I know, I know…I went a little overboard getting her gifts this year. But there are so many things that I know she wants and maybe I spoil her but I just had to get them all.
She really loved the upgrade to the Movie Magic Screenwriter program. And the new Wii. I also signed her up for the “Extra Innings” Major League Baseball package on the cable. Not to mention the DVD box set of the three TERMINATOR films, a signed Kobe Bryant jersey, the Joe Eszterhas autobiography, the newly remastered PET SOUNDS Beach Boys CD, four days in Vegas during round one of March Madness, a gift certificate from the Writers’ Store, tickets to WRESTLEMANIA, a subscription to Screenwriters’ Magazine, a UCLA Bruins license plate holder, a bound copy of my 1992 Seattle Mariners scorebook, the Robert Evans KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE book-on-tape, a Fernando Valenzuela bobblehead, a new Laserjet printer that can turn out a hundred page script in five minutes, and brunch at her favorite place – Mr. Cecil’s Ribs.
Happy birthday, sweetie. I love you. And thanks again for the earrings you got me last week for my birthday.
Aw, that's very sweet.
Happy birthday, lady I don't know but is married to that bloke whose blog I read!
Ken, could you give me directions to your place? I seemed to have lost the directions your wife gave me for when I come over tonight.
And tell her I'll refund 50 bucks if I'm late.
Ooooooh, I'm bad. :)
Happy birthday Ken's wife.
See? Americans do do irony!
"See? Americans do do irony!
Yes, but then they get notes telling them to remove it
Sure milked that one:) But boy did you jump the gun. It's Presidents Day, and Sears has those whole lines of forced age and gender-appropriate gift items. Like the Cheryl Tiegs cordless drill and those Winnie the Poo wide screen TVs.
Seriously, I really like it that you do family shoutouts. It's kind of centering. Best wishes Ken's wife Debbie (and to all wives who let there husbands blog).
And to the entire Trump family and everybody who keeps gifting us with new incarnations of The Apprentice, "Do do that doo doo that you do so well.
Your wife is a very lucky woman. Happy Birthday to her.
Happy Birthday, Debby!
Ken, how sweet of you to spend all of that extra money paying the inflated prices for Wii on eBay.
I'm sure Debby wouldn't have minded waiting until you could pay regular retail at a store near you. *g*
Please wish your wife Happy Birthday for me -- and I hope you get hours of immeasurable enjoyment out of the stuff you gave her...
The mere thought of the "Cheryl Tiegs cordless drill" made me sweat...
Just don't take her camping..
Happy Birthday Debbie!
How long did you and Debby know each other before you learned your birthdays were so close together?
Which laser printer did you buy your wife? Five minutes for a script is pretty good, I hope Debby appreciates it.
Alrighty then, I’ll ask. How do the members of your family (by marriage or consanguinity if applicable) all seem to arrange to be born on national holidays? Is there usually a setup like, “So, do you want to open your gift, or what?” And does it involve calculus?
Knowing Debbie, she'll love at least half that stuff. Happy birthday to both of you.
Reminds me of the time Homer gave Marge a bowling ball for her birthday (with his initials on it)!
Happy Birthday, Debby. Thanks for making my childhood friend a happy man!
Ken, you didn't give Debbie a sweater, too? She LOVES those!!
thanks, everyone for your birthday wishes.
as to national holidays, this president's day thing is new. when i was a kid lincoln's and washington's birthdays were school holidays. my mom's birthday is feb. 12th, and my dad was born on election day, which was also a school holiday. (my sister was born during passover, but that's another story) i was the only one in my family whose birthday WASN'T a school holiday.
you see, if you live long enough, your wishes do come true.
The only "Esterhaus" I've heard of was fictional: the great last role of Michael Conrad who played Phil Esterhaus, desk sergeant, in the first 60-70 episodes of Hill Street Blues - did you perhaps mean Joe Eszterhas? (Or are you deliberately misspelling the latter, a result of veiled but nonetheless appropriate disdain?)
Ken, you prude. You deleted my link to naked pictures of Ann Dudek aka Cutthroat Bitch. Why? Especially after I framed in the same spirit as your birthday presents for Debby. Could it be you missed the irony?
Is Debby as mythically off-screen as Norm's wife on Cheers?
Okay, then, Happy Birthday, "Debby," wherever you are! Did you get the Acco #5 Brass Brads I sent you?
Is she a lucky woman, or what?
Happy Birthday, Debby!
(Ken, did you at least treat yourself, I mean, your wife, to dinner?)
Yeah. Everyone's talking bout how cute it is that your birthdays are close together. You know what's not cute? How broke I am by March.
Your charming daughter
P.S. I love you both
P.P.S. Can't wait to celebrate this weekend.
Damnit, and here I am the selfish bastard husband who got his wife an iPod and iPod dock for her birthday.
Why didn't I get the PS3 that she wanted?
To my credit though, I did get my wife authentic birthday messages from authentic Hollywood writers, which prompted this response, "Who the hell are they?"
Thank God she'd seen Jurassic Park so I could remind her of some of Ken's work.
And A Buck Short, your letter was hysterical. Although my wife thought it was serious, and now she's been questioning my wide stance.
Happy belated birthday to the both of youse! Congrats!
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