Sunday, November 28, 2010

My 5th anniversary

This weekend marks my 5th anniversary of doing this blog. More than 2100 posts for over 5,000,000 visitors (although I suspect it’s more like five visitors checking back 1,000,000 times). Still, it’s been great fun, I’ve met some terrific people, and no one can cancel me but me.

Thanks so much for stumbling upon this site and for you five regulars, thanks for coming back.

I thought for today I’d link to one of my favorite posts from each of the past years. Enjoy. Onward and sideward.

2005 - Porn Star Karaoke

2006 - My best call ever

2007 - The D.C. Madam defense trial

2008 - Disneyland

2009 - My annual Oscar review

2010 - Studio notes on INCEPTION


  1. Congrats on the anniversary!

  2. Ken:

    As you've always been consistent in both quantity and Quality...

    ...for god's sake get back into TV!


  3. Wow what a great blog.

    We have one tiny thing though, could you do something about the guy with the glasses? We feel the blog could really break out if we put someone with a certain something in his place.


    On to the next decade I say! I still remember when I first came here three years ago and reading every single post from the previous two years because there was so much good stuff available already.

  4. Today is the sixth anniversary of my blog as well ... I remember when we met via our respective blogs, congratulations dude!

  5. Happy fifth! and I'm sure you've got more than five viewers. I've only viewed 500,000 times, so it's probably more like ten.
    Best blog on the net. Have a good birthday! Hope there's many more.

  6. Speaking on behalf of the loyal five: Congratulations.

    Dave from Athens

  7. Thanks for all the sharing...the stories, the humor, the advice.

    You do present a service, even if it doesn't much feel like it.

  8. As someone who has been visiting the blog for about four of those years (Really? It's been that long?), I want to thank you for all the entertainment you've given me.

  9. Congratulations, Ken, did you ever think you'd still be in the game this far?

    Your insights on comedy writing have been must-reading for anybody who wants to work in funny business. You could publish a writing book based upon your blog posts alone.

    Your eulogies for showbusiness and sports friends, have been the best I've read.

    And I still chuckle about the name you gave the intern in your Inception blog, Chloe-Caitlin.

  10. Ken, until I stumbled across your blog, I didn't know I was a fan of your work. You are responsible for so many of the TV shows I enjoyed over the years.

    I'll join the long line of people wishing you a Happy Anniversary, but I must say, I am jealous of your numbers. FIVE readers?! That's three more than I have.

  11. How odd that this should be your fifth anniversary, as I was just thinking about your blog and wondering how you manage to keep up with it, week in and week out. Not only does that represent a huge effort, but it's extraordinarily generous, especially for those of us trying to "write funny." You make it seem effortless, but it's anything but - and thanks to you we get to learn from your fu... er, experiences. I'm a huge fan, and look forward to another five years... or maybe a new sitcom...

  12. Keep it up, man! You're amazing...

  13. As a long long time reader let me say congratulations and ask you to please keep on blogging and we will keep on reading.

  14. So... clips show today. Congratulations on the anniversary and thank you for the many good reads.

  15. Happy Anniversary, Ken -- to you and to all of us who have been with you since the beginning or close to it.

  16. Congratulations, Ken. Your blog is a highlight of my mornings (most mornings, anyway). I think my favorite posts of yours are the ones where you tell stories about the shows you've worked on.

    A couple years back, you helped inspire me to create my own blog, "Deconstruction On Madison Avenue," where I track down influences and inspirations on ads from the '50s, '60s and '70s (amazingly, a niche that hadn't been filled on the we yet).

    Anyway, looking forward to your posts for years to come -- unless we lose you again to episodic TV, of course.

  17. Congrats Ken! I just read the home run call and was laughing so hard my Dad asked what I was doing. I read the piece to him and he (of course) was cracking up too!

    THANKS for all you do!

  18. Ditto to everything above.

    And extra credit for the REAL KTLA logo!

  19. Happy 5th anniversary!

  20. Pretty amazing. as someone who's blogged for 5.5 years, I can relate.

  21. Ken----

    Congrats on five years of your blog. Your site has been an inspiration to me.

    Thanks for all the good reading.


  22. Happy anniversary, Ken! I always enjoy visiting your blog. May it continue on for many more years to come!

  23. Congratulations Ken. I've been a reader since almost the beginning of the blog, and have so enjoyed reading what you've shared over the years.

    As a teen in the 1970s, I was obsessed with watching MASH reruns (3 per day in NYC) and have known your name since then. I'm still amazed that I can actually communicate with the writer whom I admired all those years ago.

    Thanks for all the enjoyable reading.

  24. Hi Ken, Just wanted to say thanks for all your posts.


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