Yeah, we get an extra hour's sleep, but...
If you have small kids, instead of them getting up at 6 they'll now be arising at 5 for the next three weeks. Good luck.

And it gets dark at like 2. That's fine for hookers but for the rest of us it's damn depressing.
Maybe in protest I just won't change the clocks back. Unlike voting on Tuesday this isn't something I have to do.
Here in London (the one in England, not Ontario) we stuck ours back last Sunday morning. Bliss.
I love the short days.
Commute in the dark, both ways.
Europe did it last week.
Last Sunday in October.
And much like those that don't vote, if you complain about the results of not turning your clocks back, I don't want to hear your bitching :)
I was just over at 93khj.blogspt.com and heard your protest on a subject far dearer to you than the clocks.. FIGHT THE POWER!
i used to love the extra hour, but hate the actual time change. Now I have a dog. And the dog likes to be walked. And I live in New York City. So when I walk thedog in the morning when it's dark the rats are out. I hate rats.
So YEAY! We're changing times.
You'd have to turn your clock back to 1992 to see if Czechoslovakia turns its clocks back. The country hasn't existed for 16 years...
My VCR turned itself back an hour last weekend, which is why I only got to see the last 30 seconds of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES.
Yeah, you get an extra hour of sleep. I get 2 more episodes of Family Matters to watch at work. (Then again, I got pizza and Halloween candy for my trouble, so I shouldn't complain too loudly, I guess.)
I might have slept an extra hour but a sunbeam shot through the window and pierced my eyelids. Then daylight woke the dogs and the decided to pass on the favor.
I only realized that I get an hour extra of sleep after waking up Sunday morning, eating breakfast and then looking at your blog. Next year, can you please post this on Friday, since my Saturdays are too busy for blog reading?
My bladder isn't fooled, so the extra hour doesn't help. I work Sundays anyway.
Was the "small kids" part meant to be a joke? Because I have a toddler and curse Daylight Savings time twice a year...
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