The trip started on a high note. Security agents made me take off my shoes, remove my belt, stand with

Stayed at the Omni Berkshire on 52nd Street. Nice hotel. One complaint: their pay-per-view movies were all actual Hollywood movies. Yeah, that's what businessmen alone in their rooms want to see -- Martin Lawrence comedies. To me, a trip to New York City isn't complete without checking in on the latest adventures of that housewife who always seems to be home alone and that nice pool man.
Visited relatives in Forrest Hills. Prices for homes out there are on a par with Beverly Hills. It's outrageous. Especially since two blocks away it looks like every neighborhood in every Spike Lee film. Plus, it was hard walking down these tree lines streets without missing that housewife and the pool guy. I wonder if she ever got that diving board fixed.
Museums included the Modern where I must see my Monets every trip, and the Natural

On Sunday in Manhattan they had an Israeli Parade, a Cuban Parade, and a bike race thereby insuring that every single street was blocked off and no one could get into the city to participate or view any of the events.
I visited

Spectacular weather the entire trip. Even the Carole King looking girls (60% of the NY female population) shed their customary schlump coats.
Walked past CBS (Black Rock) one day and saw a woman leaving the building in tears. Boy, if that wasn't symbolic and perfect.
Even though Up Fronts are beginning I did not bump into a lot of TV types. But their hotels probably did have the housewife and pool guy so no wonder they weren't out on the streets. Who knew you could do all those things in a jacuzzi???
Glad I was able to skirt the Up Fronts this year. Imagine being that producer who has to go up to ABC and plead to get the Kim Delaney show renewed? Or the poor schmucks trying to convince FOX that they now know the problem and now know how to make the 80's SHOW work (we want to set it this season in the 90's).
The Mariners swept the Yankees in the big ballpark in the Bronx this weekend. I could not have been happier. The Mets must be hurting. They have radio ads telling fans to buy tickets now for the Arizona Diamondbacks....coming in in August.
The main purpose of my visit was to meet songwriter Ellie Greenwich and talk about my idea for a Broadway musical. Since I'm on a quest to write things that will never get made a

Thanks to Jerry Zaks I got a houseseat to see PRIVATE LIVES with Alan Richman. He was spectacular. One of the greatest comic performances I had EVER seen. It's a wonderful play anyway, but to watch such a comic master perform it was an honor.
Finally, a trip down to Ground Zero. It is so profound and deeply moving. And yet, I saw people walking around taking it in as if were just another tour attraction in Fun City. ("After Ground Zero let' s take a picture of that courthouse they use on LAW & ORDER") I still can't fathom the event itself, and being there, seeing it in person, makes it even harder to believe. Guess we all have to deal with it in our own way. What helped me today was going up to every fireman and policeman I saw and just thanking them.
Some closing observations: everyone smokes, everyone has a cellphone (which makes it harder to tell who the crazy people are since everyone seems to be talking to themselves), and there are an awful lot of very pregnant women. My guess is most of them have the same due date. June 11th.
I'd have loved to see Alan Rickman do "Private Lives". I saw him in "Les Liasons Dangeureuse" (Forgive horrible French spelling. I'm not taking the time to look it up.) on Broadway in 1978. VASTLY superior to Malkovich's grisly performance in the overrated movie.
I saw Maggie Smith perform "Private Lives" at the Ahmanson in 1974. Now THAT was sheer perfection; sublime.
That Sir Noel Coward guy could really crank it out, particularly considering he churned out "Private Lives" in less time than it takes David Kelly to do a one-hour first-draft. This is why I keep a photo of Coward in a frame on my desk wall, so positioned, that he is gazing at me in amused disapproval over my computer monitor, as if eternally saying, "A bit vulgar, don't you think? Why not make it better?"
Re: your final two sentences: We hear and think a lot about all the lives lost on 9-11. That comment made me ponder for a moment all the lives created that day.
Did you try to pitch anything to Goldie? And is she as nice as she's made out to be?
which makes it harder to tell who the crazy people are since everyone seems to be talking to themselves
Are you sure about that?
My horror story of visiting Ground Zero about three weeks after 9/11: There was a woman there who wanted one of the officers standing guard to take a picture with her parrot on his shoulder, with the still smoldering ruins behind them.
And on a vaguely different note... though predicted, there did not turn out to be a 9/11 baby boom in NYC.
Though if you walk the streets NOW, I swear any woman who isn't pregnant is either trying to get pregnant or has given birth within the year.
New York is now apparrantly family friendly! Come on in! Bring lots of money.
That' s one use for a blog...you can comment on things like Cousin Brucie's rug. Uncle Ricky tends to take umbrage when that subject is brought up over at ReelRadio.
And I don't know if you've heard that the professionally pious are now taking on adult films on hotel TVs as not family friendly, as well as offering lists of "smut-free" lodgings. I say, moot point, because the one who get the most upset about in-room porn are the ones least likely to afford travel in the first place.
What? an Israeli Parade?, a Cuban Parade? well, i visited NYC twice past 5 years and i had hoped every-time to get up in the mid-noon with the sounds of some cultural parades. well - I didn't. Maybe i need to change the hotel? :) next time I'll spare more time on searching the web for a "next-to-parades hotels"!
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