Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Who's out there???

I haven’t done this in close to a year. But today I want to hear from YOU. It’s nice for me to know who is out there and what you like or don’t like. So I’m asking you – especially you new readers and lurkers – if you wouldn’t mind going to the comments section, telling me where you’re from, how long you’ve been here, how you found it, and any thoughts on the content, yay or nay.

Which topics do you enjoy? Which turn you off? Based on your previous feedback I’ve made Friday Questions a regular feature, and you’ll notice I no longer bash George W. Bush.

In the past I’ve written about TV research. My problem is that networks use it as the gospel and make all key decisions on creative projects based solely on test results. You’d think after research said that THE PLAYBOY CLUB and HOW TO BE A GENTLEMAN would both be embraced by viewers the networks would get the message (but that’s another story). Still, if you use research for input it can be a very useful tool. In this case, it’s my blog. I don’t have to gear my content based exclusively on research. So there will still be some baseball-related posts. But as a source of feedback it’s very helpful.

When I started this blog, almost seven years ago, I had no idea what to write. So I decided to try a lot of different things and see what stuck. What stuck was writing a lot of different things. Quite honestly, I’m amazed I haven’t run out of ideas (unless I have and just don't realize it). And there’s the fear that someday I will (if I haven't already).  Thank God  there’s always an Adam Corolla to pop up and say something stupid.

But I want to thank you for your readership. I’ve made a lot of great new friends and got a lot of shit off my chest as a result of this forum. For now I’ll continue to post something new every day and spare you banner ads. If you want to support this blog buy my book.

And keep coming back.  It's great to have you.  Okay, now it’s your turn.


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Jeff said...

Long time reader, first time commenter. Realy like your TV reviews, helps cut through the junk. Still love Frasier & Cheers. I could pass on the some of your award show reviews - but that's me. Keep it up - hope the books make money some day!

Mike Heath (not the former catcher) said...

From Long Beach, ca. Been following you for a little over three years I believe. Like the insights into writing and this blog has actually helped get me back writing again. A work friend clued me into your blog.

Eric.McGaw said...

I currently live in Athens, GA as a University of Georgia student. My family lives in Dallas, TX, but they lived in Atlanta for eight years before. I found your blog last year through another film industry blog [I can't remember the name of it anymore but I think it was by an electrician]. My favorite posts include the critical breakdowns on specific episodes and the Friday Questions. Thank you for being consistantly entertaining and informative!

Robert Pierce said...

Robert Pierce - Washington DC

I've been here for two weeks but in that time I've read 4 months worth of posts. Which quite frankly brings to mind multiple binge viewing articles I read through one after the other.

I found your site through a posting on Amazon Studios Forum from a fellow writer who said a former Frasier, Cheers, Mash, Wings, Becker and Dharma and Greg writer had his own blog and was willing to talk about his experiences.

I'm a big fan of your ability to explain comedy at its foundation and have probably learned more in the past two weeks than I have for the past two years. So thank you for that.

My only real complaint is that you're not a Yankees fan... Well, that and you get to be in Seattle for work while I'm stuck in God's political waiting room.

Keep up the great work.

swilliams97 said...

I'm from KC and read your blog daily. We also go to Maui every year in January and enjoy reading about places we have both been to. Have you tried Cafe Olei in Kihei? It's great along with The Waterfront. As for material I like/dont like, I like the stories about Hollywood personalities and sometimes skip the info for people wanting to write scripts

Unknown said...

Hey Ken -

I'm a sketch comedian living in Minneapolis looking to make the move out to LA and advance my career into television. I found your blog this summer when I was researching how in the hell to make that happen.

I really enjoy your insights into television writing and would like to hear more stories of people currently breaking into the business as I imagine it has changed significantly since the days of M.A.S.H.

Thanks for all of your help!

Unknown said...

Hey Ken -

I'm a sketch comedian living in Minneapolis looking to make the move out to LA and advance my career into television. I found your blog this summer when I was researching how in the hell to make that happen.

I really enjoy your insights into television writing and would like to hear more stories of people currently breaking into the business as I imagine it has changed significantly since the days of M.A.S.H.

Thanks for all of your help!

Breadbaker said...

I'm a lawyer in Seattle and started reading your blog when someone linked to your wonderful obit of Dave Niehaus. I think I read the entire archive that night, so I guess I was hooked.

For your reference, Ken, I'm the guy who was late to the lunch we had this April when you were there for opening weekend, the one in the biking gear.

Alicia… said...

Hi Ken, I'm from Australia, (insert 'hey you people actually have internet??' joke here now) and have been reading your posts for about a year. I stumbled upon this very blog when I was searching for something Frasier related I believe. I LOVE Frasier, Cheers, M*A*S*H and so many more. The insights into the tv industry esp. from a writer's perspective is so valuable and I love the behind-the-scenes stories you have from the aforementioned shows. I don't always get the specific cultural references (hey, that's what Google is for) but I enjoy the blog nonetheless. Thankyou!

dangermandownunder said...

I'm a TV Producer in Australia. I was a huge fan of M*A*S*H when it was on first run, and have been a fan of several of your other shows over the years. I love the behind the scenes stuff and the stories about the stars of the shows.

Bert said...

Ken- Bert from NorCal here. I like the mix you create -- radio, TV, sports- it's a great mix, and you bring an insider's knowledge and a critic's attitude, a great combination.

Diane O said...

I've been on here for 3 years at least, perhaps more. I love the stuff on writing, your write-up from your improv class earlier this week is priceless. You're very entertaining, so I enjoy the majority of your posts and can't really pinpoint any I didn't really enjoy. I don't really care about baseball, but I'm a expat from Seattle and love to hear anything about keep on writing about the Mariners.

Christodoulos said...

Hey, Ken, my name is Christodoulos, I live in Athens, Greece, and I started reading your blog in 2006, having found it by following some link.

I remember that I asked you about FRASIER and how it was created. It seems that other readers had the same question, cause you contacted Peter Casey, who wrote a wonderful three-part article on the origins of our beloved sitcom.

Ah, those were the days, when every other post was about VOLUNTEERS (today it's only every second post)and you made sure we the readers knew that you didn't much like Terri Hatcher.

What I like about your blog? The humour, of course, your inside stories about CHEERS and other sitcoms, insights on the creative and the practical side of the industry, Emmy and Oscar recaps. Used to scroll past baseball stories and American Idol posts, but that's just me.

If you ever come to Athens again, (smoking is not yet mandatory, so don't hesitate to drop by), and you have some time to kill, let me buy you a beer. It's the least I can do for someone I 've been reading for six years. Keep up the good work, Ken.

Kate said...

I'm a 27-year old advertising suit from Melbourne, Australia who does a bit of copywriting on the side. MASH was my comfort as a child. When I was sick, my mum would pop on any of our dozen or so VHS tapes and I would lie on the couch all day watching them.

I've recently started to think I could be a good film and television producer and I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing regularly. To that end, I started a blog and started looking for blogs to read. I saw your name on the TIME Magazine list and I'm so glad I did.

I've only been with you a few weeks now but I'm loving every minute of it.

Unknown said...

I'm Alexa and currently live and work in Sofia, Bulgaria for Sony TV. A friend of mine sent me a link to a a recap of the Oscars on your blog two years ago and since than I've been visiting at least once a week. I've had a lot of fun, especially with the Aaron Sorkin parodies, movie reviews and Friday questions. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I am from N. California and don't remember how I found your blog. I love your inside stories on television shows and writing. When you stray into politics, I have to hold my nose.

Tami Hoshiyama said...

Hi Ken. I listened to you on Dodger Talk for many years and met you on Facebook. So I guess I found your blog via a FB link. I can't say I have a favorite topic ... all are fun and/or interesting reads! Keep up the good work!

Movie Don said...

Hi Ken,

I'm from Surrey, BC and a few years back we studied you in film school. I found your blog 3 years ago because I was wondering if you were still in the industry.

I get down to see a Mariners' game once a year and want to try to hook up with you but then I realize that you're working and choose not to bother you. So, now I'm a writer and a director and I'd love to buy you a beer some day. If you ever come up here, and you're up for it, drinks on me. I promise I'm not a crazy person (wait, is that what a crazy person would say?).

Seriously, I'm a huge admirer of your work and would love to meet you one day. Your blog has taught me a bunch...mostly about how studio execs like to feel important and to do what I want to do while making them think they are getting their way.

Cheers for that and the great stories from your days behind the scenes!


Unknown said...

Hello, I'm Dom from North Wales (UK represent!). I found your blog over a year ago from someone retweeting you and have read all your posts since then and a lot of old posts. Also have a couple of your books. Love the writing process and hope to be a writer. A good writer, with jokes and shit. Thanks.

Gina said...

Hi, Ken,

I'm from Seattle, and I've been at the blog for maybe a year after seeing a link to it on your Facebook page. A fan of "Cheers" and especially of "Frasier" and "The Simpsons," I love hearing backstage stories about those shows. I'm also a comic actor (well, an actor who particularly enjoys comedy), so I love hearing about actors you've worked with (the recent story about Nicholas Colasanto giving notes really resonated with me) as well as posts about what it's like working in Hollywood and/or in comedy. And of course, it makes me happy when you talk about Seattle.

Chippy said...

I'm from Yorkshire in the UK.

I can't remember how I ended up here but I'm pretty sure it was around the end of last year that I showed up :)

Tiago said...

Tiago from Lisbon, Portugal. Long time reader. Thank you Ken.

Terry Benish said...

Hi Ken, I first heard you the first year you worked with the Mariners and have followed you ever since.

The blog is different obviously.

I never tire of you bashing George W. Bush and frankly miss it now.


Geno said...

Hi Ken, I'm Geno.

As a middle-aged former radio personality, I'm from practically everywhere. Born and raised in Chicago (SW Side). Now -- since radio chewed me up and spit me out, as it has so many good people -- I'm in Kansas City, working behind the scenes in local TV.

In between, I've lived in Southern Illinois, California, Wisconsin (twice), Oregon, back to Chicago (twice), and Nashville (twice).

I can't remember who turned me on to your blog, but I think I've been lurking for about four years now.

I particularly like the inside info, your experiences in Hollywood, and how national TV shows are put together. (I always wanted to have something to do with a game show. Never got the chance.) Love your warped sense of humor, too -- enough to have bought your book (Kindle version) a couple of months ago.

While I'm not a huge baseball or football fan (I'm more into college hoops, NHL, and soccer), I don't mind when you post about subjects I'm not as interested in. It's not as though I'm your only reader.

If you're interested in something about me, personally ... I've been with my same-sex partner (gasp!) for 35 years, as of this past April 8th. He's dealing with leukemia (CLL, the same thing that killed Tom Snyder) these last couple of years, so it's been a rough time.

We want to go somewhere that allows it, and get married ... but can't afford the trip right now.

And our pug dog, Reggie, is getting up in age ... and is beginning to re-decorate the floors on occasion.

That's all, folk! Thanks for reading.

Shelia said...

From Charleston, SC ... I found your blog through a link on someone else's but I can't recall whose.

I love your stories about the industry, but not being much of a sports fan, I breeze past the baseball stuff. (No offense, it's just not a big interest of mine.)

I'd rather you keep politics to a minimum, as it tends to be such a dividing element and very few people can manage to agree to disagree with grace -- I'm speaking mainly about the comments section here. Also, any joking you do about politics is very one-sided (i.e., you don't joke about stupid things Obama has done), and that gets old.

Having said all that, I drop in every day to see what's up with you. I love that you post every day.

SB said...

I'm Sonia Blanco, from Málaga, Spain. I teach Tv Programming in the University, and I often recommend your posts to my students.

Beatrice said...

I'm Beatrice, from Italy.
I study Cinema and Theatre at the University, here in Rome, so I'm particularly interested in all your "behind the scene" and technical articles.
I found your blog when I started watching "Community": I was reading a lot of recaps on an Italian site maintained by very young people obsessed with tv-series and they put a link to your blog saying something like: "check this blog 'cause he knows what he's talking about... while we don't", so I came here to read something about Dan Harmon, and I read the blog since then (see, you're known in Italy too, jammolli Ken!).

Keep on writing what you write, 'cause it's good and fun!
Thank you, I really enjoy it.

Mike said...

Hello, I'm Mike from London. I've been reading this blog for about three years now, during which time I've written several sitcom scripts to varying degrees of success (most have been crap but with one I got to visit the BBC, which was nice). A few months ago I met Ted Danson at an event promoting Cheers, and spoke to him about you and this blog, which was ridiculously awesome (there's a picture of me looking like a dumbass next to him on I Swear you're Famous, a silly website where I make rude signs next to celebrities).
Thanks loads for this site, it's a constant source of entertainment for me. I check it daily. And I bought your book!

typ said...

Hi, I'm from Germany. I discovered you rblog while I was searching the internet for other guys who were also disappointed of NBC shooting down 'BENT' after only a couple of episodes, because I was really frustrated about it.:D

And there was your post 'NBC screws up yet again!', which was, when I decided 'Man, I like that guy, let's see what else he's got' ... that's why I'm here.

I like your blog for all the insights in things I don't really know about. I'm not a comedy writer nor a baseball fan but the way you're writing about that stuff makes me want to read it because it's very interesting.
I especially enjoyed that recent post about improvisation.

And I really like the comments here, many of those just put in some other hints, experiences etc., I think that's great.

leor said...

hi Ken,
i've been following the blog for a few years now, but like some others, i don't remember how i originally came across it.

anyway, i'm in Toronto, and i work in television (although i work in live TV on the technical end of things). i've loved sitcoms since i was little, and enjoy reading about behind the scenes, your insights into the business and just general anecdotes. i also enjoy your travelogues and award show reviews, and don't mind your baseball stories either :)

your blog is a staple of my day, always good for a chuckle or an interesting link (often both!)

thanks for all the work you put into this!

Terry Gee said...

Greetings Ken,
My name is Terry from Essex in the UK (England) and I discovered your blog from Mark Evaniers' 'Newsfromme' site around a year ago. I was first aware of you when I discovered your work on MASH. I really enjoy you travelogue work & comedy/showbiz stuff. Keep up the good work and I'll continue to read and enjoy your excellent blog.

Phil In Phoenix said...

Hi Ken, I'm Phil. I'm originally from Chicago, but have lived in Phoenix for the last 5 years.

I found you thru Mark Evanier's "NEWS FROM me"(that's how he titles it). I've been a KenHead' or maybe a Levineiac, for about a year now.

I pretty much enjoy everything you write about. The 'Great Photos of Stan Laurel and/or Oliver Hardy' are getting a little tiresome. Oh wait, that's Evanier:)

I'd like to see you write a little more about "Becker". I didn't discover the show until reruns on WGN America, and it's a great show!

I also hope you plan a get-together during Spring Training in Arizona next year. Maybe actually at a game!

Thanks for entertaining and informing us!

Dave Mackey said...

Dave from New Jersey. Hi Ken, I don't know when I started reading your blog but I now find it appointment reading. Like a lot of the others it was probably Mark Evanier who tipped me off to this site; I have been reading his stuff for almost 30 years, going back to his fine comic books "DNAgents" and "Crossfire". I know he's written a few things since. As you probably already know I am a big baseball fan, particularly the Mets in spite of their now 6-game slide. I prefer listening to games on radio than watching them on TV because in most cases you have the better broadcasters doing radio. The Mets knew this when they took Bob Murphy out of the TV booth and had him do radio for the rest of his career. Met him once, he was about the size of a lawn jockey. Also enjoy your more humorous pieces and I love it whenever your daughter writes. She's funny.

Oliver said...

Hi, I'm from Munich, Germany, do write comedy for television over here and am reading your blog some two years now, I think. Got my own blog about britcoms (, frome where I have linked to yours for some times, cause it's always interesting how things work in the US compared to german television (and, of course, to the british).

Barry Traylor said...

I reside in Pennsylvania and learned of your blog from another blog. I find your info and insights into the entertainment industry to be quite entertaining (no pun intended).

McD said...

Mary from Athens, Georgia. I have been following your blog since 2008, which I found through Jane Espenson's blog. I am a huge MASH fan and really enjoy your views on television.

Mary Pat McC said...

I have been following you for 6 months. I found your blog because someone retweeted that this was a good blog to read. Can't remember the topic but the way you wrote it I really enjoyed reading it. You don't really find good writing that often anymore. Thanks for the good read! I am from Philadelphia.

Doug said...

I'm from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada -- population ~160,000. I am an Engineer but have always had interest in all-things-TV. I likely found your blog from a mention at website/mailing-list or the precursor (from TV critic Aaron Barnhart).

I like your TV stories, but could care less about baseball. Yeah, sorry about that -- I know -- American sport etc; I don't care much about hockey either ;-).

Nick said...

From Tamworth NSW Australia. Found this blog.... can't remember actually. A link from somewhere. Have been reading for about a year. Enjoy the Friday Questions most but really any industry or writing related text is fun to read. The baseball posts are least interesting but that's more of a cultural thing - I'm sure it's well written :-)

Marcel said...

Marcel from Germany here. Came via a link from a Microsoft blog ("The Old New Thing") ages ago. As a software developer we have not much in common occupation wise, but I stay for the anecdotes and background-stories. Interesting stuff. Plus I probably wouldn't have started watching Parks&Rec if it wasn't for you constantly stating that it's worth watching. So thanks for that, too ;)

andrew said...

hi my name is Andrew Ngin. I write for television and film as well as teach a course in a polytechnic in Singapore. I have been following your blog ever since i realized you wrote for Mash AND Cheers - two of my favorite shows ever. I must have watched mash and cheers episodes over and over just to learn about rhythms in dialogue and story and joke construction. Its a master class in writing. I remembered one line from hawkeye - comedy is anger directed sideways. always loved that definition. DO COME UP WITH MORE ANECDOTES ABOUT YOUR WRITING EXPERIENCE ON MASH AND CHEERS. PARTICULARLY ON THE CRAFTING OF STORIES.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your blog

Kevin WOlf said...

Posting from Salem, MA. Reading for several years now; most likely found you through blogs of James Wolcott and/or Lance Mannion.

Love the Friday questions. Will read any post, frankly, because you're funny. You might look into a career that requires humor.

deb said...

Hi Ken,
I'm in Toronto, Canada. I think I found this blog a few years ago through Canadian writer, Denis McGrath. Love your stories of the wacky TV writing biz. Love the humor and sage advice in every entry. Thanks, Ken.

fakesteph said...

I'm from Virginia, but I found your blog when I was in LA. An actress I knew shared your post on pilot season via facebook. The posts I love are the ones on your experiece in the industry and your commentary on industry news.

Charles H. Bryan said...

I'm quite sure I first heard of your blog through Mark Evanier's blog (although I knew your name from episode credits -- yep, I used to be a big TV nerd). Been reading you here for approx. 3-4 years? I live in Michigan, but, honestly, how much can anyone actually live when they're in Michigan?

My favorite part of your blog is when you post something. (It isn't any particular subject that interests me -- it's how you approach it and state it.) If I had to pick a favorite it would be either your travel pieces or your reviews; they are collections of great one-liners. I also like the Natalie Wood photographs.

ELS said...

I'm from Greater Cleveland, and I've been around for a few years now. I got directed here by a Mark Evanier post and haven't regretted the decision yet.

Honestly, I haven't found anything you post to be particularly unpleasant or distasteful. Ambiguous and vanilla as it sounds... just keep on doing what you're doing!

Johnny Walker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Johnny Walker said...

Hi Ken, I guess you kind of know me now, but I'm going to answer anyway.

I remember doing this quiz last year, so I suppose I've been a daily reader for at least 12 months now.

Since I started reading your blog I have been out to LA, and met you while attending your Sitcom Room weekend. This means that because of your blog I received unique experience from a Hollywood legend, and someone who shaped my childhood (although I didn't know who you were while I was growing up watching Cheers and MASH). I also met another hero of mine, Jane Espenson, and was lucky enough to be exposed to and meet other great talents, Dan O'Shannon, and David Isaacs.

Thanks to your blog, I've been educated, inspired, and (of course) entertained. I think it's fair to say it's literally had an affect on my life.

So, thank you for that!

I'm also currently enjoying your second book, and am looking forward to reading the first one. I'll leave an Amazon review for both when I'm done.

One thing could improve your blog, though: More George Bush bashing.

Thanks again!
- Johnny

Pumphouse said...

An entertaining and well written blog - I appreciate what you do. The personality you project in your words is one that is fun to spend time with. I'm fond both of the insights into how TV shows are created and your baseball stories. I would love to hear you call a game in Minnesota.

Ray T said...

Hi it's Ray from Halifax, NS area.
I found your blog through Earl Pomerantz's about a year and a half ago and it's become a welcome and enjoyable way to start the work day.I really enjoy the radio daze, Friday questions and baseball posts. Like reading your comments on recent movies and TV shows. Not into the writer's room stuff so much.
Thanks for brightening up my day

OrangeTom said...

I live in rural Virginia with my wife, young son, and two rescue kitties. Discovered your blog early this year--can't remember how--and have been hooked ever since. Have always been a admirer of good t.v. comedies and fascinated by the creative process in general. Your blog provides valuable insights into both. Am also a huge baseball fan--still mourn the passing of Memorial Stadium in Baltimore--so of course I love your baseball stuff as well

dwgsp said...

I'm from Rochester, NY. I started reading three or four years ago, and was immediately hooked because 1) you gave behind the scenes details about some of my favorite shows, and 2) you clearly knew what you were talking about. I never miss reading the Friday Questions column.

Rory W. said...


Rory from Cleveland, Ohio. I think I came to your blog a couple of years ago from a mention on Mark Evanier's blog (or it might have been the other way around).

I enjoy your perspective on "how things work" in show business. I find it very interesting when you and Earl Pomerantz (the other show biz/writer/blogger I read) coincidentally end up writing about a similar topic and contrasting your approaches. I guess there's room for all kinds in Hollywood.

I'm also a big baseball fan, so I do like to hear about your baseball exploits (even though you never responded to my Twitter dinner invitation the last time you and the Mariners were in town.)

Reading you every morning is great way to start my work day.

-Phil said...

Allegany, NY (outside Buffalo) Found out about it from the brother of a former colleague of yours.

Michael Fox said...

I'm from Raleigh, NC, an aspiring screenwriter (is there any other kind?) Also a travel buff. Looking fpor representation if you know anybody!

jason said...

Athens, GA - I found your blog a few years ago via a Google search for something Cheers-related (can't recall what exactly).

My favorite posts generally involve a picture of Natalie Wood (never gets old) and/or an anecdote involving Nick Colasanto. The Friday questions are wonderful.

Matthew E said...

I'm in Ottawa; I imagine I heard about you via Mark Evanier's blog or John Rogers's blog or both. Or maybe some other way. Go ahead and write about whatever you want; it's all been interesting so far and if something isn't I'm capable of skipping it.

Joe Menta said...

Joe from Philadelphia here. Public relations professional for the State of PA. I was turned onto this blog after a plug from Mark Evanier (another good blog there), and have stayed. I like movies, mystery/thriller novels, good TV (thanks for the "Justified" tip, Ken!), and life's small plasures: a good martini, a terrific meal, discovering a new getaway spot. And, yes, I'm looking forward to grabbing up Ken's book on my Kindle shortly.

Mark Hilderbrand said...

I live in Berlin, Germany, originally from St Louis, MO. Have been living here for 22 years. Enjoy your blog very much. Been following it for about 6 months. Like the tips on writing - analysis of humour etc. Thanks very much!

David said...

I'm in Nashville and don't know how I got here, but it could be because I still hear Drake-Chenault jingles in my sleep nearly every night.

BillyJoeJimBob said...

Hey Ken, I'm from Michigan. Found your blog a couple of weeks ago while doing a search on M*A*S*H. I've been watching the show on TVLand recently with my teenagers. One of my sons in particular loves the show. When we finish the run, I'll probably introduce him to Cheers next. Wonderful blog.

Griff said...

From New York. I have been reading the blog since the very early days -- to the extent that I'm not sure now how I first found it. (Perhaps through Earl Pomerantz' blog or Mark Evanier.) It's a daily joy, Ken, like a favorite comic strip you read in the morning. I thank you for all your good humor and writing that you share.

chas said...

I don't remember how long I've been reading your blog or how I got here, but it's been a few years. I'm your age, and grew up in the Valley a few miles east of you. Many of the experiences described in your book are very familiar. Baseball is my favorite sport, so a blog about show biz and baseball is tailor made for me. I enjoy just about everything you write about, so keep doing what your'e doing.

Anonymous said...

hi there - wayne from woodland hills- i have been reading you for about two months now - povonline - mark evainer mentioned your blog so i took a look and enjoyed what i read - now i dont enjoy all the stuff - i like when youtell backstage stories and answer questions on fridays - but i do look at your blog every day - keep up the great work

Tom Quigley said...

Ken, long-time reader and occasional poster (not so much posting anymore -- I've got my own blog to worry about). I think I found your blog when mutual friend and longtime BILLBOARD magazine editor Claude Hall mentioned it some years ago on his website.

As a one-tme aspiring sitcom writer, love the stories of your work on CHEERS, FRASIER, M*A*S*H, and other shows you've worked on, and your occasional dustups with stars you've worked with -- and of course there's always the Natalie Wood pics...

Would love to buy your books -- but I'm still paying back the bill for your SITCOM ROOM I attended a few years ago! (not really)

Thanks for your words. Keep us laughin'!

404 said...

Chuck here from Charleston, SC. Been on this blog for a couple of years now. Still love it. This blog is one of those things that I always make sure to check daily, and I come by several times a day to read comments, etc. I especially love the inside stuff, Friday questions, and your behind the scene stories of how some of my favorite episodes and shows came to be.

Also, I like your take and opinions on modern comedy as well, and like to hear what you have to say about it. The baseball? eh, not so much. But I don't hate it.

Anonymous said...

From Seattle...been following you since you started calling the M's games and found your blog about two years ago. Enjoy the creative process but am not involved in the entertainment industry at all...I'm the guy who used to produce the M's before Kevin and own an appliance store in Seattle. Love the "insider's" stories form both the baseball and entertainment industries and knowing more about your impressions of the people involved in both worlds, both in front of and behind the cameras.

Caitlin B said...

I'm Caitie, 27, from Brooklyn. I don't entirely remember how I found your blog - probably a link from Boing Boing or similar - but I've been reading for over a year. Maybe two.

I'm not at all interested in the baseball stuff, but I appreciate that it's another passion of yours and I'm not at all bothered by seeing that kind of content. Friday Questions is a favorite. I like your reviews and award show recaps, too.

I really do enjoy almost all of your content. On Google Reader, I've got a few hundred blogs but yours is one of the handful I check daily.
Keep it up!

Mansfield said...

Reading from Bethesda, Maryland. Started several months ago with some back and forth between this site and Earl Pomerantz' about single camera vs. two camera production; never read either site before, and can't remember how I came to reading you and him on the topic.

It's usually enjoyable to take in an insider's view of his field, and naturally an insider's view of a writing profession is much better written than an insider's view of metal fabrication or tree trimming.

Mr. G said...

From Singapore. Not sure how I started off reading your blog either, think it came up as a recommendation in google reader. Like this blog cos it kinda gives an industry insider view which I find pretty cool. I got a blog as well but it's getting harder to blog regularly.

Josh from Elizabeth, NJ said...

We met when I was PR Director for the Lakers and you would bring your tape recorder and do your own play-by-play in the press box. You got me in to a taping of Cheers as well as the final week of MASH. I don't read your blog regularly but will try to do so in the future.

goodman.dl said...


From DC. Big fan of the blog, have been following for several years. Remember you from your days with the Orioles, but found the blog through a friend of mine because of your discussions on writing.

Find it thoughful and entertaining. And am currently experiencing extended bouts of giddiness with the Nationals' success (which looks like it might last for a few years) after stinking for quite some time.

Mike Barer said...

Keep doing what you are doing. It's why I read it in the first place.

David Das said...

Hey Ken,

I'm a L.A.-based composer, music producer, and songwriter (, and I love reading your blog. Even though you work in a completely different field on me, I particularly like reading your takes on creativity, collaboration, problem-solving in the writing process, etc. Much of that has parallels in my own work. Plus you're just plain entertaining. (I skip the baseball posts though...can't really relate much.) Great stuff -- thanks for what you do.

Katie said...

Hi, I'm Katie from Baltimore. It's hard to say how I found your blog, but I do know why I stuck around. I'm about to finish my last year of college (William and Mary) with a BBA in marketing, emphasis in marketing research. My passion has always been television, but I'm too analytical and not creative enough to create the product - I'm much more suited and much more interested in managing its delivery. After graduation, my dream is to go into TV research, programming and audience analysis. I love anything you write about the nitty gritty of TV - I love the insight into a business I hope desperately to work in.

(Oh and personally, I don't mind that you bash George Bush at all.)

Anonymous said...

I'm Nancy Plum - we used to be on the air at TEN Q Radio in the 70s.
I live in Kentucky now and promote a terrific meal replacement shake called Vi Shake & vitamins in the Vi Pak - I love what I do now and hardly miss radio at all. I certainly do not miss the terrible hours I was assigned. I love your blogs Ken, you are hilarious and when I read them I smile!

Eric Abrams said...

Hey Ken,

I'm from Sherman Oaks and I got a chance to work with you on that classic sit-com, Conrad Bloom. I've been reading the blog for about 6 years or so and my favorite posts are the ones about your adventures in screenwriting. Thanks. Eric abrams

Thumper said...

I'm in Northern CA; I don't remember how I found your blog, but it was fairly early on...sometime in 2006? I've been lurking ever since :)

Tom in Vegas said...

Hi Ken,

I found your site via a link from James Lilek's blog. I love reading the behind-the-scenes of television production, as well as the stories about the actors in the shows. If it's a baseball blog I generally skim through it, but that has more to do with my lack of interest in the sport, rather than your writing style. I bought your latest book and loved it! As you might have guessed from my signature, I'm writing from Las Vegas, where I teach video production to high school students. (and if you need an excuse to come to our fair city. you can always tell your wife you're coming to talk to high school students about television production, as I'd be more than glad to have you as a speaker!)

Ashley said...

Hey there!

I've been a fan of the blog for over a year now. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is turn on my computer and check your blog.

I want to tell you how happy and thankful I am that you keep churning out such great content for us day after day 'cause I know it must be hard (maybe not for a professional writer) to write such well written posts every single day. Not to mention the fact that you don't get paid for a blog, so I appreciate your commitment to it.

I hate to give any constructive criticism to something that'd free, but since you asked - I LOVE Friday questions. I'm not interested in sports. But I understand that it's your blog and at the end of the day, you have to do things that appeal to you. I love anything that has to do with television - stories of shows you were on, opinions on things that are on now, lessons we can learn, etc.

I LOVE the idea for the Sitcom Room. I've never been, 'cause I've never had enough disposable income any time it's been offered, but I would certainly go in the future sometime if I could make it happen.

As far as your book is concerned, I love your writing style, so I might like it just because of that. But the '60s in general (and travelogues) is not something I have an interest in. If you wrote a book on television writing or comedy, I would buy it in a sec! I went straight to Amazon the day you posted about your friend's book - "What Are You Laughing At?" and bought it on the spot.

Anyway, thanks again for your blog. I find it funny and informative and I do appreciate all the content you generate for us readers. Thanks for everything and please continue to bring the Sitcom Room back in the future!

chuckcd said...

Chuck Lewis from behind the Orange Curtain in SoCal.
I have been reading for a couple years now. I enjoy all the behind the scenes stories on the sitcoms and the process of what goes into making them. Big fan of Cheers, Frasier, MASH and Wings. I found your blog through a Cheers or MASH related search.

I also like the award show reviews and anything else that pokes fun at the entertainment establishment.
HUGE baseball fan, so I also like your baseball related stuff.
Had the dream of becoming a comedy writer, but sadly I have no talent.

Graduated college with a Radio/TV/Film degree (that and 2 bucks will buy you a cup of coffee), interned on Entertainment Tonight then worked briefly on a show at Paramount called Mr. Sunshine as a PA.

Thanks for blogging!

James Kiley said...

Pittsburgh. An old tabletop roleplaying game writer and fan of the shows you've worked on.

Scott said...

From South Jersey, been reading for a couple of years now. I'm pretty sure I found this through a link on Wil Wheaton's blog. As someone who studied and worked in broadcasting, I appreciate your experienced perspective and insight. As a sportswriter I also enjoy the baseball content. Keep doing what you do, and I'll keep trying to overlook the spelling errors. ;-)

jk said...

Checking in from the DC suburbs---I interviewed you when "It's Gone..." came out and have been reading your blog since the start!

Michelle said...

I'm a student at the University of Southern California. Even though my major is biology, I LOVE sitcoms!!

kah3 said...

Karl from Savannah,GA. Discovered your blog about six months ago from Mark Evanier's News from ME. I enjoy reading the behind the scenes looks from the world of baseball and the wrtiters rooms.

RCP said...


It's been at least 2.5 years since I followed a link on Huffington Post to your blog. I've been hooked ever since. No matter what the subject, you manage to come up with a funny and/or fresh and/or insightful take on it. I'm most interested in anything having to do with writing, Hollywood, and what it's like to work in that business. I like your posts about baseball as well, not because I'm much of a fan, but it's just a pleasure to read your take on it. I check in pretty much every day.

I'm Rob, in Santa Fe, NM. Mostly I've worked in publishing, and in my spare time dare to call myself a writer.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

Ger from Holland. Been following for so long, when I started I could still go back and read every post! As funny as Ken is on every subject I stll like the bits about tv the best, with the news sketches a close second.

Stefan said...

From Linz, Austria (no, not Australia ;) ). Really don't know how I came to your blog (maybe I was looking for some information about Becker!?) but I enjoy what you are writing especially the stuff about sitcoms.

Chuck said...

Hey Ken: I'm a reader from Rome, Georgia. I've been reading for about six months. I don't remember how I found your blog - I listen to several writing podcasts, and often follow up on links from them. I was already a listener before you were on Nerdist Writer's Panel. I love the stories from your MASH experience, and your perspective on baseball. I may've missed this in the past, but I would be interested in discussion on the future of scripted programming on the Web.

Heidi said...

Heidi in LA. Linked from another tv writer. I love the inside stories of what went on on the sets of my all time favorite shows, and what the people and places were really like.

-bee said...

I live in NYC and have lost track of how many years I have been reading this, the "Citizen Kane" of all blogs - but I DO remember that I found it via James Wolcott's blog.

I don't see how you can improve on perfection Ken, so just keep on doin' what you do.

Tracy said...

I'm from VA and having trouble remembering how I found your blog. I think it was a link from a link of a blog and after reading a few posts I stuck around and put you in my reader app. :) I love reading behind-the-scenes of TV and in-the-mind of the writers type posts.

Lesley said...

Hi! *wavies* I'm from England and I found this blog 2 years or so ago. I can't remember how exactly, but I think someone linked to a funny article of yours about MASH and I stuck around.

I like all the behind the scenes stuff you tell us, and your baseball stories. And Friday questions are a must read.

synonymicious said...

Firstly, I'm from Alabama; been here at your blogspot maybe a year, and you owe Mark Evanier a Five Guys burger patty for pointing me in this general direction.

Secondly, thanks for having a constantly interesting and well-written blog. There's no lack of literacy on the WorldWide Web, but…ah, who am I kidding? There's NEVER any literacy on the WWW, not since Salman Rushdie left the Usenet Groups.

Anyway, I enjoy pretty much every topic upon which you post. I honestly cannot think of one topic I've skipped on your site. Try grand opera once, though, and I'm gone for good.

I like most your posts on those two niche topics, sit-coms and baseball broadcasting, not just because you have expertise in both realms, but because the subjects themselves are endlessly fascinating to one like myself who spent a goodly part of childhood absorbing both. (As an aside, in my hometown of Birmingham, Eugene "Bull" Connor worked his way up from broadcasting the local AA franchise's games on radio to becoming the police commissioner who plunged the city into global infamy forever by permitting the firehosing of young civil rights demonstrators in the streets he was elected to keep safe. So don't tell me there's a glass ceiling in sportscasting.)

I got no recommendations. You have clearly figured this InterTubes thing out. Keep doing what you're doing, and if I ever again get some discretionary income, I will indeed buy that book.

Thanks for edifying my daily browse.

David B said...

My name's David and I've never posted a blog comment before, but since your blog has been such a consistent source of entertainment and information, figured it's a pretty reasonable request from you.

I work in the TV biz as an assistant, and have done so since last October. After going to college in San Diego I "made the move" to LA to pursue writing, and I say it like that because I'm from LA (though I grew up just outside LA, and didn't have much desire to work in entertainment growing up).

I believe I first stumbled upon your blog through links from other blogs that I found through google searches. But there have been many instances where I'll reference your blog and other people will tell me they read you too (I also work with at least one person you know well and recently referenced. No no, in a positive way).

I'd love to see more posts about the craft of writing itself, and about current trends in TV. I always enjoy your posts about your days of breaking in, and going on pitches, writing specs, etc.

Thanks for everything.

Anonymous said...

Eugene Wallingford, from Iowa. I've been here since... yesterday. I saw a link to your blog in one of the articles at A Very Special Episode. I like TV and other pop culture. I'm also a professor of computer science who draws inspiration as teacher and programmer from other disciplines, including the arts and performance.

Marianne said...


I'm from Portland OR, love the blog and all the insider stuff. I found you through a link on a MASH site, or maybe it was Larry Gelbart who mentioned your site when he was contributing to an old MASH newsgroup I used to belong to. Keep it up!


nairam_tdlowneorg said...

Marian(male) from Germany, Cologne(the tv comedy-capital of germany). Can't remember how i found the blog, i think i just searched for tv/comedy/blog in google. Great insights, and love that you're not afraid of an own opinion. Only boring part: the baseball posts. I just don't know that game at all and i don't care. ;)

thanks for that great blog and please answer more friday questions! and btw, could you do me a favour? PLEASE mark the Friday Questions as Friday Questions. Maybe you could just tag them with a FQ and after that the theme of it, like: "FQ: Who let the dogs out? -Again?"

Thank you so much for this blog and have a nice day!

Knuckles Buchanan said...

Phil from Seattle. I've been a fan of yours since the early 90s when you were broadcasting the M's. I found this by googling your name a few years back when I heard you were coming back to the airwaves for the M's on a semi-regular basis, and have been here ever since.

Carson said...

Hi, I live in Studio City and have been reading your blog for a couple of years now. I can' remember who turned me onto your blog, but it was a fellow writer (I'm a TV writer and, more recently screenwriter. My favorite posts are about your experiences in TV, your family and travels and when you do the Friday Q&A. I'm not into to the sports posts as much, but when they're more human interest than about the sport, I'm happy. Just not into sports, even though my brother is a sportscaster on Fox Sports Radio.

Just FYI, growing up, one of my favorite episodes of MASH was the one where Hawkeye as blinded for a week. It wasn't until last year that I realized that you and your partner wrote that episode.

The Mutt said...

I'm a 53 yo single white male from Memphis. I'm an actor and writer. I worked for years as a stunt fighter, until I got too old for that shit.

I found this site about a year ago looking up info on the Cheers pilot. (Still the best ever.)

My favorite movie is The Road Warrior. My favorite TV show is Johnny Quest.

My favorite things you write about here are the inside stories of the writers rooms and the broadcast booth.

The only thing better than baseball is Shakespeare. The only thing better than Shakespeare is sex.

Gary said...

Hi Ken,
My name is Gary and I'm from western NY. I discovered your blog long ago through Mark Evanier's page, and I've been checking in every day since. My proudest moment (internet-wise) was your responding to my "Friday question" about how actors memorize their lines. You had several industry professionals reply, and their various methods were really interesting. Keep up the great work!

Marsha said...

I'm Marsha, from Chicago, and I can't remember how long I've been reading, but it's several years. Pretty sure I found you from A List of Things Thrown Five Minutes Ago ( which is full of pop culture nerds who love you. Really. I'm a sitcom-loving baseball-watching kind of person, so pretty much everything you write appeals to some interest of mine. Thanks for entertaining and educating me all these years!

Julian said...

Not much to add. Been reading for years. From Australia. No interest in baseball. Not much interest in celebrities. But like hearing stories.

Kaley said...

I'm a consultant in Atlanta. I have nothing to do with the entertainment industry but I find your blog hilarious!

cam.robbins said...

I'm from Chicago. I've been lurking for years. I can't remember how I came across your blog, but I know it was because of writing. I write prose, but thought I'd expand the writing blogs I read to include genres and styles that I didn't write.

I love your posts on writing and the behind-the-scenes of TV shows. I appreciate how much you give to the young writers out there.

The radio stuff and the how of baseball announcing is also interesting.

I watched "The Dick Van Dyke Show" per your recommendation and loved it.

ishkabibble said...

I currently live in upstate NY. Followed a link from some screenwriting blog a year or so back. I admit I skip your posts about baseball, but I love anything to do with storytelling, writing, television, or venting about random subjects. Okay, back to lurking. . .

Uncle Al said...

Hello from Denver.
My sweet sister told me about your site.
I have been starting my day with your blog and a cup of
coffee for years.
I like your insider insights and appreciate knowing that
I'm not the only one who misses Terriers, Aliens in
America et. al.

Brian Smith said...

I'm from Arkansas, and I found the blog through Mark Evanier's blog; I forget how long ago that was, but I've been reading Mark Evanier since his 1990s column in Comics Buyers Guide, so it was surely one of his earliest links to you. I *also* enjoy the Friday Questions and the occasional comedy bits. I don't have much by way of portable Internet access, so I tend to binge-read blogs every two or three days.

Steve M said...

I live near Philly. Work in ad sales (radio) and found your blog a few links in after googling to find out about the Dan Harmon/Chevy Chase feud. I also teach as an adjunct in the advertising dept at Temple U. I do stage acting and belong to a writers group.
I love your freedom to speak without a filter and the inside stories.

Imogene said...

Hi...delurked the last time you asked us to. Now, as then, I don't remember how I found you, but I've been reading almost daily from Portland, Oregon for years now.

A question that's been nagging at me: how did one of Sam Malone;s aliases, Lance Mannion, come about? (Read him, too.)

RMJ said...

From Toronto. Funny, informative, opinionated, joyful and damn well written. Love it all, Monsieur Levine!
R M Jones

Greg Ehrbar said...

My name is Greg Ehrbar from Orlando, Florida, where life is a Theme Park.

I read and enjoy your blog every day, especially the backstage stories, the network politics (thanks for the advice about rewrites), award show commentaries, reviews and various insights. The comments are often interesting and funny, too.

One of the advantages of the internet is that it has provided a forum for comedy writers and performers through blogs, podcasts and videos. People who are creative need a place to express themselves and we are fortunate to be able to experience so many fine examples of creativity, this blog being one of the top.

The marvelous Mark Evanier led me to your blog through his and though I started reading about two years ago, I also read all the old posts and have your books. Mark also led me to and all the great radio programming you can stream on seven BBC Radio stations.

Thanks, Mark and thanks, Ken!

Mark said...

TV fan, tech columnist, admirer of shows you have worked on. Can't recall how I found this blog, but glad I did.

estiv said...

I come from Texas, like Molly Ivins, Renee Zellweger, and Tommy Tune. Pretty sure I learned about this blog about five years ago via James Wolcott, who seems to have a thing about TV writers, since he also steered me to the late great David Mills. The content, well, I keep coming back, so what you're posting obviously works for me. I think one thing that stands out is the variety of topics. The old "write what you know" applies, it's just that you know a bunch about a lot of different things.

Tom Parker said...

I've been following you for years.

Still patiently awaiting the return of Beaver Cleaver on 10-Q "Where A.M. means Audios Muchachos!"

Eric Herman said...

Hi, Ken. I live in the Tri-Cities area of WA state. I've been reading your blog for a few years now. I'm a full-time children's music entertainer, which includes some comedy skit writing for various projects. I've always been a big fan of MASH and Frasier, so it was great to find someone with such great insight into the writing for those shows (and on comedy writing in general). I guess I'm just a lurker, but wanted to chime in to say thanks for all you've shared. And I'm a baseball fan, so it's cool to catch you calling a Mariners game once in a while.

Liz said...

I'm a 42-year-old mom and teacher from British Columbia. I love the posts from your days on M*A*S*H and Cheers. Thanks for the fascinating behind-the-scenes stories. I also look to your blog for insight when people are hired/fired in Hollywood (I came here tonight after reading about Aaron Sorkin's firing of most of the "Newsroom" writing staff).

Suryo said...

Hi Ken,
I'm Suryo from Jakarta, Indonesia. Found your blog from John Roger's Kungfu Monkey blog a while back.
Now I read your blog daily.

I enjoy reading the background story of writing and running TV Shows. Especially curious about the pilot that you mentioned in Nerdist Writer Panel. The one that you and your writing partner walked away because the lead had become unbearable to work with.
Care to tell us more?

Jonathan said...

I'm from London so I don't always (read: never) get the baseball stuff but really enjoy this blog and often share what I find here.

Only discovered it earlier this year, your attitude and experience is different to British writers so it's great to get a different take on it all.

Mark from Tassie said...

G'day Ken.

My name's Mark, and I am from Tasmania, Australia. I've only been here for a couple of months, not long after I'd finished watching CHEERS from start to finish and had just started on FRASIER. I am eighteen.

What I would like to see are more CHEERS-related posts. Whether they be your favourite/least favourite episodes, behind-the-scenes stories (particularly ones that are full of juicy details like on-set clashes between cast members or stories that were dropped and creative decisions made during CHEERS that you felt were right or wrong), as well as hearing your opinion on the CHEERS/FRASIER crossover episodes, the CHEERS/WINGS crossover episodes and your opinion on THE TORTELLI'S.

Sorry, Ken. I'm CHEERS-mad, it's my favourite show.

Also, maybe a post or two about HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. It's noticeably absent from your rants about comedy series!

Thank you so much for all the fascinating insights.
Regards, Mark.

Mike Botula said...

Hi Ken,
I’m an old LA radio reporter who passed through that former movie studio and bowling alley at 5800 Sunset Boulevard a few years after your time of toil on the Sports Wire (Webster 8-3000). Your name would echo through those hallowed halls as an example of guys who slaved away for a dollar an hour changing teletype ribbons and paper rolls and then putting it altogether in a script for the news guys and jocks. A couple of years ago I saw your blog’s address posted on Don Barrett’s and with some trepidation decided to check it out. Trepidation because you don’t have an exclusive on your name and some of your namesakes are, shall we say, “untrustworthy.” Then, one day I was chatting with (NAME DROP ALERT) Roger Carroll and he started reminiscing with me about KMPC and singing your praises. That prompted to check out the blog and I’m glad I did. It’s my first read every morning. Very funny and entertaining and I must say, that if someone is a writer of any sort, one can learn a lot from your postings. When my daughter gave me a Kindle for Christmas, the first thing I downloaded was your first book. Then the Kindle was stolen. I’m sure it was done by someone who was reading over my shoulder. Keep up the great work.
Mike Botula

Dan in Missouri said...

Ken: I have been reading your post from nearly the begnning.
I came to your blog for entertainment "news." I've stayed for everything you have written.
I have bought both your books.
I live in Missouri.

Debi Scribe said...

hi ken, i havent read all week so missed this post when you made it.
I'm from Jamaica (the country, not in Queens county) and i found your blog doing a search for stuff on tv. you came up as the other ken levine which intrigued me and here i am to stay.
i admit i skip the baseball posts but thats cos i dont like it. the other stuff especially about tv shows, i enjoy immensely.

Rich Norton said...

I'm Rich, from Arlington, TX, and I've been following your blog for several years. I read all of the entries, but my favorites are those dealing with the process of writing and collaboration, and your experiences with TV production. I also enjoy your reviews of shows and movies. Yours is the only blog I follow faithfully, because I love your writing. Keep up the great work.

Juli said...

I'm in St. Paul, MN. I found your blog through a link on Mark Evanier's blog, I think 3 or 4 months ago.

I enjoy your "behind the scenes" stories, and your sense of humor.

Matt Markham said...

Hi Ken--

I'm from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. I'm not sure how I found your blog but I've been reading it for several years. I love the Friday questions the post, but in general I keep reading because your blog makes me laugh. Thanks for being a highlight of my morning on most days.

Judith said...

Hi Ken, I'm from New Zealand. I can't remember how I found your blog but I have been following you for a few years now. You make me laugh and I love the insights into the television business. I'm not an aspiring writer, I just love television in general. I'm a big fan of Frasier and Becker particularly. I don't read the baseball posts, though!

Mike said...

Hi Ken,
Love your blog! I read it everyday and have followed it for so long I wouldn't be able to tell you when I started. I live in Atlanta, GA. I really look forward to the ask a question blog on Fridays. I love the writing advice (my Dad was a playwright) and I am a Film Critic, so I like the insight. I am amazed that you can come up with funny stuff everyday. Thanks for the blog.

Julie said...

Connecticut; I showed up here during the writers' strike and have stuck around since. I like Friday questions. And the fact that you write things about baseball that actually hold my attention and give me some fuel in conversations with my Mets-fan husband.


Andy Jones said...

Hi Ken,

I stumbled across your blog after what felt like my grandfather (Dave Niehaus) passed away. Your piece on Dave was very moving.

I live in the Seattle area.

I am a pastor & speaker. I find your content super helpful when it comes to improving my writing.

Thanks for doing it.

Go M's.

NHCrypto said...

My name is Stacy and I'm from New Hampshire. Discovered this blog by following a link from Mark Evanier's site. Try to visit daily and really look forward to the Friday questions. Writing major in college so also really enjoy the tips and hints on writing. Been visiting for about a year. Thanks for posting so often!

bevo said...

I come here for the postings. However, I let them accumulate until Saturday or Sunday and enjoy all at once. BTW, thank you for remaining one of the few blogs that does not require a login and password.

I am trying to be a jackhole when I comment, not buy a pair of pants from Lands End.

Note to blog owners: knock off the login and passwords.

Unknown said...

My name is Adam Ventnor from Welland, Ontario. I am a pop culture junkie and have your blog near the top of my Google Reader. I have also started my own blog where I rank the top ten songs of different artists:
I love baseball so your blog is right in my wheelhouse.

Joakim Gunnarsson said...

I'm from Sweden and found your blog through Mark Evaniers "News from ME" site.
Been following you for about a month.
Enjoys every post. :)

Randy C said...

from South Carolina (gods country) love the blog and look forward to reading it. keep up the good work and watch out for those atlanta braves...

trail of bread said...

From the UK, so the baseball is mostly wasted on me. In the forgotten North of England. About a year - directed by Mark Evanier I think, though it could be Wil Wheaton.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Levine..I certainly knew of you and your career but, stumbled on your blog by accident because I was researching Showrunner incomes. I am working on a pilot that I am writing and hoping to star in. Thing is, I also have Showrunner tendencies. As this is my first swing at television, I know very little and am trying to understand my options. I figure I have three...1) sell the script 2) write it and convince them they should let me star in it or 3) run the damn thing and have the clout/money necessary to build my production company to be able to do what I want going forward. Am I right that these are mutually exclusive things? I'd like not to be because I wrote the damn thing to get myself an acting break.

Jean Lupien
Los Angeles

Maureen said...

I heard about your blog from a friend. I love the show-business insider stuff, the nuts and bolts of writing and producing, the stories about how individual scenes were put together, and the celebrity gossip. I remember watching the Almost Perfect pilot and thinking it was the best pilot I'd ever seen. During my lunch hours I'm working my way through the old posts---I've never done that on any other blog. Thank you for putting in all the hours writing this blog must take, and thank you for answering our questions.

Maureen said...

Maureen again. I forgot to say I'm from St. Louis, Missouri.

Amy K. Bredemeyer said...

I'm Amy from the SF Bay Area. I don't even remember how long I've been getting your blog via RSS or how I first came across it... but it's been a long time. I run (yet another television blog) so it's always interesting to read up on what others are writing. My favorites are when you address questions about old shows. :)

anj said...

I'm Angela from Los Angeles.
I don't really remember where I found your blog but I think it was listed in some article as one of the best along with others I likely did not pay attention to. I read your blog periodically when I get to. I'm not exactly a great reader so I skim some things but always enjoy your writing whether I read a few words or all.
I have an interest in film and tv so I particularly like when I hear your opinion about a new show I haven't yet started. I love how much insight you give to the readers about things that go on "behind" shows, it's always so great. xx

tiggerboy0301 said...

Hi Ken, from Northampton in the UK. Started reading after a couple of your articles were highlighted by TV Squad (back in the days before AOL ruined them).
Would love to hear your baseball commentaries but without paying the earth I don't think I will.
Enjoy your take on everything so don't change a thing.

Citizen said...

Hello Ken,
I'm a french girl, living in Paris. I think I found your blog while searching for information about screenwriting (I'm trying to be a screenwriter). I regularly read it because your posts are interesting and funny...
Thanks for your insight!

Stuart R. said...

Hi Ken:

I'm a so. cal. native from Orange County.I have been reading your blog since the beginning. Don Barrett at informed his readers of a tasty new blog back in 2005 and I have on board ever since.

I really enjoy the baseball, life in the 60s/70s, classic TV (M*A*S*H etc), travelogues, misc. ramblings and Top 40 radio. It is great to listen to you as the Beaver on Ten-Q on It would be great to hear more about your glorious radio days.

I also would like to hear stories about some of the baseball broadcasters you have known. I bet there are some great tales out there about the game and the men who called it. I am a longtime Angel fan and grew up with Dick Enberg and Don Drysdale on the radio. Back then, there were few games on TV so I really enjoy baseball on the radio. My favorite Angel (and LA Rams) announcer was Bob Starr. I loved the story of when you were with the Orioles in a spring training game at old RFK stadium vs. the Red Sox. It seems like you have a lot of fun broadcasting baseball so I think it would be great to hear more about baseball broadcasters.

Your blog (along with the fore-mentioned are my two must daily reads. I appreciate you blogging on a daily basis and it is also a blast to go back in the archives. Now I need to buy the new book to complete the Ken Levine collection.

Best Wishes,
Stuart R.

Laura said...

Eastern Oregon
The Time list
A few months

Tim D said...

I'm from Massachusetts and I'm really not sure how I found your blog, it's was years ago now I know that.
I worked in video production for years and also love baseball, so it could have been any number of links that got me to your blog.
I love the baseball stuff of course, but really am fascinated by the behind the scenes of TV that you share. Also love your daughters contributions as well.

Hotcha said...

trying to write this on a kindle . . from switzerland.. read you each day even on vacation in italy. love biz related posts roseanne was the first. bought both ofyour books. ballplays suck... am your age. still love west coast pop art exp. band. more neil young stories pls.

Anonymous said...

Still taking comments on this one? I'm a 51-year-old woman from the Baltimore area who enjoys just about everything you post. I've been reading (& recommending) the blog for probably three years now, but you've been on my radar (by name, that is) since the year you were the Orioles announcer w/ Jon Miller (of course, I'd been watching your work on TV before that).

Not sure how I found the blog-- link from Evanier?

Shai Kushner said...

It all started when I received "It's Gone!...No, Wait a Minute..." as a present. The book didn't just get me through a lengthy near-daily commute at a summer internship, it also gave me a new outlook on goals. A few months later I emailed Ken (and this was back in 1996 when Al Gore had just started to refine his invention), and received a gracious response. I have been a fan ever since and am happy to have new offerings from him available on a near-daily basis.

Canadian Train Geek said...

Steve from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada... I've been reading your blog for years and I am a big fan. I often quote you to my wife, and you are almost as funny second-hand.

Becca said...

Sorry I'm late to this game, but I am behind on by blog reading. I live in Phoenix, but grew up in California. I have been reading your blog for about 2 years now. You befriended me on Facebook, I assume because we have some friends in common, mostly people who work or did work at KFWB. I really enjoy reading about your history in TV writing and your radio days since I work in radio myself. Keep up the great work!

Alice said...

A little late getting here, but Alice, from México City. I've been reading since '06.

My favorites are your summer movie previews, your new year's wish list and your Cheers and Frasier anecdotes.

Also I loved the CAPTCHA word definition competition :D

Shannon said...

I'm Shannon from Colorado. Been following your blog for years, have no idea how I ever found you in the first place, but I've been a loyal follower ever since. I love hearing about the inside scoop on Hollywood, and I enjoy your writing on baseball, even though I'm not exactly a baseball fanatic. Love the Friday questions feature!

Glenn Farington said...

Just another sitcom writer living here in LA. Absolutely love your blog!

pa said...

Hello, I'm from Luxembourg and have been following your blog for at least 5 or 6 years. I don't remember how I got here and I have nothing to do with the show business (work in IT), but I find your articles very interesting in a way, that you get to see another side of different situations and some unknown background info. I love your anecdotes and your award reviews are hilarious.

Anna Nymous said...

I'm Suzy from Portland, Oregon and I read most of your posts but do it in big chunks every 2-3 weeks or whenever some big TV news thing comes up that I look for your insider's take on. A link from Sepinwall's old blog brought me here back in 2008 or 2009. I teach high school writing and have encouraged some of my kids looking into a future in your industry to check out your tips.

Michael said...

Hi, Ken

I'm a writer (The Baseball Codes - also available on Kindle, buy it after you've read everything Ken writes), and obviously, I'm attached to baseball also (as an official scorer, podcaster, etc.).

I've been reading your work since I (literally) rubbed elbows with Matt when he was covering a Sharks game with me. (So, Bay Area). 4-5 years??? I tend to get you in clumps, a couple of weeks at a time, and I'm always left wanting more.

Perhaps I'll see you next time the Ichiro-less M's come to Oakland, or, if not, we can "play in Peoria" spring.

If I were half as funny as I imagine myself to be, I'd still only come up to your shins.

Michael Carr said...

Hi Ken,

I found your blog about three months ago after listening to an old air check of yours from 10Q in 1977 when you were Beaver Cleaver. I have two internet radio stations and am really trying to make a living at it. I listen to different DJ's. It helps motivate me. I liked your style as Beaver Cleaver and probably have listened to all of the air checks I could find. I really enjoy your posts about radio and wish you would write a book about your days in radio. I would be the first buyer,

Clarinet57 said...

I'm in CO - and I really enjoy your blog. Bought and read your book as well. I probably enjoy the posts about the creation of different TV episodes the best; but I enjoy all of it. Please keep it up!

Iain said...

I'm Iain from Sydney - 47 years old and currently involved in producing/directing an impro show. I also write plays and scripts with my co-writer Brett (who's also a fan of your blog.)

I have been reading your blog for some years and probably found it via one Mr Evanier (who seems to be responsible for a fair amount of traffic to your site.)

I love the inside looks at TV production, comedy writing and comedy in general but lack the "sports gene" so find your baseball posts impenetrable.

And the mp3s of your comedy writing seminars are invaluable - please keep them up.

Thanks very much for maintaining an entertaining, enlightening and informative blog.

Jim Rohrich said...

I'm from Great Falls, Montana. Surfed on to your blog about a month ago. I can't remember how I found it.

I enjoy everything you post. A particular interest of mine that you have touched on... TV pilots that never made it (aired and unaired). Science fiction is at the top of that list.

Keep up the good work.

Chris said...

I'm 46 and now live in West Hollywood after most of my life in the Bay Area, Las Vegas, Manhattan and overseas. Your blog is my favorite. I love comedy, television history, baseball and travel (my four favorite topics?) so you're a godsend.

My friend from 20 years ago told me about your blog and I've passed it along to my wife and to one of my top comedy-magician clients. My wife and I are huge Frasier fans and pretty much ran through them all on Netflix over the past 12 months.

We write indy comedy films and I wrote a couple baseball books for/with Rollie Fingers. I've been reading your blog for about six months, but am working my way backwards through the older posts as well.

As a kid, I caught more than a few Mariner games with Ruppert Jones and Enrique Romo as I once spent a summer there away from Candlestick Park.

I have zero constructive criticism.

I guess you don't write about politics anymore, but I imagine it was out of the box and insightful whenever you did.

I like not knowing whether your post each morning will be hilarious or more clinical and spot-on.

In terms of hilarity, it's hard to beat your Emmy wrapups or your take on how Sorkin would have written for he MTM characters.

I saw you speak on panel with Bill Lawrence at the comic book store a while back and it flew by very very quickly. I didn't speak to you afterward as you were kind of mobbed and also because my brain was a little full with all the stories you told and the advice you gave.

My wife and I don't remember the 1960's, (but she hates Neil Young anyway) but I'm getting your book for my wife as one of her birthday presents.

Audrey B. said...

Hello Ken,
Really late after this blog was posted, i still want to answer even if you're not reading comments from so long ago !

I'm from France (sorry for my english) and i discovered this blog via twop a week ago. Just watching Cheers for the first time 3 weeks ago and loving it (i just said goodbye to Diane, needless to say my heart is broken !), i went to twop, as usual when i love a show, to reed comments. Your blog was linked about how you loved Shelley Long after people said she was difficult to deal with.

As soon as i read it, i felt the urge to read all your posts about Cheers.
Still working on it every day, with my morning tea, one hour at a time !

Thanks a lot for your input on tv in general and Cheers !

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