Wednesday, August 21, 2019

EP137: Jobs I Didn’t Get

For all the jobs that writers, even successful writers, get – there is always a long list of jobs they didn’t get.  This week Ken shares his.  Hopefully this will inspire you to keep pushing. 

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


Anonymous said...

What had to hurt most was missing out on the royalties
from the Bad News Bears On Ice arena shows

Jay Thurber Show said...

I have a very small correction with this week's excellent (as usual) podcast.

It wasn't Milt Josefsberg who came up with the "I'm thinking it over" line. It was his fellow Jack Benny writer, John Tackaberry.

As Josefsberg told the story, they were in the writer's room and had come up with the "Your money or your life" setup, but couldn't think of a payoff, and Josefsberg was getting frustrated.

When he yelled at Tackaberry, "There's gotta be a great answer to 'Your money or your life!'" Tackaberry supposedly snapped back, "I'm thinking it over" and they realized that was exactly what Jack Benny's character would say.

Your podcast is one of the highlights of my week. As a lifelong Benny fan, I just wanted to set the record straight.

("Fine. Now SING, Dennis!")

Mike Barer said...

Fun interested podcast. Sorry you passed on the Laugh In gig, but you got your degree and Laugh-In was so dated after five or six years, I don't think there would even be residuals.

sueK2001 said...

Loved this podcast..and yes, you are correct about Mighty Ducks. I missed it when it first came out but my friends raved about it. I always had a crush on Emillio and saw it last year.

I liked it for what it was..a cute movie but nothing memorable. Emillio still can't act.
I would, however, see it it was filmed in the 90's around my alma mater in Downtown Minneapolis. I recognize several landmarks. That's the nostalgia for me and that's enough. I can imagine what you and David would have done with that movie to make it really memorable.