Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Me & Kevin Smith

TV shows do this all the time – have crossover episodes. The Flash appears on Supergirl. Frasier shows up on WINGS. Perhaps the most bizarre example is characters from ST. ELSEWHERE went to the CHEERS bar. That was practically surreal.

On ALMOST PERFECT we did a crossover episode with CYBIL. It was like negotiating the Paris Peace Treaty. Who would go where? (Nancy Travis from our show ultimately went over to their stage; we got contributions to our health fund.)

Their head writer Howard Gould and I would just keep passing the script back and forth polishing. (By the way, Howard and I made a pretty good team.) The point is, it happens often and usually for stunt purposes. Crossover shows are highly promotable.

Well, there’s no reason we podcasters can’t do that too.

Starting late tonight I will be doing a crossover episode with my podcast, Hollywood & Levine and Kevin Smith’s podcast Talk Salad and Scrambled Eggs. You can hear one part on his podcast and one part on mine.

So how did this come about? Talk Salad is a podcast where Kevin and co-host, Matt Mira discuss individual episodes of FRASIER. Matt was aware of my participation and invited me to guest on an episode. This was about a year ago. I did and we all had a blast. So when I started my podcast I asked if Kevin could come on and guest and he suggested “why don’t we do a crossover episode instead?” That was cool with me.

So we recorded both segments at once. Segment one is on Talk Salad and I chat with Kevin and Matt about FRASIER, my infamous feud with Roseanne, THE GOLDBERGS (Matt is on the writing staff), and seventy-five other topics. On my podcast I talk to Kevin about his process – both as a writer and director. We also get into how he started his career, his inspirations, and advice for young filmmakers. It’s a candid very freewheeling conversation I think you’ll enjoy – every bit as much as Alan Brady from THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW visiting the gang at MAD ABOUT YOU.

Tune in. And please SUBSCRIBE. Thanks much.


Stoney said...

Remember when there was a "Bewitched" crossover to "The Flintstones"? What did you think of Elizabeth Montgomery in cartoon form?

Terry said...

Ken, your talk of crossovers brought to mind a possible Friday question (or questions as the case may be): I realize you went into this a little bit in today's post, but can you elaborate a little more on the logistics of writing crossover episodes? Who writes what? How is the story fleshed out? Who has ultimate creative control? Etc.

Also, was there ever a crossover you refused to do because it was just too difficult or ridiculous? Or one that you were forced to do by the network anyway? The only sort-of example I can think of is not really a crossover but in 90s NBC did a theme night with all of its New York-set shows on Thursday night (Friends, Single Guy and one other I'm not remembering at the moment) where they had a blackout in New York and all of the characters on the different shows were caught up in it. Only Seinfeld refused to participate. And rightfully so, I my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Stony, I remember that cross-over - and it was definitely a memorable one at that! Probably still gets my vote for weirdest cross-over, though I did enjoy the Mad About You cross with Dick Van Dyke Show, that one did make a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

@dandy lio. Reiner on Mad About You was great. Sitting isnt funny. Whistlers Mother sitting, who laughs?


Daniel Cook Johnson said...

Your talk of crossovers made me think you'd mention the Tommy Westphall Universe theory ( - in which, because of St. Elsewhere's ending, and stuff you mentioned like characters from St. Elsewhere going to the Cheers bar and Alan Brady from The Dick Van Dyke Show visiting the gang at Mad About You, something like 90% of all television took place in Tommy Westphall's mind. Some folks scoff at the geekiness of the hypothesis but I find it amusingly fascinating.

Melissa C. Banczak said...

I love Kevin Smith. Eons ago, when he was just finishing Chasing Amy, I was a literary agent cold calling production companies introducing myself and Kevin was very nice and chatted with me for about twenty minutes. Very nice guy.

Julia Littleton said...

I had never heard of this podcast before. Thanks for giving me another one to get addicted to! I'm currently doing another "Frasier" rewatch because it helps keep me sane. I love that the characters are essentially kindhearted, even as their egos make them flail in hilarious situations.

Cat said...

Ken, your episode of the Talk Salad podcast was particularly hilarious, I could tell you were having a good time.
Can we get someone to do a proper Cheers podcast? The one we have now is horrible.

Kosmo13 said...

I think the best cross-overs are the ones involving two shows that are so different from one another, you can't imagine how they could possibly fit together until you see it done.

Buttermilk Sky said...

Crossovers are a great change of pace unless you're watching a show in syndication. There are several involving LAW & ORDER and other shows that were never syndicated, so you never get to see the follow-up on HOMICIDE (or whatever it was), resulting in a highly unsatisfying case of dramatis interruptus.

Johnny Walker said...

Looking forward to both of these. Whatever you think of Smith as a filmmaker, you cannot deny he's a very funny, smart and interesting guy, as well as apparently being very nice, too. A pretty good match with Ken, now that I think about it!

Roger Owen Green said...

I think I actually saw McGurk: A Dog's Life!

Joel S said...

Never listened to a podcast before, but Ken Levine (le-VINE) and Kevin Smith was too good to pass up.

Recommend listening to the Talk Salad and Scrambled Eggs if you like listening to great stories from Ken about Roseanne, Cheers, Conan and many more.

Highly recommended.

Is Saturday too early for a Friday question?

Mr. Levine, have you ever had an instance where you wanted to write for a specific character, but disliked the actor?

I have heard the reverse for Frasier Crane on Cheers, where he could make any line great.


Love your blog!

Joel S said...

Never listened to a podcast before, but Ken Levine (le-VINE) and Kevin Smith was too good to pass up.

Recommend listening to the Talk Salad and Scrambled Eggs if you like listening to great stories from Ken about Roseanne, Cheers, Conan and many more.

Highly recommended.

Is Saturday too early for a Friday question?

Mr. Levine, have you ever had an instance where you wanted to write for a specific character, but disliked the actor?

I have heard the reverse for Frasier Crane on Cheers, where he could make any line great.


Love your blog!

Darren from Toronto said...

Hi Ken,

Love the blog.

I notice in your picture with Kevin Smith (June 7, 2017 post) in the background there's French writing on the wall. My French Canadian roots tell me the writing has to do with women's cleavage. What's the reference?

Darren from Toronto