Saturday, February 08, 2014

The funniest car commercial I've ever seen

Sick video day continues. 

Back in the 60s, local car dealers were ever-present. In LA we had a guy named Ralph Williams. Johnny Carson used to make fun of him on the TONIGHT SHOW mercilessly. Before Ralph was in LA he had a car dealership in San Bruno, in Northern California. You talk about commercials "you'd like to see", this is greatest of them all. Chick Lambert is the eloquent pitchman.


jcs said...


Was cast diversity an openly discussed issue on your shows and how did the attitude towards this topic change over the years? Also, today there seems to be much more cast diversity in dramas than in sitcoms - or am I wrong?


Breadbaker said...

All Hail Marx and Lennon!

Cap'n Bob said...

And how about a hand for his dog Major!

Anonymous said...

Everyone who has ever been high pressured into buying a car they were not sure they could afford can relate to this commercial.

Lairbo said...

Firesign Theater's for-real ad for Jack Poet Volkswagen.

Anonymous said...

Honorable mention: Cal Worthington and his dog Spot (Spot was many different animals, never a dog. Elephants, tigers... and one memorable Easter, Playboy Bunnies.

Anonymous said...

Big Bill Hell's...

Jeffro said...

Was that Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling who could be heard cackling in the background audio? It sounds a lot like this:

And that German Shepard sure had that look that he knew that Ralph Williams wasn't full of bullshyte in that take!

Randee Colton said...

LOL! I wonder if this commercial got really broadcasted on national TV, Ken. Haha! Kidding aside, it depends upon the marketing strategy of the car dealer on how they’ll attract customers. It’s all about how they would convince people to visit them and spend money. Well, thanks for the share! :)