr. Levine.
Dear Mr. Grammer,
I learned from Ken Levine’s blog this morning that you’ve had a mild heart attack. Sure, for Levine it’s “mild,” but you’re the one in the hospital. I don’t know what you should find more depressing, that you’re in the hospital or that there are people out here who get their news of the world from Ken Levine.
Just to double-check I googled you (and I hope that was as good for you as it was for me). The first news item that came up was today’s story with the headline below from the Xinhuanet online Chinese news service in Beijing:
----BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Emmy-winning actor Kelsey Grammer is recovering in a Hawaiian hospital after a mild heart attack last weekend, according to his spokeman Stan Rosenfield.
I reproduced only the first sentence because of glaring inaccuracies in the rest of the article. For example, it explained that the opposite of a mild heart attack is not a severe heart attack – it’s “extra spicey.”
Ken has assured us all that you will be up and about in no time, because you’re the kind of guy who likes to live life to the fullest, grabbing his gusto wherever he finds it. A nurse’s aid has ask me to request that you let go of your gusto and just read a magazine or something. You may have a private room, but it’s in a public place, and, after all, you’re a role model.
I won't join the others in suggesting that you "get well soon." Good God, man, you've got enough pressure. Take all the time you want. That's why we have insurance.
Dear Kelsey,
I had heard about your heart attack on the German news yesterday, but didn't know how to send you best wishes. Lucky we have Ken here who can be our "medium".
Get well soon! We need to see you back on the screen because you put a smile upon our faces!
All the best,
Between the Lifetime reruns and local station, "Frasier" runs in Minneapolis six times a day -- and I try to catch every one of them when I can. Now more than ever, it seems like "Frasier" is the last "classic sitcom" we'll ever have (especially with "Back to You" apparently cancelled).
Get better Kelsey, you deserve a long, happy life for all the happiness you've brought into our lives.
My dear old mother was so concerned about you when she asked me if I'd heard the news, that she referred to you as "Healthy Grammer." Hope that's what you're back to being real soon!
All the best!
Screenwriting question here. Would you say then that knowing the actor and what he's capable of pulling off enables you to write better scenes?
Mr. Grammer,
I'm a huge fan. Cheers, Frasier, Back to You, The Simpsons, Toy Story 2! And I still love Down Periscope! and watch it everytime it comes on.
Get well soon!
get well soon kelsey.
one of the finest nights i've ever spent was backstage at the globe in san diego while you held forth at the piano.
heal, then come back to us.
Get well soon, Mr. Grammer! From a big fan ever since you walked on the set of CHEERS.
My favorite moment in all of Cheer's long history was when Frasier walked into the bar having just heard the lyrics to Wang Chung's "Everyone Have Fun Tonight." The joy Kelsey brought to the character as he recites the lyrics still makes me smile so many years later.
Best wishes on a strong recovery.
Glad you're okay Kelsey - take care of that funny-bone though! You break that you'll be in real trouble.
Love ya,
Get well soon Kelsey. I had the good fortune to in the Letterman theatre last month when you were on. The stories about Woody and your children had all of us in the audience roaring with laughter. My instinct tells me that David does not respect all of his guests, but you had him beaming that day. Best of luck to you and your family
My wife and I just rewatched the entire Frasier run on DVD over the last couple of weeks. Thanks for the laughs.
Last night's rerun was the one where Frasier scares Marty into a heart attack by wearing a clown suit. I think everyone can appreciate that.
Get better!
Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'...
I think I had a mild heart attack when I heard this news. But I'll bet the Roman's Empire staff turned a shade of blue even deeper than your Dr. Hank McCoy/The Beast in X3 (wonderful performance, by the way). Please stay healthy - in addition to your upcoming gig and future roles, there will someday be innumerable tributes, reunion shows and lifetime achievement awards that you surely wouldn't want to miss out on. I don't want to hear the words "Frasier has left the building" outside of that classic end credits song.
I wish you a very speedy recovery and look forward to this fall when we will be able to watch your new series. I am in awe of your ability to keep us laughing and to entertain with such wit and grace. Thank you for many hours of truly wonderful television.
Kelsey and I have a mutual friend, someone I met when I was editing a weekly newspaper in New Jersey. He's a Master Gardener who works with a local fire and rescue company, and in 2000 my newspaper did a promotion with the fire company, a fundraiser in which several people won a trip to Los Angeles to watch a "Frasier" episode be filmed at Paramount and to meet Kelsey. As part of the promotion, I got to go on the trip and met Kelsey outside the soundstage before the filming began. Seemed like a genuine guy.
(This was the episode set in a "Palm"-like restaurant owned by guest star Robert Loggia, and Kelsey gave one of the drawings of the Frasier character to a young girl in our party. A really nice touch.)
Kelsey, I hope you get better and that your work, both as an actor and a producer, continues to prosper. And the next time you talk to Tom, tell him Vincent said hello.
I had the fortune to be in Kelsey's presence in the natural habitat for movie stars, Malibu. I'll never forget how down to earth he appeared, for someone who had made me smile and laugh for all those years. I think I assumed he would have a brush of Hollywood on his sleeve, but if you didn't know any better, he was just a regular guy having a Sunday with his wife, looking at cd's and chatting with Pierce Brosnan.
All the best Kelsey, for you have made the most of your gifts and contributed to the wellbeing of us all - with the gift of laughter.
Sincere best wishes, Kelsey. It it always sad to learn that a celebrity you like has had a health problem, but it's so much sadder when it's a genuinely supremely talented and by all accounts wonderful man such as yourself. I'm still watching Frasier daily; you're still making me laugh daily. Thanks and get well soon.
Hope you are back to 100 % soon Kelsey.
Trying hard not to sound like one of those nutty fangirls but I have to say that I have been a true fan since your very first episode of Cheers. Your voice is one that I love listening to and as has been already mentioned, Frasier has become one of the most memorable and beloved characters on TV.
I hope to see you back on TV in the near future. Back to You should have been given another chance. It made me laugh and laughter as we all know is the best medicine.
Get well soon!
Hello Mr. Kelsey,
Get well soon I hope you will have a quick recovery.
from Central Europe - Hungary - Budapest (yes, you have fans in Hungary too :) get well!!!
I can't tell you how many hours of pleasure "Frasier" has given to me and my family. We have all become Frasier fanatics. It has even carried over to "Back to You."
Please concentrate on getting better so we can look forward to many more of your endeavors!
Elena Schmitt
Get Well Kelsey. And I've always wanted to let you know that the view that you had from your Condo when you 'lived' in Seattle, can't possibly exist.
Get well soon Mr. Grammer, I'm sure you'll be up hunting for "snipe" in no time. Jah bless. Naten
Mr. Grammer,
It's a tribute to your acting ability (and some excellent writing) that a character as insufferable as the Seattle Frasier can become a beloved American TV icon. May you be around for many, many years to delight us with your mellifluous voice and formidable acting skills.
Recently I've goten into the habit of setting my Tivo to record CHEERS on TV Land (all of which I've seen dozens of times over) and 2 episodes of FRASIER on Lifetime (many of which I'm sad to say I didn't watch the first time) and often times sitting down to watch them is the highlight of my day. Get well soon.
PS you and Carroll O' Connor & Jean Stapleton are the only people who sang their own theme songs and didn't completely humilaite themselves by doing it.
Get Well Soon Mr. Grammer:
I too was impressed by being in your presence several years ago in Thousand Oaks. You are truly an approachable and giving soul.
Thanks very much for providing so much relatable entertainment.
As well, thanks for being an inspiration to sitcom writers everywhere.
I choked on my root beer when I heard about your heart attack, but I'm better now.
When I watch you on Cheers -I just bought Season 9 on DVD- there is such a sense of joy in your work. So much life force, so much shakti. It's a pleasure to see somebody do something so well and for so long.
I hope you have a strong recovery and lots of happy years.
Dear Mr. Kelsey Grammer,
I was in SHOCK when I found out and even though they said you "would be fine and released soon" I cried. I love ALL of the "Frasier" gang and would be heartbroken if anything happened to anyone of you. Do what the docs say so you can come back to tv...God knows we need a great comedy with a GREAT actor...hey, I know- why don't you get the other 4 (Jane,David,Peri, and John) and create another great comedy hit...thought I'd try. Well, get well soon-I wish you all the best.
Please keep making us smile.
Kelsey...really, I should say Mr. Grammer, but how can I be formal and tell you how much you mean to me at the same time? "A daily dose of Frasier"(as they say on KDOC) is exactly what I need. It completely soothes me to listen to you deftly deliver those beautiful lines as if it were all second nature. You just embody the man and out pops perfection. Of course, I know you are much more than your most famous character. I'm sure that your life has had much more "texture", shall we say, than anything you've had to bring to life. But, please, take a moment to relax, and savor your accomplishments, for your sake, and your fans.
Remember, a mild heart attack is simply God's way of mildly attacking you. And like all good abusers, he'll apologize and bring great gifts. We expect you to share those with us as well.
- A fan for decades
Get well soon, Kelsey. Cheers and Frasier have brought me many enjoyable moments over the years. Your line readings, your sense of timing, are always so spot-on. Feel better, and come back to TV soon.
Tried to think of some pithy prose to include here ... but, sorry, I'm embarrased to say that I've got nothin'.
However, I do want to let you know - pithy be damned! - that I love your work, and I'm so sorry to hear that your latest "very special episode" is one of a cardiac nature.
Please take care of yourself, listen to the docs (and your wife!), and hang in there. From all I've read, I suspect you're a person who doesn't love being idle. But downtime - even enforced downtime - can be a good thing. Try to enjoy the whole "stop and smell the roses" thing for awhile ... before you know it, you'll be able to go out and conquer the world again.
All the best to you!
Ruth (from that "other" coast)
Get well soon Kelsey!!!
You've always put a smile on my face whenever I turned on the tv to watch Frasier or The Simpsons, even on my very worst of days.
As an aspiring actress, I find myself inspired by your flawless comedic skills. I hope to one day tell you that in person. I've heard nothing but nice things about you from other friends who had the honor of meeting you.
I was shocked to find out about your heart attack through my friend Lauren after noticing our fansite was recieving an unusual amount of messages.
Take care of yourself, Mr. Grammer!
Mr. Grammer,
Thank you so much for the years of great performances. May you feel better soon.
Mr. Grammer
Discarding Cheers and Frasier (no Offence Mr Levine) you are still one of my favorite actors. The varied other roles and voice acting work you have done alone is enough to remind me of why I work to be a working actor. Thank you for everything you have and will do in this field. I have no doubt that you qickly recover and reinspire.
Hope to work with you soon.
Dear Mr. Grammer,
I hope you get well soon!
I also think you're a wonderful actor and I enjoy watching the episodes of Cheers and Frasier.
Best regards,
Get up and at it real soon, Mr. Grammer. I am a major fan!
Frasier is a classic!
Hope you're up and around soon, Mr. Grammer. After all, you have millions of fans who simply can't wait to see your next fine performance. All the best.
Hi Kelsey,
I am so sorry to hear about your heart attack. I hope you make a quick and full recovery. You are one of the greatest actors ever and one of my favorites. I hope we will see you on tv again starring in your own series again soon, hopefully back in Back to You. Anyways take care and get well soon. God bless you and your family.
Jennifer Timms
Mr. Grammer, I hope you will get better soon. I've spent many happy hours watching your work, and I look forward to many more to come.
Eric, Eric, Eric. Jean Stapleton didn't embarrass herself singing her show's theme song? Man, I was embarrassed FOR her. Her screech was just one of the reasons I couldn't bear to watch that show.As for people singing their theme songs, don't forget Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. They not only sang their theme song, they wrote it.
Get Well and a speedy recovery. You are truly an awesome person and brilliant actor!
Cheryl Bush
God bless you Kelsey and all who sail with you......
You have an amazing ability to bounce back from adversity and be a stronger man as a result. I feel sure you will do that this time.
Frasier may have 'left the building' but we can't lose you, the world needs your light and laughter.
I'm sure all of your U.K. fans would join with me to wish you a speedy and stress free recovery.
You are are a joy to behold.
Kelsey, may you have as much joy as you've given all of us. Get well soon!
It is a far, far better butt kicking I give, then I have ever butt kicked....
Get well.
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