Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Levine/Shultz wedding

This is a very special day.  My son Matt managed to find "the one" and today he and Kim are getting married.  (She found "the one" too.)  I couldn't be more thrilled.  Talk about two people made for each other.  They both watch Red Zone every Sunday during football season.  They both are crazed Red Sox fans.  They both can provide tech help when I need it.  

We're so delighted to welcome Kim into our loving-albeit-strange family.  I know she and Matt will enrich each others lives and provide each other with joy, laughter, and Fantasy Football tips for years and years to come. 

I love you both.   And I'm going to sign off now before someone sings "Sunrise/Sunset" and I start to cry.   Mazal tov. 



Unknown said...

Ha! Congrats! :-)

DyHrdMET said...

Mazel tov!

Paul Duca said...

Two things I have to know...

1) Was David Issacs invited?

2) Were the gay couple able to attend?

And remember, Mr. and Mrs. Levine...the red zone is for loading and unloading--and now that ritual and tradition has been observed, Yahwah no longer minds when you do just that, wink wink nudge nudge.

Jocelyne said...

Very nice. Congrats to all!! And I love the pic. Beautiful.

Johnny Walker said...

Mazal tov!

Rob said...


15-Seconds said...

Thank God it was not a mixed marriage. If she had been a Yankee fan...oy!

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Congratulations to your families, joining together!

Jason said...

Mazel tov! :D

Tito Franco Juan Carlos Baerga said...

just what the world needs, yet another cooagulation of red sox fans. happy daze, kiddies!

Anonymous said...


GRayR said...

Mazal Tov! and L'Chaim!

Had to look that up, as I am such a goy.

Len said...

Congratulations, Ken. May they have many happy years together.

Mac said...


Norah said...

Congratulations & mazel tov!

Crosby Kenyon said...

I'll take this one over Carmageddon. Congratulations.

Jeff Parker said...

Mazal tov!

Max Clarke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Max Clarke said...

Congratulations, lovebirds. That's a great photo, terrific expressions. You look genuinely thrilled to be in San Francisco.

Nice bridge behind you, too. I drive it every day northbound. I'll think of you tomorrow when I drive the Presidio and pass your photo spot.

7/17/11 is the birthday of Phyllis Diller and Donald Sutherland. May you live so long.

San Franciscan Hal Riney, member of the Advertising Hall Of Fame, was also born on this day. Hal ran an ad campaign for Crocker Bank in the 1970s and had The Carpenters sing a new song that Paul Williams wrote for him. That song for a bank ad would eventually be played at weddings across America, We've Only Just Begun.

"A kiss for luck and we're on our way."

Kirk said...


Mary Stella said...

Congratulations to everyone!

Tom Quigley said...


Congratulations to Matt and Kim! Wishing them many years of happiness together! (Oops -- I almost wrote "Wishing them any years of happiness together!")

Hopefully all the action didn't take place in the kitchen/pantry of the bride's house! :-)

Mazel tov! (SFX: glass shattering)

WV: "foymnili" -- what Milli Vanilli would have been called if Eddie Foy Jr. had been a member

Breadbaker said...

Mazel tov. You couldn't at least raise a Mariners fan?

DodgerGirl said...

Congratulations to the happy couple! Marriage is the best thing in the world when you are married to the right person. In my case, even though he's a Phillies fan.

I wish your son and new daughter-in-law a long and happy life together.

Bobby Bokspli said...

Red Sox fans? Again, Mr. Malone gets the last laugh.

Jonah D said...

Many blessings to you both!

50 is the new 35 said...

Mazel tov, and wishes for a lifetime of joy and plenty (not to be confused with Good and Plenty, except maybe the pink ones ...)!

I hope it was a magical day for all, and just the start of a wonderful life together!

"Ani l'dodi v' dodi li"

D. McEwan said...

Although it's gauche to Straight Marry now that New York's legalization of Gay Marriage has sullied, desantactified, and forever destroyed Straight Marriage, at least according to the Teabaggers, nonetheless, they make a lovely couple.

And they now have the same anniversary as Disneyland. May they be as much fun as Disneyland, endure as long, and never be run by Michael Eisner.

D. McEwan said...

PS. What a shame you were out of town for Carmageddon. It's like the 1984 Olympics here. Everyone has stayed home or left town, and the freeways are wide open. There was a televised car chase Saturday Night around 8PM, and the fugitive got from Encino to Alhambra in 20 minutes!

cshel said...

Mazel tov!

Jeff said...

Congratulations, Pops!

Nice tweet about the tux and the Emmys, too.

RCP said...

It does this surprisingly well-preserved ticker good to see young love.


Rory L. Aronsky said...

And coming soon: Little Red Sox fans!

Act swiftly, Ken. You won't have much time to try to convert them.

Congratulations all around. Your son picked a kind (from what I can see in the photo), great-looking daughter-in-law for you.

Anonymous said...

Compliment on your wedding! Let love never leaves your house and happiness stays with you forever!

Best Wedding Gift

Roger Owen Green said...

This is wonderful. Congrats to all.

Brian Phillips said...

Congratulations! I'm very happy for all of you.

Michael said...

Congratulations to you all, and a salute to Debby for running such a lovably insane family!

Brad Brickley said...

Congratulations! I only hope she knows what she's getting into!

Rose said...

Congratulations to the whole family!

cadavra said...

Back from my own Bay Area trip and hope it's not too late to add my own Mazel Tov!