I'm writing this so I must've made it. So far, so good. Wearing a big patch over my eye. My friend Kevin, through a little photoshop, gives you an idea of what I look like at the moment. Tomorrow the patch comes off and I'll see what I see. Will let you know sometime tomorrow evening. Don't want to delay my post tomorrow on the porn industry. There are some things more important than health.
Thanks SO MUCH to all of you for your notes and best wishes.
Aaargh, matey!
It's the Man in the Hathaway Shirt!
(Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19.)
May I be first to say "ARRRRRRRRRRRR!" (Sorry, I usually let the easy ones go by!)
I hope you used both eyes to watch the porn. And one hand.
Glad to hear you're okay! :)
I'm glad to hear that things are so good so far, and I hope all turns out fine.
You are now halfway qualified to umpire first base; you just need one more patch.
wv: balness - I guess it's porn inspired. Way to stay in the game, Word Verification!
Best of luck on your recovery. Aloha
Glad things went well, Ken.
Get well soon!
And with the social pleasantries out of the way, a Friday Question:
Someone X-rayed their Pete Rose bat - a PR1492, and found - quelle surprise! - that Pete had corked it.
What's your take on Pete, his cheating, and his betting?
Phew...can't wait to hear tomorrow's report. But I was surprised to see you working as the goal judge at Game 6. Talk about seeing with your heart...We await more good news.
The phrase "post op" brings to mind so much more shocking news to a queer boy like myself. Especially when it's late and I've been drinking and watching hockey.
It reminded me of a character from Lost. Not exactly sure why... hmmmm.
I hope you have a speedy recovery.
RE: imminent porn post.
OMG I hope I've reached you in time! Be careful, I have it on good authority you could go blind again.
But just when everybody is going in the other direction, Ken Levine opts to see everything OFF screen in 2D too?
Get well.
We want photos of your new Heidi Montag look! Minus the boobs of course. Hope the surgery was a success.
When you can, Ken, you need to check out the "Peanuts" series about Sally's "lazy eye," which included her wearing an eyepatch that Snoopy kept stealing so that he could be a pirate. One of Schulz's classics.
You also are kind of in league with a broadcasting Hall of Famer. By Saam of the Phillies (he did baseball in Philly for as long as his last partner, Harry Kalas, would, and had quite a distinguished career) had cataracts and thus a little trouble seeing certain things on the field at times. One day, he said, "There's a ground ball to short ... and it's gone!"
Hopefully the doctor wasn't from NYC...you'll know for sure if you take off the patch and see this:
http://tinyurl.com/22s2sqc (Photobucket link)
well this post is a sight for sore eyes! Glad you came through ok and didn't go the Helen Keller route.
Speedy recovery, super hero!
This just popped in my mind, I dunno why:
"Attention all personnel: Yankees 8, Indians 1. For those who would like to collect, Major Burns is in post-op."
Glad to hear it went well so far, and I hear the 'Cyclops' look is so in this season.
If you need to keep the patch on you could always paint an eye on it - a really realistic one like Rembrant did that looks like it's following you around the room.
Looking forward to your pornographic musings.
All the best.
From Jan:
Glad to hear that everything is going well so far. I had a nightmare experience myself with a cataract surgery a few years ago, and one of my friends told me, "Just look at it this way: you won the lottery." More like the Shirley Jackson "Lottery" than the kind where you win all kinds of money, I'd say. Anyway, I've been told that in 99.9% of cases, there are no problems. Lucky you and lucky me. Now I'm looking at another one on the other eye later this summer, with a different doctor, so I'm hopeful but a little nervous to say the least. Anyway, I hope everything continues to go well for you and that you have an easier time from here on out. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
This is truly one of the greatest days of my life. Ken Levine made it out alive from his surgery, and the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup!!!!
Like the promo says-There are no words!
Buddy Hackett, 1968:
EYE DOCTOR to Chinese guy: "You have a cataract."
CHINESE GUY: "No, I drive a Rincoln Continental."
Alright, we’ve waited long enough. It’s been like hours and hours, ton ‘o smartass and only ONE snark umpire reference? What, we’re left stranded on "first base umpire" and retiring the side? One would have expected more. Isn’t the purpose to barry bond with this fella?
And as someone involved with Native American culture, I have to say, “All pirates and no Indians?” Would a Herb Score reference have been too Helen Thomasy? That guy later also did his share of announcing. There was so much eye focus, after the trauma hardly anybody remarked how well Herb's mouth still worked. Sure people have noticed Ken may have taken a little something off the postgame show, but I’m accepting his word it had nothing to do with that “vision thing” and he only changed his talking motion after tearing a larynx tendon on that recent damp night in DC.
WV: palocti - (continuing with the occular) the speed at which the speaker of the house blinks, or doesn't, when listening to the state of the union.
Ken...I'm so glad to hear that all went well with your surgery. Judging by the picture, I'm sure you have made even Johnny Depp jealous (you handsome devil).
I pray all is going well, Ken.
I'm pretty sure Basil St. John would never wear an eye patch with a team logo.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Get well soon. There's only room from one Cleve Herman in LA sports radio.
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