Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This is the kind of fine establishment I want to frequent


RS Gray said...

Facials cost extra.

DJ said...

No, they'll just jerk you around...

Lisa said...

Ick. What exactly is grandly opening?

An said...

Nails optional.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

What did the sign on the whorehouse say?

"Beat it, we're closed."


Matthias said...

That's in my onetime neighborhood, the Castro in San Francisco. Anybody who knows anything at all about that somewhat risqué locale will probably realize that this is no FAIL but an entirely intentional double-entendre.

In my book that makes it better, but your mileage may vary...

Rose said...

Maybe my husband would finally get his nails done!

Dan Silverman said...

My site is better. SMH.

Tallulah Morehead said...

Is this what the teabaggers are talking about when they yell "Get a Job!" at people out-of-work thanks to the Bush-ravaged economy?

HogsAteMySister said...

I've always heard people are happier when they have a job.

sephim said...

Here is a local engine reconditioning place...

Pat Reeder said...

I'd rather go to the hair stying salon across the street, Blow Job.

Anonymous said...

Come here often?

SkippyMom said...

I saw a truck [early 90's] that was affiliated with a crane company. Their slogan was painted on the side. It read: "You can't beat our erections."


jbryant said...

SkippyMom: Similarly, when I was teen in a small town in Kentucky, I used to hear radio ads for an area butcher shop. Their slogan: "You can't beat Benny's meat!"

Lou H. said...

Well, if I want to open a Blackberry store in the Castro, I now know what to name it.

D. McEwan said...

"HogsAteMySister said...
I've always heard people are happier when they have a job."

That 100% depends on what the job they have is.

crackblind said...

I think next week I'll be able to send more money as I may have extra work. My friend Patty promised me a blow job.