Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wanna meet me in Seattle?

I'll be up in Seattle this weekend for the Mariners' home opener.  If there's enough interest, I thought it would be fun to meet fans of the blog or M's.   Maybe Saturday at 1:00 at F.X. McCrory's.  If this sounds like something you'd like to attend, please let me know in the comments section.   This is an unorganized, super informal event -- just a bunch of people having lunch and drinking.   And I'll be happy to sign any Kindles.  You game?  Lemme know.  Thanks.


Unknown said...

Will you be there before 1:00? I'm going to the sounders game that day.

Matt said...

Earlier would work better here too! Noon would be perfect.

Rebecca said...

I would definitely be interested!

Tip Wonhoff said...

Yes. Count me in for anytime.

The Sounders game is at 1:00, and I would expect FX McRorys to be packed before the soccer game. It might be easier to find a table either at a site away from the stadiums, or waiting until the game starts so people will clear out to their seats.

By Ken Levine said...

The problem with earlier is that a Sounders game starts at 1:00 so that area will be packed. At 1:00 it clears out because everyone is in the stadium.

hmss007 said...

Sounds like fun. Parking might be a pain though - and expensive - any thought of meeting someplace more downtown or in Belltown?

Greg Harbin said...

Certainly yes, Ken. Just make a post with the location and I'll be there!

Mike Barer said...

I'll be working this Saturday, or I would definitely stop by. Have a great time up here!

Eric.McGaw said...

This is one reason I like your blog so much cause you care about your readers. Wish I could go, but I'm stuck in Georgia.

Phillip B said...

Hope to see you in Phoenix next spring!

Matt Hawkins said...

As a closet fan of the blog, I would go.

Craig said...

Would love to join you, but I've got that pesky Sounders game to go to. Maybe next time.

Dan Tedson said...

Oo, I'd love this if I wasn't in Florida. If you hear armpit fart noises, that's me astrally projecting.

GMJ said...

I'm in! Hope this works out.

Johnny Walker said...

If someone turns up who refuses to give you their name, give them my regards.

SkippyMom said...

This is such a great thing to do Ken. As someone who is stuck on the east coast I am incredibly jealous of everyone who gets to go! I hope you all have fun.

Take care. :)

Captcha Queen said...

You should have a blog tour, hitting NYC, Boston, Miami, Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, etc. just to hang out with your readers. (You could call it book promotion and take it off your taxes.) Or just announce parties when you're announcing baseball. Gosh, I'm jealous of you and your jetsetting life!!

50 is the new 35 said...

What a mensch you are, Ken, and what a generous use of your free time! It's a shame that you didn't get to Philly for the Home Opener earlier this week - Hanging out with you and fellow local blog fans in this neck of the woods might have made the trouncing the Mariners gave the Phils a little less painful. (And there's no soccer traffic to contend with here; the Union plays down in Chester, outside the city.)

Have a great meet-up with your Seattle peeps! (Oh, and Happy Pesach, as well.)

Redhead said...

If you ever get to Cincinnati again, please let us know...and don't give Skyline Chili another try. Why Cincy locals are so proud of completely bland chain restaurant chili as their "local delicacy" is a total mystery to me. Hint: if the chili is so flavorless that it must be buried in shredded cheese and onions in order to be palatable, then it really isn't a delicacy. And putting it on top of spaghetti?? A travesty.

RS Gray said...

Not Seattle, and not a meetup, but curious if there's another Writer's Room in the works.

Duane Kelly said...

Yes, I'll be there. Thanks for doing that. I recently sent you an email related to the Dramatists Guild via the Mariners email system. Don't know if it reached you. Also wrote a post about you and your blog http://duanekelly.net/lapisloquensblog/comedy-tomorrow-baseball-tonight on my blog. Look forward to meeting you Saturday.

Texas 1st said...

Would love to, but Seattle is a little far to go from Dallas. Are you traveling with the team to Dallas for their weekend series against the Rangers in Mid-September?

Breadbaker said...

I will try to be there, though wrestling with my conscience about when Passover ends.

Sunshine Vitamin said...

What about an LA / Westwood meet n greet?

Paul Duca said...

What about a house party?

RevChris01 said...

Errrrr!!!! Wish I wasn't on the East Coast :(

thomas tucker said...

Dang it, I've got a kid in a lacrosse tournament down near Yakima, or I would. From where I live, Seattle's only a 2 1/2 hour drive. Maybe some other time this summer?

Brent said...

Sounds like fun. I hope there'll be baseball talk too, because what I know about how to write you can, well, write on the head of a pin with a sharpie. Ask my high school creative writing teacher. How I passed I'll never know. Oh, that's right, I did a book review on her book.

Phil In Phoenix said...

Please Ken, do one of these next spring in Arizona!

Liggie said...

Idea: The Mariners open the Bullpen Cafe (the open space behind left field, big food court and beer stands) for Sounder fans before the soccer games begin. Plenty of room there, and Ken won't have to fight traffic to get to work that night. Try to meet there?

IDR said...

Yes! While I, too, would prefer a different location, I am very much in favor of this idea.