Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Last Post

I have decided to finally end the blog.  This will be my last post.  After doing this almost daily for close to 16 years it is not a decision I made lightly.  To be honest, I had been contemplating it for about a year.  

There have been 6,850 posts, 188, 330 comments, more than 3,000 Friday Questions answered, and over 42,000,000 visitors over that stretch (of course it could just be 42 people who came back a million times).  

Why am I stepping away?  Well, first of all, I’ve outlived blogs. Mine may be the last one on the internet.  When I started and blogs were the thing, I figured this would be fun to do for a couple of years.  Other bloggers advised I post something new every day as a way to build an audience.  That was a little more work than I had planned but okay.  Eventually the blog took on a life of its own and I found myself posting daily for well over ten years.  I can’t believe I didn’t run out of things to write by 2010.  

But what was once fun has become a chore.  I think I have run out of things to write about, or at least they’re getting much harder to come up with.  I began reducing my schedule hoping that would help, but it hasn’t.  I just feel it’s time.

I’m also involved in a number of other creative pursuits and really want to focus more on those.  The podcast will continue.  I’ve been doing that for six years and nearing 300 weekly episodes.  I thought initially a lot of my blog readers would subscribe to the podcast, but that hasn’t been the case.  I seem to have a largely separate audience for the podcast.  But it’s still out there if you wish to follow me.   I’m also on Twitter (@KenLevine), Instagram (Hollywood and Levine), and from time to time my cartoons will pop up in The New Yorker.  So I’m not David Letterman growing a ZZ Top beard and disappearing into the Ozarks somewhere.  

What I will miss most is you.  I’ve made a number of good friends and have really enjoyed the little community that has formed via the comments section.  Often times I found the comments more interesting than my posts.  So I will miss the daily interaction and your contribution.  

Beyond that, I sincerely hope you got some value out of this sixteen-year labor of love.  You were entertained, maybe learned a writing tip, enjoyed the assorted adventures of my various careers, and looked forward to the occasional photo of Natalie Wood.  

It’s certainly been a fun and rewarding ride; a much longer ride than expected.  

The blog will remain up.  I’ll still post weekly links to new podcast episodes.  And you’re welcome to dive into the archives.  Among the 6,850 posts there are at least 20 that are really good.  

Some people to thank: Howard Hoffman, Lee Goldberg, Cynthia Furey, Mark Evanier, Dan O’Day, Doug McEwan, Larry Gelbart, and all my guest bloggers (that ranged from Aaron Sorkin to Babe Ruth).  

Thank you for your support.  Thank you for allowing some old guy TV writer to be a part of your life.  I wish you all much success, good health, happiness, and projects that bring you as much joy and satisfaction as this blog has provided me.

As hard as it’s been to write this, ending it is even harder.  So I’ve decided to just leave a teddy bear on the bunk and move on, hoping we meet again.  

Thanks again.



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Richard said...

Sorry to hear this - I've really enjoyed your blog over the years so it will be sad not to get it every day! But thanks for everything - it's been great.

slgc said...

I'm sorry to read this, but I totally understand your decision. Once a diversion becomes a chore, it's time to rethink things.

Thank you for all of the entertainment - I've truly enjoyed your insights and humor over the years.

15-Seconds said...

Say it ain't so! (One last baseball reference)

NPM said...

Thank you SO much for your thoughts, your insights, your opinions and your sense of humor. I will miss the blog, but feel thankful to have had it to enjoy for so many years. Best to you, Ken!

John said...

This is very sad. I looked forward to this each day.

But I get it. It’s a LOT of work.

Thanks for all the fun over the years. All the best!

cmsof said...

First time commenter, but I'm always late to the party. Thanks for brightening my day for the past few years. I'll miss the blog, but I've got some podcast episodes to catch up on.

Jeff said...

Thanks, Ken. I learned a lot and I enjoyed the journey. Peace and be well!

Jeff in Green Bay

benson said...

First and foremost, thank you.

This was an everyday staple in my life, as much as Mike Royko, Art Buchwald, Bob Greene, and Bob Talbert were back in the day. But I also understand.

I look forward to what's next. Best wishes, and again, thanks.

A long time reader said...


I think I speak for everyone when I say this blog has been wonderful entertainment, providing fascinating stories, witty movie reviews, and lots of laughs.

I'll miss your snarky jokes about awards shows, lousy actors, and a certain evil politician. I'll miss the Friday Questions and the comments by Doug McEwan.

I hope you'll write more books and maybe even a new TV show or movie.

Thanks, Ken.

Chris in Cowtown said...

Thank you so much Mr. Levine for sharing your talent with me for my 50 years on this planet. I've been reading your blog near daily for the past dozen years. My morning routine will definitely change. But thank you for enhancing my mornings and my life.

Charles H Bryan said...

Ken, while I'm sad to see you stop, as someone who recently retired (and found that it's maybe the best decision that I ever made), I fully understand. One knows when it's time to make a change. Thank you for doing this - I've been entertained and I've learned so much. Nothing but gratitude here, and I wish nothing but the best for you and yours. I hope that you'll keep us updated on new work via the podcast. Take care, and much love.

Mark said...

I will miss your posts but understand it is time to move on.

I have read your blog everyday for more than a decade -- it had become part of my morning routine. I am sad like when a show I really enjoy signs off for the last time.

Good luck to you in your many adventures.

Bud Wilkinson said...

How will I start my day now?

Sean Robbins said...

Sad day for us, but completely understandable. Thanks for being a part of my daily morning routine for the past many years since I found this blog.

Dixon said...

Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment you've given me and many others through the reading of your blog. Best wishes in your future endeavors.

Ronan said...

Hi Ken, I am a long time follower of your blog and I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything (especially the insight into your writing process). I am sad that it is the end but so glad that the archives will remain and your podcast will continue.

Joe said...

Ken, you and your mouse are OK.

Nikon1 said...

Ken — While I only “found” your blog about a year ago, I’ve come to look forward to reading it, see the Friday Questions section as well as the (random?) pictures of Natalie Wood. My wife and I have very recently starting watching the reruns of M*A*S*H on MeTV (and looking for the writers credits). Living in NJ (and loving South Jersey life) we had hoped to get to Cape May on opening weekend . . . but health issues prevented that short excursion.

I will certainly miss your insider views & comments on the current state of the entertainment business as well as your baseball announcing stories. As a previous poster said, if it’s become a burden — don’t do it!

I hope you continue to enjoy life; with all your accomplishments you certainly deserve some R & R (just not in Tokyo, you might run into Colonel Flag).

Thank You for all the work that has brought so many smiles to so many people!

Ken from NJ said...

Ken, Sorry to hear this. Loved reading your blog daily over the years. Considering I love baseball and comedy, the blog was perfect for me. Loved the backstage stories and even learned some things. Wish you only the best. As for the farewell teddy bear, very cute but how can you leave without one more picture of Natalie Wood????

whynot said...

Good luck in whatever you decide to do. I always knew you'd end the blog before you explained the Mary Tyler Moore situation, which alas will remain a mystery.

Terry Harvey said...

Mahalo big time Ken, its been a daily routine to check in with you and i will miss you very much. Thanks for all the hard work and best wishes!

Andrea said...

I’ve been lurking here for many years and have enjoyed every post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us for so long!

Ron Fassler said...

Just know that all your hard work "aint been in vain for nothin'!" Happy trails, Ken.

Joseph said...

Sorry to hear that you’re going to stop the blog. It was one of the few that I read every day. I usually found it very entertaining (I’m not a baseball person so usually skipped those). Thanks for keeping it going as long as you have.

Tim G said...

This morning I hoped to read that the full schedule of posts would be back since summer is officially over.

Thanks so much for the years of something to look forward to online each day. Thank you for sharing your humor, compassion, insight, occasional snark, and some personal posts about family that helped present decency and kindness in a blog world full of cesspool musings. And for pulling back the veil on some highly interesting TV and movie experiences. You have enhanced my viewing pleasure. If nothing else, on a personal level, thanks to you, I now am able to enjoy Nancy Travis!

You seem like a wonderful person and thank you for your efforts to entertain, amuse, and enlighten.

Thanks in advance for your podcasts! Still something with the Levine Touch to look forward to. Best to you and your family always!

Anonymous said...

You have given us a wonderful gift for 16 years. Thank you Ken...! See you on the podcast...

- Pete T. / 97.3 ESPN (Atlantic City)

Pumphouse said...

Thank you for years of entertainment, on this blog and elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts over the years. It’s been educational and entertaining.

Andrew R said...

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Andrew said...

Thank you for being a constant source of pleasure online. You were a daily escape from the drudgeries of life. I won't belabor the compliments. But you have a lot to be proud of.

One more thing...

Brent said...

Thank you Ken. It was truly a joy reading your blog every day.

Kristen Foster said...

Thank you so much, Ken. I learned a lot from your blog and laughed a lot too. Even when I disagreed, I appreciated your passion and keen intelligence. Best of luck in eveerything you do.

JT said...

Thank you, Ken, for the stories and thoughts you've shared!

Rory W said...

Thanks for everything, Ken. I have been a daily reader since at least 2012 when I first heard about your blog on Mark Evanier's blog.

I've read all your books, subscribe to the podcast, comment here (very) occasionally, & have even emailed you once or twice. I've seen a couple of your plays/readings on YouTube & hope to one day see one in person.

The three "author" blogs I regularly follow(ed) are yours, Mark Evanier's, & Earl Pomerantz'. With the sad passing of Earl & your decision to "retire" the blog, the only one left is Mark's (who, coincidentally, just published his 30,000th post).

I'll keep listening to the pod & looking forward to your next endeavor.

See you on the radio, well, podcast.

John Parrish said...

Thanks for all the entertainment, Ken!

Honest Ed said...

Sorry to hear this and hope that on the occasions when you feel inspired to add to it, you will. Till then...

Brian said...

Thanks for sharing so many wonderful, interesting and very funny stories and insights, Ken. They always seemed to come on days when a person could really use that little lift you gave us. You will be missed, but you will also be remembered.
Brian Scully

Jane Boursaw said...

Thanks so much for all your time and effort on the blog. I don’t know that I’ve ever commented, but I’ve so enjoyed reading it. Also, me reading it aloud to my husband in the hospital got us through many health crises over the years. Thank you.

Dave Widel said...

Just want to say thanks.

Sue Dunham said...

Ken, you were part of my mornings every day. We'll miss you, and I want to thank you for your insights and humor.

Craig Russell said...

MASH. Cheers. Newhart. Frasier. The Honeymooners. Green Acres. Big Wave Dave's/ Almost Perfect. Wings. Mary. The MTM show. The Dick Van Dyke show. All in the Family. Maude. . Happy Days. Friends. Seinfeld. Hell even 2 Broke Girls.

Nothing lasts forever. Just the memories.

Except for Meet The Press. THAT thing will live on forever.

Farewell, Ken.

Ian said...

Thanks for all the words, Ken!

C Dorman F said...

I will miss your blog but I wish you all the best on your next adventure!

Anonymous said...

Ken-You will be missed more than you know. I have enjoyed your posts, books, and plays for many years. We both grew up in the Valley, love baseball, and the good old days of radio. Many days, your blog has made my morning. So, thank you and stay healthy. Good bye, farewell, and Amen.

Don Rooney said...

Thanks, Ken, for the fun, the facts, and the frivolity. You should know that you've had the career I've always wanted: radio, TV writer, baseball announcer. I only got as far as the radio part, so following your posts allowed me to live that other life. Thanks again, and I'll see (hear) you soon on the podcast.

Joe said...

Ken, you and your mouse are OK.

Cowboy Surfer said...

Thanks Ken.

All the best.

Don Kemp said...

Thank you for everything.

Chris Carmichael said...

Completely understand. I did a daily for 12-years discussing all things San Diego radio. Things changed. Except, I hope you do not. Thank you Ken. Job well done.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the interesting, funny content over the years. I will miss the blog.


Harley said...

Sorry to see you go. Your Blog was a daily visit.

Your voice will be missed here.

Now we only have Becker reruns…

Paul Gottlieb said...

Sorry to see you go, Ken. I've enjoyed your blog for years. But I fully understand your decision. Best of luck with your new endeavors

Tim W. said...

Wow. While I completely understand, it makes me a bit sad. Reading your blog has been a morning ritual for me for as long as I can remember. And to reinforce your point, yours has been the only blog I’ve read in years. I was always amazed at the frequency and longevity of your blog posting. Thanks for all the entertainment and information you’ve given me over the years.

Curt Alliaume said...

Thanks for all the hard work writing for us. We appreciate it. Enjoy the future.

Anonymous said...

Going to miss you, Ken. Really enjoyed your blog. You know, you could do a Doonesbury and do reruns six days a week with one new post per week.

dotraylor said...

Thank you for the many years of enjoyment. Little did I know that when I stumbled upon your blog many years ago that it would
become a daily appointment in my life. I will miss it greatly, but completely understand your reasons for moving on. Wishing you all the best. Might even try listening to a podcast now!

Cedricstudio said...

Over the years your blog has become daily reading for me. Thanks Ken for all the hard work you put in to it. It is deeply appreciated!

Jeff said...

Awwwww. Bummed by this news but wish you well Ken. Thank you for all the entertainment, the insights into the entertainment business, the snarkiness, and everything else!

Tod said...

So long, and thanks. It's been a pleasure reading it all these years.

Ben Scripps said...

It's been a phenomenal ride. I'll miss learning things from your side of the industry, and I'll miss your occasional rants about "political" topics which shouldn't be political, I'll miss reading your occasional thoughts on "Jeopardy!", and I'm one of the approximately 12 readers who will miss your baseball posts.

Thank you!

Roger R. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
N. Zakharenko said...

We all must do what we feel we should do.

Ken, thanks for your unique style of phrasing, the snark that sadly dissolved over the years.

Mr. McEwan will now have more free time to visit Count Alucard over the weekends.

And I shall retire my namehandle, as it will no longer be required.

Stephen Cudmore said...

Thanks Ken,

I have been reading for a decade or more, since a web search for something related to MASH brought me here. I went back and read every post in your archives and have followed every post you've made since, even the ones about baseball. You've changed the way I think about comedy, television, and Hollywood. The fact that you've put so much effort into an endeavor that has meant so much to me-- a stranger who never paid you a cent-- means a lot.

Jeez, I miss blogs.


Anonymous said...

I’ve been a long-time silent reader — just wanted to say thank you for doing it all these years. It’s been entertaining and fun. All my best to your future endeavors.

Long time listener, first time caller said...

I can't believe the blog has been running so long. I've enjoyed the whole run. Thanks for sticking with us for so many years.

Jon Weisman said...

Congrats on a tremendous run, Ken. I've certainly been there. I think my (first) farewell note came 10 years ago. Turned out I was like The Who. You might not want to blog every day - I sure don't - but if the spirit moves you, please come back and do the occasional post. Your diehards will find it. All my best,

Jon Weisman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger R. said...

Dear Ken -

Thanks for doing this all these years. Glad to have found you.

Now go enjoy that sandwich at Langer's, sleep in, play with your grandchildren, write some more plays, go to Hawaii...

Just asking - you know, for a friend - might you some day entertain hosting a Writers Room workshop again?

This blog been so thoughtful, and of course funny. Hope you remember us when you hit it big.

Kevin In Choconut Center said...

I had a feeling this was coming. Thanks for the memories, Ken, and wishing you the best from here on out.

Glenn said...

Very sorry to hear. I have found your blogs fun and inspirational- but I totally understand. Best of luck to you. Glenn

Philly Cinephile said...

Very sorry to read this, but I understand the need to move on.

I discovered your blog during a late-night search for online gossip about Cybill Shepherd, discovered that you created ALMOST PERFECT, and became a regular reader.

Your blog was a reminder of just how great network television could be. I enjoyed your insights and behind-the-scene stories, and was honored when one of my questions was chosen as a "Friday Question."

Thanks for all the great writing -- on the blog and on television! With no new entries, this will be a good time to go back to day one and explore the archives. With 6,850 posts, at the rate of 1 post per day, that works out to almost 19 years of reading.

Bert Ehrmann said...

One of the greats! So sad to see it go. Thanks for 16 great years of posts!

Sparks said...

You will be missed. This is(was) one of my favorite pieces of reading.

John in WA said...

Thank you Ken. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog daily, especially since I’m not in the entertainment industry. Thank you for all of insights, entertainment, and hard work over the years.

Bob Waldman said...

Hi Ken,
So sorry to hear this. Your writing tips and advice are invaluable. Thank you!
Glad to hear you'll still be podcasting. Will be looking forward to each new episode!

Chuck (MostAmuzed) said...

I will truly miss this blog. Thank you, Mr. Levine, for sharing so much. It has been an honor to experience your talent. I've been watching MASH this summer. It's been a few decades since last seeing it. I actually just got to you and your old partner's first episodes. So I have a whole lot to look forward to. Such a brilliant television show, from all perspectives. Goodbye, farewell and I'll hear you on your podcasts.

Michael said...

This has been my favorite blog from the day I found it. And, Ken, you have been an inspiration among other things. But I'm reminded of someone from the profession you decided to enter as a second career. Lindsey Nelson liked to quote the Streisand song: Never stay too long at the fair. You feel like you have stayed long enough, and I bow to you for thinking it through.

Nate L. said...

Thanks, I have enjoyed more than a few years reading your work. I also am one of the podcast listeners. Time to dig into the archives more. Enjoy less work, and thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I will miss reading your blog, especially around Oscar time. Can you be coerced back for award show season? Thanks for many hours of happy reading.

Anonymous said...

I've been a lurker here for years, never posted anything, always was entertained &/or informed, amused, & bemused. Thanks for doing this & know it's been appreciated greatly.


randm said...

Thank you, Ken. I've enjoyed reading your posts and learned a lot. It was always a treat to read a new post. And thanks to your blog I learned about your books, which are also wonderful.

Best wishes,

iain said...

Thank you for for your generosity in sharing with us!

Pat Reeder said...

I understand your decision and salute you for keeping it going so long, but I am really going to miss this blog. After writing my material for TV and the Internet all night long, I relax before going to bed by hitting a few favorite sites that I save as treats, and this was the first one I would stop by every morning. Thanks for all the informative and entertaining posts over the years.

I don't know if I'm subscribed to the podcast, but I do listen to it off of this site every week. I'll continue to listen as long as you keep doing that. Thanks again, and good luck in your new pursuits. Happy trails...

Revtim said...

I always enjoyed the blog, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck Ken Jim overman

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Bill Taub said...

“Outlived blogs” Now there’s a 21st century comment. Blog or not you are a role model and inspiration. “Teddy” is now a screensaver and reminder. 🙏😎👏

Anonymous said...

Ken, I will miss the missives. I enjoyed the podcast with my college buddy, John Scheinfeld, as well. Of. Purse, I miss the Beav on the radio, too. You continue to be a gem. Thanks for all you’ve contributed to so many of us…and by the way, I’m an ex-jock/PD, now radio station owner who tries to be local. Wish you’d be on one of my CHR’s.


kent said...

I've been a daily reader for more than 15 of those years and have enjoyed the insights, the rants and, especially, the laughs. I'll miss my daily fix.
Thanks for all of it and perhaps we'll see you again at the theatre or the California Pizza in Westwood.
Say goodbye to Annie for us, she was very thoughtful.
Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.

M--> said...

Farewell, and thank you.

Sue T. said...

Please consider keeping the blog accessible until next week and one more annual repost of your September 11 tribute to David Angell.

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog has been as big a part of my morning routine as my cup of coffee. Thanks for getting my day off on a good foot all these years, it’ll be greatly missed.

Scooter Schechtman said...

Hail, farewell and Amen.

Anthony Strand said...

It's been such a joy to follow the blog all these years, Ken! Thanks so much for all the great stories!

Brian Stanley said...

"Don't be sad it's over. Be glad it happened." -Vin Scully's last broadcast.

I've enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you, Ken. Best wishes.

-Brian Stanley

Loosh said...

Thanks for all the blogs and all the hard work that went into them. Hope this means you will be tweeting more. Gotta Ask: Are you really done with blogging or like Elton John retirement tour done?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your time and talent. I always enjoyed your posts, even with I wasn't in agreement with them.

This is loss for the internet, but I'm glad you're doing what you want instead of what you "have to".

Thanks again for your years of sharing with us.

Tore from Norway said...

Thank you for all the posts, Ken. I've enjoyed your blog daily (more or less) for about 12-13 years and it will be missed. All the best!

Dana King said...

Damn. I guess this makes ME the last blogger. (I still post once a week.)

I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand it can be a chore. Thanks for much entertainment and enlightenment over the years. Can you post a link to your first post? I came in about halfway through and would enjoy reading from the beginning, just as I enjoyed recently watching CHEERS and FRASIER start to finish again.
Thanks. Heading over to follow you on Twitter now.

Steve said...

All the best in your future endeavors, Ken. Looking forward to many years of your podcast.

Yah Shure said...

Thank you so very much for all of the time, effort and hard work you've put into keeping us entertained, informed, laughing, outraged and every possible combination thereof.

And should you ever decide to buy and run a radio station with the range of a WiFi signal, just for the heck of it, share the link and we'll keep being entertained, informed, etc. Whenever the Box Tops' "Sweet Cream Ladies" pops up, we'll know who's paying you a visit.

Eduardo Jencarelli said...

Sorry to hear. I'll certainly miss it. But thanks for being a fun part of our everydays.

JR Smith said...

Sorry to see you go. I discovered this blog because I enjoyed listening to you back in the 1970s on Ten-Q and wanted to know who Beaver Cleaver really was! I found you and this blog and it has been fun stopping by. You will be missed.

Peter said...

I live in Vancouver and I’ve been reading your blog every day since I first started pursuing a career in writing (probably a couple years into the blog’s life). I never leave comments, but I found it to be warm and funny, and I greatly enjoyed getting to peer into the creative process of some of my favorite shows. You have been a regular part of my day as I struggled to become a playwright, finally started getting productions, had a son, and moved into video game writing. I always appreciated how, even though you had your fair share of frustrations about the industry, you were always remained grateful for the work you got to do and maintained your belief in the power of strong comedy writing. You’ve written some of my favorite episodes of television (I think Room Service is a masterclass in comedy writing) and I’m happy I’ve had this chance to get to know you in some small way. You’ve been a big influence on me, even though you didn’t know it, and I’ll continue to check in your podcast when I can. Thanks for the laughs.

Ben K. said...

Sorry to hear this, but it's understandable. And thanks -- I think I have a far better understanding of comedy, writing, and creativity in general after years of reading your blog.

Glenn said...

Thanks for everything, Ken. Looking forward to continued podcasts.

JPilot said...

Thank you Ken!

I will return to deep dive into my favourite anecdotes over the years: "Dead skunk in the middle of the road" "Sweet cream ladies\biker's request", "Fake newbie radio jock in that Chicago station" and many more!

Sean Carroll said...

Really enjoyed the blog over the years, Ken. Thanks for all the work you've put into it.

Oat Willy said...

Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Max DeBryn said...

Farewell, goodbye and Amen. Happy trails, Ken

Alan Gollom said...

I just want to say thank you for all your wonderful posts. As a boomer who loves quality television (including many of your contributions to the medium), worked in radio for a while and loves baseball, I related to so much of what you wrote. I'm not sure when I first discovered your blog, but for many years it has been a daily read. I wish you the very best of success in your future endeavours. Thanks again.

Ali said...

Thanks for years of blogging. Loved it!

Jason Roberts said...

Thank you Ken for an a lovely and enjoyable read for the past dozen or so years I've been following your blog. It's been a great way to start my mornings! Through it I have learned about a lot of interesting things and have had many a laugh too! You are appreciated and I hope to run into you one day so I can thank you in person. Best wishes to you and your family in all your future endeavors.

Pete Grossman said...

Thank you so much, Ken, for all the great fun and thoughtful insights. It has been a great pleasure checking out your words every morning. Will still be listening to your podcast. Wishing you continued success in all that you do.

Unknown said...

I was afraid when you mentioned "change" in your last post that this was coming.

Still, it's been one helluva run and I've really enjoyed it. If the opportunity ever arises, lunch at Langer's is on me.

BobZirunkel said...

Thank you

Roseann said...

Oh, my, I never thought this day would come. Yet here it is. I have so enjoyed your blog and your reminisces of your TV days. I have those, too.
I will be stalking you on Twitter and Instagram - I hope they are as entertaining.

Unknown said...

Have enjoyed this blog since the beginning.Appreciate good writing and yours was some of the best!Good luck in your future endeavours.

William C Bonner said...

Very sad to see the end, but have always been amazed at your commitment to daily posts. Thanks for many years of insight both the entertainment industry and the baseball announcing stuff.

Tom said...

Ken (I think I can call you that because, well, it's your name), thanks so much for the years of great blogs. While not a writer myself, I always found your insights fascinating. I am sorry to see you end it but I realize there are greater pursuits. Thank you for all you have given us.

Jeff Boice said...

Vera Lynn is now stuck in my head. Thanks for the blog, and thanks for deciding to keep the old posts online.

Craig Gustafson said...

Well... damn. I'm so sorry you're opting out, but I get it. I've loved reading the blog every day, and I loved even more that directing your play "Upfronts and Personal" resulted in a production where almost every joke in the show got a laugh; the ratio was incredible. And I'm looking forward to directing "America's Sexiest Couple" this winter. The two lead actors are so pumped that they are already working to get off book and we don't start rehearsing until late November. Thanks for everything!

-bee said...

Thanks Ken - I have really appreciated your insights over the years!

Jim, Cheers Fan said...

Well, damn.

I'm gonna miss this blog, and the comments section.

Thanks for all laughs and insight

Am I gonna have to break down and join social media?

No, no, it's the children, and the young adults, and the middle-aged people younger than me, and the people older than me, who are wrong.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories! Go Mariners!

Anonymous said...

Don’t go!! I’d even take Trump coming back if you wouldn’t go. Ok just kidding that’s not worth it.

estiv said...

Thanks for everything, Ken. Special thanks for creating a space where this community could thrive. Best of luck in all that you do.

Klobetime said...

I've really enjoyed this blog through the years and will be sorry to see it go. Thank you for the time you've spent entertaining us all!

Anonymous said...

Wow. This feels like a death in the family. Thinking back over the 12 years I've been reading you I've enjoyed the stories about things that weren't quite expected--and isn't that the essence of comedy? Opening the door at midnight for the Hells Angels, getting a message from the SLA, the meetings with Danny Arnold and Allan Carr, AFTERMASH and MARY, getting cut loose at various radio stations, the home run that was gone and then wasn't, the ex-roommate who stole your material and cost you a job, and 100 more. You were able to tell the painful stories because of your great success otherwise--and that includes this blog.

Newpaper copy editors used to mark the end of a column or story with a XXX or 30. So, because I was too lazy to create Google account, thank you, Ken Levine, and--


Anonymous said...

This is a great loss for me. You have no idea. I am (was) a comedy writer here in Canada, and was teaching comedy writing at a Community College for the last 13 years. (Apparently we've both retired the same day). Your posts have been my best friend, my confidante, the validation of all my theories and opinions about the craft of comedy writing...and the source of many lectures and class discussions. From pitching to pilots to outlines to how to take a meeting, to how to write a pilot to well, just about every post held a nugget for me. And for those in my class who bothered to take notes.
And since the community of comedy writers isn't all that large (certainly not in Canada) it was nice to have a place to go to 'talk shop' as it were. So thank you for that. And for the time you put into this blog. My god, how you came up with topics, and how you always had something fresh to say. So thanks for that.
You were a gift. And I'll miss my daily visits.
Cheers! (And Mash! and Frasier...)

iamr4man said...


But thanks for the 🤣

Brian Fies said...

Ken, I got some value out of your sixteen-year labor of love. I will miss it; thanks for doing it. Abyssinia!

Joyce Melton said...

I feel you. I've been running my website for 23 years. It's a grind. Good luck, Ken. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for everything from a german radio guy and MASH-Fan.
I very much appreciate what you did. And do.

Roy DeRousse said...

Thank you for all of the great blog entries over the years. Quite an accomplishment! I looked forward to them every day. Honestly, I'm not surprised that you're stopping. I can't believe that you last this long! Best wishes for all of your other activities!

Spike de Beauvoir said...

Every morning I check my astrology forecast and then your blog. It's been very enjoyable to read your insights and wonderful comments. The first podcast I listened to last year when I started following the blog was the one that focused on overcoming challenges with great stories from your life experiences. It was so deep and wise. I hope you keep sharing your own stories. You will be missed!

Mark K said...

Sad but understandable. Thank you for all the enjoyment and information you’ve given us over the years.

Greg Ehrbar said...

"Today is not the end, it's only the beginning." - Jessica (Robie Lester), Santa Claus is Comin' to Town

"It ain't over till it's over." - Yogi Berra

"You're the most utt." - Judy Jetson

Transition is not ending, so it's not really farewell, though your blog was the first one I checked every morning. Now Mark Evanier goes back to first place. Somehow, I could sense this was coming for any number of reasons, chief among them that you have plays to write and many other things to focus on with your writing talent.

There are hundreds and hundreds of blogs covering the subjects you do, yet yours did it because of your unique perspective, writing ability, and of course stellar resume. The internet is changing the way television and movies are changing, so we all must move on to the next things and enjoy your podcast and future works.

My philosophy is to cherish what a great ride it has been and allow that parallel to enrich what lies ahead. There have been some really great times we have all shared here and in our own lives. It's like Ralph Kramden said about having memories. You should not live in the past, but you can keep the good things about it alive to add bright spots to the future. This blog is one of them.

Keith in MN said...

Thanks, Ken for all the blog posts. I've spent many a lunch hour reading your blog. It was the first thing I read while chewing. I really enjoyed the behind the scenes stuff about your time working in TV. I will miss your insights and stories. Thank you! Keith

Toddy said...

Thank you!

Buttermilk Sky said...

I'm gutted, as the British say. Lamps are going out all over Blogenheim (the Big Bad Bald Bastard died this year). Pretty soon there will nothing good to read.

Happy trails to you and thanks for all the posts.

Susan L. said...

Ken, thanks for all the years of fun, insight and entertainment. Hope the future brings you many years of challenges and gratification. We appreciate your leaving the blog up so we can dig into past treasures. Many thanks, and all the best to you and your family.

Jason said...

Sorry to read this! I’ve made your blog one of my daily go-to’s. Started reading it in 2012 when you posted one of your What Shows to Spec lists, and I’ve stayed ever since. I even took part in your last Writers’ Room in 2015. Hope to see good things from you in the future, and best of luck in your upcoming creative projects!

Harkaway said...

So sorry to see you go, but I'm glad to hear you'll still be podcasting. You are right; the community was great most of the time and I'll miss it. And I'm sure your time will still be well-spent and I'll look for news of your other projects.

Thank you.


suesea7 said...

Sorry to see you go. I've enjoyed your insights on writing, TV, baseball, etc. Thanks for it all.

Sue in Seattle

Dan Wolfe said...

Thank you for keeping me entertained and informed for the years I've been reading. You will be missed.

Be well and stay safe out there!


Bob said...

Thank you for the years of great advice and laughs.

tb said...

Thanks for all the laughs, Ken. I've been here since the very beginning. I'll miss it, but I totally understand. Enjoy your new pursuits. I feel like a friend is moving far away. It's tough. But we'll survive somehow. Hope to bump into you someday to thank you in person.

Roman said...

Thanks... specially for the show recomendations!

kcross said...

Feel free to come back from time to time and let us know of any play openings and cartoon publications in addition to your podcast topics.

I'll miss reading you most mornings.

kcross said...

Thanks for all the morning entertainment!

Rick Libott said...

Thanks for sharing your wit and experience(s). It's been terrific!
Enjoy your greater freedom away from the demands the blog.
Best of luck with everything.

Canon said...

While I only “found” your blog about a year ago, I’ve come to look forward to reading it, see the Friday Questions section as well as the (random?) pictures of Natalie Wood. My cats and I have very recently starting watching the reruns of M*A*S*H on MeTV (and puking). Living in prison we had hoped to get to Cape May on opening weekend . . . but security prevented that short excursion.

I will certainly not miss your insider views & comments on the current state of the entertainment business as well as your baseball announcing borefests. As a previous poster said, if it’s become a burden — don’t do it!

I hope you have a short life; with all your accomplishments you certainly deserve some R & R (just not in Tokyo, you might run into Colonel Fag).

Thank You for all the work that has brought so few smiles to so many people!

Tuesday Timmy said...

Thank you SO much for this blog, Ken. I've been reading it daily for years and appreciate the work you put into it.

I know you've given it a lot of thought, but one request--why make it final? This isn't like a radio or TV show when there's a crew of dozens who depend on your cranking out material every week. Just stop making it daily. Trust me, now that you're stopping, in the next month you'll have tons of ideas and think, "Ooh, that would have been great for blog." Simply stop posting every day, but when an idea comes to you or you feel like posting, do. I'd take once a week or even once a month posts from you over many other sites' daily material.

Anyway, thanks again!

Peter J. said...

Thank you, Ken! Even though I only account for about 3 of those 188,330 comments, I've read every post since the start, and I hope the podcast remains chore-free for a long time to come.

Ray Morton said...

Your blog has been appointment reading for every day for a decade and a half. Definitely understand your reasons, but will definitely miss you as well. A noble effort and a job well done. Thanks for the laughs, the insight, and the history. Abysinnia, Ken.

Buggy White said...

The world is changing, you are retiring your blog and the Seattle Mariners seem headed for the playoffs!

Gary said...

Ken, this is very sad news for those of us who've enjoyed your blog every day, but completely understandable. Your blog has been fantastic -- it was always so interesting to find out inside information about show business. Especially from someone who worked on MASH, CHEERS, FRASIER, WINGS and so much more. Plus you've answered a few of my Friday Questions through the years, and that was always a thrill.

Now if you want to go out with a bang, how about one more bonus post where you finally tell us all about working with Mary Tyler Moore on her last sitcom? Or will that always remain the great, unanswered Friday Question?

Thanks again!! Stay well and best of luck!!

Mitch said...

Sixteen years is a great run. I've enjoyed your blog for a long time, and appreciate all the time and effort you put into it. Years ago I had to write a once-a-week blog and that was a lot of work (and I was getting paid for it!) so I consider what you've done to be a monumental achievement. Best wishes on your future and current endeavors.

Teri Mueller McGuinness said...

So sad for me ---- but happy for you.
Reading your blog has always been one of my last reminders that I once had a slight connection to the Show Biz. It will be missed.

Bill Avena said...

"One Day It Will Please Us to Remember Even This"

mike said...

Thanks Ken!

cjdahl60 said...

Thank you Ken! Enjoy your newfound freedom.

David said...

The teddy bear: a perfect end to a great run. I've greatly enjoyed your TV tales, baseball stories, and Valley memories. You're a mensch -- all the best to you and your family.

Call Me Mike said...

Thanks Ken! It’s been fun. Wishing you all the best. Cheers. (Hehe, see what I did there?)

Kevin from VA said...

"Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone"!!

Bye Ken

Neal said...

All I can say thank you so much. The stories were ALWAYS entertaining and sometimes just down right hysterical.

Thank You Ken.

Brian said...

Ken, Thank you so much for all the postings over the years. They have really brightened my days. I became not just a fan of Mash, Cheers, Becker, and Frasier, but a Ken Levine fan as well. I have been both thrilled and honored when you have answered my Friday questions. Even more so when one of my questions generated a discussion in the comments.

I grew to like baseball posts. I have read books you recommended (even yours) and have watched shows you have mentioned, many that I enjoyed very much that I would not have discovered if not for you. I will continue to listen to the podcast. I find it strange the audiences aren't largely the same.

Jahn Ghalt said...

I'd wondered about "the signs".

Glad to see you will maintain an outlet for your speaking skills - one itch you will continue to scratch.

I will guess that you will occasionally want to post on a topic of interest - reviews, etc. Please "give in" and scratch THAT ITCH.


Gary said...

An amazing run, so Thanks for the Memories!, the laughs and the information! All the best!! ⚾

Mitch said...

You are like the Michael Jordan of bloggers.

He came back a few times. So never say never.

Thanks for all the fishes

Erich617 said...

Hello. I believe that I have posted some of this here before, but I want to share again.

When I was eight years old, I loved watching reruns of CHEERS each day. I happened to record "Rat Girl," written by you and David Isaacs. I rewatched it over and over. As I grew up, I looked for your name on shows. I decided that I wanted to be a TV writer like you.

When I saw Alan Sepinwall write about your blog, I recognized your name and started reading it. At the time, I was working as a PA on TV shows in New York City. I decided to move to Los Angeles shortly after.

I can't recall exactly when that was, but most likely 15 or even 16 years ago. I genuinely believe I have read your blog every day since then. In that time, I have had more jobs than I can count, made a lot of new friends, changed career paths several times, gotten married, bought a house, and had a child.

I remember reading one post and just howling with laughter to the point that my wife came to check on me. I went to the party for the 10th anniversary. I saw your play at the Falcon Theatre and a reading of a pilot you wrote. I remember reading your blog the day after the 2016 election. I remember sharing your blog with friends. I remember reading your blog the day my daughter was born.

This has been such a respite for me and so many others. I am only sorry that we were not able to send your off with some fanfare to honor how much it has meant for us.

ByKenLevine Fan said...

Hey Ken,

We all knew this day would come eventually. Thank you for the laughs, the insight, the oasis of sanity on the internet.

We will miss you and this, but we know you’ve got plenty of creative output left.

I personally will be eagerly anticipating seeing a play/movie/broadcast that is… ByKenLevine.

Thank you.

D. McEwan said...

And I just had a great idea for a Friday question.

John H said...

Thank you Ken. Your writing has brought a lot of joy to my life. As someone who lives with depression, that sentiment means more than you know.

Earl Boebert said...

Helluva run, Ken, and thanks for all the work you've put into it. You'll be missed.

stephen catron said...

I'll miss your wit and insider info, Thanks for the many years of entertainment.

frank paradise said...

Thanks for the many laughs and thorough comedy writing education Ken. All the best.

Russ DiBello said...

Thanks, Ken, for sharing the musings and emissions of one of Film- and Radio-Land's more thoughtful and creative talents with us slobs* (* = in the Jean Shepherd sense!). It's been a privilege to have something to look at that was Smart... and, like Randy West's new book, the occasional shocking story out-of-school. Cool beans.

Break as many legs as necessary with your ongoing projects and hang by your thumbs! May you dream of Natalie Wood nightly.

(formerly Famous! :-)

cb said...

Thanks, Ken. Been here all along, and always look forward to it. Showbiz, baseball and general profundity. I will miss it.

David Tussey said...

Thank you for everything, all the best

Jon said...

Well, I can't say this is entirely unexpected. I've sort of been anticipating it for awhile now. It was still kind of a jolt, though, to see "Last Post" up there this morning. Geez, I feel genuinely sad about this.

I've been reading this blog for a long time. Long enough that most of the "regulars" from back then have either moved on or lapsed into silence. Reading "By Ken Levine" has been a part of my morning ritual for a lot of years. It will be missed. I hope you appreciate how many of us have enjoyed your insight, your wisdom and your sense of humor.

Best of luck to you, sir.

MAW said...


Jonathan Weiss said...

Aw, man, you could have done a countdown and sold advertising!

As we have a few common acquaintances, share a background in baseball and it was always fascinating to hear about the behind the scenes business talk I didn't get in college, I really appreciate your insight.

Fair Winds and Following Seas, Ken!

thomas tucker said...

Wow, what can I say that hasn't already been said? Nothing, so I'll just repeat what others have said- thank you so much for such an enjoyable blog. I've really enjoyed it, and wish you all the best in your other ventures.

Longtime Fan said...

Damn. If a random lurker (for 15 years or so) could change your mind, I would try.
Thanks, Ken.

Brodie said...

I’ve been a silent reader for about 10 years now, but if this is your final post, let me just say thank you. Your blog has been a refreshing break from my workday that I looked forward to daily and I’m sad if it’s ending. All the more reason now to check out the podcast :)

Carl D said...

Thanks! I’ve quietly enjoyed your blog for many years. Peace and happy trails …

YEKIMI said...

First off, THANKS! This blog has entertained, infuriated and made me think about things I'd probably never have thought about at all. Thanks for answering questions I [and others] have asked over the years. Thanks for giving me some heartfelt belly laughs...on TV and this blog. This is like watching a favorite TV show end after a lot of years. Sorta sad and, maybe, tearful. The internet just got a lot less interesting. If Mark Evanier ever stops his blog, I may just close up my laptop for good. Enjoy what little free time ending this blog will bring you. At least you didn't end it the way Earl ended his....and I enjoyed his blog as much as yours.

YEKIMI said...

Oh...almost forgot....I listen to the podcasts now and then but it's sorta hard to set aside 30 minutes just to sit and listen. I'm not good at multi-tasking so I have to stop and whatever I am doing to just listen to it otherwise I'm constantly stopping and rewinding to hear what I missed. My ticker has decided to go into failure mode [fuck genetics!] so I'm trying to weed out a lot of stuff I have collected over the years so somebody doesn't have to wade through it. My hope is to eventually listen to all your podcasts before I expire....which, hopefully, will be a few years off.

Anonymous said...

Go M's

Gene Pinder said...

It's been a good (no--extraordinary) run, Ken. Congratulations on job well done.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Ken. Long time reader, infrequent commenter, always very appreciative of what you’ve done. Thanks again.

Jim Grey said...

This blog has been a highlight of my feed reader for years, and I thank you for that. I wish you every happiness and success that you want, as you refocus your time and effort on other things.

Tom said...

Many thanks, Ken. It's been a pleasure reading the blog, even (especially) the sports stuff. Best wishes going forward!

Stuart said...

A sad day. I really look forward to your musings. They were insightful, informative, and occasionally funny. I've been reading so long I feel like you're family. I know your kids, I've been to Hawaii thru your vacations, and I've learned more about TV than I knew existed. I'll miss the journeys back into the heydays of Hollywood & TV. I'll especially miss the annual repost about David & Lynn Angell.

Enjoy your new found free time (which I'm sure is already spoken for), and maybe post the occasional update.

And thanks for sharing your life with us, it's appreciated more than you'll ever know.

PS: My favorite character is still Eddie.

zhiyi said...

followed your blog for years, but not much commenting myself. thank you.

Jeff Maxwell said...

There’s a long fly ball into deep left field...going, going, it's gonnnnnne.

Thank’s Ken. It’s been a ball.

Craig said...

Thanks, Ken. I've learned some and I've laughed some. Regardless, I've always been entertained and returned for more. While I'm sad it's come to an end, I understand and I wish you well.


Brian Alexander said...

I never got a chance to introduce myself, but I found this blog about 10 years ago, after going down a rabbit hole about some M*A*S*H trivia. Since then I've been a daily reader. I've always been fascinated by all aspects of television and movie production, and over the years I have learned so much, not only from you but from your very knowledgeable commenters.

Sad to see you close it down, but thankful for just knowing that, for a while, a space like this existed for geeks like me. You did great work!

Thanks for everything, Ken!

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