Mayor Huseyin Kalkan claims the producers of DARK KNIGHT used the name of his city “without informing us”.
Those bastards!!!
Don’t anybody tell Mr. Mayor that there’s been a comic book since 1939, a popular mid 60s TV series, and several other Batman movies. He’ll be dragging Adam West’s ass right into court.
Now some may say this is a nuisance suit but listen to these compelling charges:
Hizzoner claims the movie’s success has so damaged the town’s psyche that it has resulted in a number of unsolved murders and a high female suicide rate.
We will follow this case closely.
It comes at just the right time for me. I’m developing a superhero and was going to call him Persepolis. Now I’ll just change it to Jump Real High Man.
Hmmm..I wonder if I have a case for all those sleepless nights I had as a kid.
36 Elm Street
Suburbia, USA
Good luck, Sitcommers! There is a fair amount of fun, a good deal of learning, and an unbelievable amount of evil in your very near future.
Frankly, I'm jealous.
Even my delightful verification word "herimpus" doesn't fully assuage my envy.
The Mayor of Batman is claiming that Bob Kane and Bill Finger ripped off his town's name when they created Batman back in 1939. No joke.
I don't know what is sillier, that this guy thinks every obscure little town in Turkey is known to everyone in America, or the fact that some Turkish idiots actually named their town Batman. Does "Batman" mean something else in Turkish? Like "Abode of the stupid"?
To be fair, the movie TROY is based on a town in Turkey. But what about that Turkish superhero movie SCRANTON?
But I am ditching my superhero treatment ISTANBUL, about Stan Lee acquiring the ability to turn ito a bull.
Stan Lee turn into a bull, Doug....PLEASE! He couldn't even turn into Bill Bixby,,,:)
Does "Batman" mean something else in Turkish?
Yes. It's a measure of weight. Although that's not why the town has that name -- it's a shortening of the name of the local mountains ("Bati Raman")
Then they should be suing the makers of "Top Ramen" noodles, which are probably not made on a mountain peak.
The Turkish publishing industry is infamous for publishing books by American authors without a cent of royalty money being paid. Screw them.
Word Verification: Chili. Close enough for a lawsuit from South America.
Someone needs to tell them to get stuffed.
*so sorry*
Considering the current Global Economic climate, these cities are eagerly awaiting the resolution of this lawsuit:
20/ Gofuku, Japan
19/ Onacock, USA
18/ Titless, Switzerland
17/ Weener, Germany
16/ Iron Knob, Australia
15/ Little Dix Village, West Indies.
14/ Bat Cave, US
13/ Fukuoka, Japan
12/ Wank, Germany
11/ Fertile, US
10/ Bangkok, Thailand
9/ Blowhard, Australia
8/ The Village of Intercourse, Pennsylvania
7/ Tittybong, Australia
6/ Pennis Wood, UK
5/ Climax Springs, UK
4/ BlowHole - Kiama, Australia
3/ Phuket, Thailand
2/ Bigadic, Turkey
1/ Fucking, Austria
When I lived in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia some 30 years ago, there were some families with the last name of "Batman." As far as I know, none were related to Bob Kane or Bill Finger (or wore capes, for that matter). Nor do I think any supervillains caused havoc in that neck of the woods.
My verification word is "copit," which I assume to be some sort of erotic command.
Crap! Someone beat me to it. I WAS going to say, "Boy! What a lawsuit Intercourse PA has lined up!"
A 'batman' is also the word for British Army officer's valet.
It seems to have survived as a British last name.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(military) for details..
Ken: I am the mayor of Jumprealhighman, Turks and Caicos. Consider this an official cease-and-desist warning to abort your forthcoming superhero project.
Are any of Nietzsche's descendants suing the makers of the Superman movie?
I'm the mayor of France. You'll be hearing from my lawyers.
I plan on suing the country of Turkey itself on behalf of those birds that can't act in their own defence.
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