I have President Obama's exclusive private email address. It is britneyspears@gmail.com.
I'm loving LOST this year but starting to get the vibe that the last episode will be Bob Newhart waking up from a bad dream in Hawaii.
Al Michaels should call every Superbowl, every World Series, every World Cup, Masters Tournament, LaCrosse championship.
What on NBC's primetime schedule is remotely as good as that PETA ad they banned?
Suzanne Somers takes 60 pills a day and injects estriol vaginally. She claims to have beaten what she calls "the Seven Dwarfs of Menopause": Itchy, Bitchy, Sleepy, Sweaty, Bloated, Forgetful and All Dried Up. "The Wicked Witch of Acting Ability" has yet to be slayed.
Joe Torre's new book is out today. It's the inside story of his twelve years managing the Yankees. He reveals that Alex Rodriguez also injects estriol vaginally.
Did anybody in their right mind turn off Bruce Springsteen's unbelievable Superbowl halftime show to watch the Wipeout Bowl on ABC?
How come every U.S. President has to have an idiot brother? This week Obama's half brother was arrested on a drug charge. Oh well. In the case of George Bush the idiot brother WAS the President.
Okay, here are the links as I do my part for Blogroll Amnesty Day.
Dirtywatah -- the premiere Red Sox blog
Hoffmania -- very witty political blog updated often and always with the best political cartoons.
Earl Pomerantz -- Terrific comedy writer with a wonderful honest voice
Mark Rothman -- A LAVERNE & SHIRLEY guy joining the ranks with good stuff.
Mike McCann -- Good baseball blog with cool pictures of old parks.
and of course, the first lady of show business (and by that I mean the first lady ever to enter the field)... Tallulah Morehead.
Well, must go. There are so many Blogroll Amnesty Day parties here in Hawaii I don't know where to begin. I just worry how many rowdies will blow their fingers off with homemade fireworks. Happens every year.
Thank you darling. I thought "Blogroll Amnesty Day" meant blogging was no longer a crime, and the bloggers could all come back from Canada.
But I must correct a small error. My Official Title of "First Lady of Show Business" was not granted to me by Congress for being "the first lady ever to enter the field." The correct award description in the Congressional Record is "the first lady ever entered ON the field." That was the night I invented the memorable phrase "Playing the Field."
A little baseball-reference joke, just for you. Happy Anesty Day, and Cheers.
"I'm loving LOST this year but starting to get the vibe that the last episode will be Bob Newhart waking up from a bad dream in Hawaii."
If that involves Susanne Pleshette time-warping in from the past, alive and funny, then I'm all for it!
"I have President Obama's exclusive private email address. It is britneyspears@gmail.com."
Why do I see a visit from the Secret Service in K-Fed's future?
LOST - "It's the language of the enlightened" or "It's the language of The Enlightened"?
WV - coupelic - the follow up to Touch The Truck?
You mean I've been reading your blog referrals all this time without actual permission? If Tallulah confirms here that "Anesty" Day is intentional rather than Freudian, I'll start reading her with a yellow highlighter -- even though that plays havoc with the monitor screen.
You got it right on the boss. The only thing better would have been if Sully Sullenberger had again sprung into action and stopped the Steelers in the red zone with a flock of Canadian Geese. It has nothing to do with anything, but I have recurrent visions of additional 60s-70s series like "The Mod Squad" that always started with exactly three people with serious expressions walking or running toward you over the opening credits. The one I can't seem to shake is "Born to be Grizzled" with James Caan, Springsteen, and Mandy Patinkin comin' at ya'. About two old Jews and another half the world thinks just might be Jewish but isn't, solving capers, then eating them with lox,cream cheese, and a slice of onion.
Leno had your "idiot brother" take almost verbatim last night. Ain't it a pisser when you know somebody else got paid for it! It's worse when you think of one they don't and can't find a way to email it in to somebody, just to do something with it while still topical, even if you don't care about getting paid. BTW what's the going rate for a simple setup and punchline anyway?
I don't know if I'm in my right mind, but I turned off my TV completely when the halftime show started. I've never enjoyed listening to Bruce Springsteen "sing" (and the quotes were put there on purpose) or speak. I'll turn off the radio or turn to another station if one if his songs comes on, so if I had to choose between Bruce or Wipeout's big balls, well... balls it is.
I still can't get another image out of my mind. The Springsteen choir members as a marching band in Aretha Franklin hats.
Sorry, I can't agree that the Springsteen/E Street band (with occasional horn section and choir) performance was any good. Then again, I saw Bruce and the band in a college gym before the Born to Run album came out in Sept. 1975, and to me none of his later work compares to the first three albums. There's an excellent Washington Post magazine article by a Post sportswriter (female) about her longtime fandom and her decision not to watch the Super Bowl halftime show - see it at www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/23/AR2009012302934.html.
No love for my little PA blog?
>>and of course, the first lady of show business (and by that I mean the first lady ever to enter the field)... Tallulah Morehead.<<
I remember her. Didn't she play Samantha's mother on Bewitched? I thought she was dead.
AlaskaRay said...
>>and of course, the first lady of show business (and by that I mean the first lady ever to enter the field)... Tallulah Morehead.<<
I remember her. Didn't she play Samantha's mother on Bewitched? I thought she was dead.
I think you're confusing her with Agnes Moorhead.... I bet I could almost guarantee that in her halcyon days in show business, when the conversation turned to Moorhead vs. Morehead, Tallulah could trigger a gusher of excitement that Agnes couldn't even come close to....
Tallulah Darling, am I correct in saying so?
I can't wait to see how Tallulah's going to respond to all of this.
unhums: the 7up jingle?
"Tom Quigley said...
AlaskaRay said...
and of course, the first lady of show business (and by that I mean the first lady ever to enter the field)... Tallulah Morehead.
I remember her. Didn't she play Samantha's mother on Bewitched? I thought she was dead.
I think you're confusing her with Agnes Moorhead.... I bet I could almost guarantee that in her halcyon days in show business, when the conversation turned to Moorhead vs. Morehead, Tallulah could trigger a gusher of excitement that Agnes couldn't even come close to....
Tallulah Darling, am I correct in saying so?"
Completely correct. I never forgave Cousin Agnes for adding that extra Big O to her name simply to avoid having people realize she was related to me. Frankly, Aggie was one of the homeliest lesbians I've ever met, and I knew Hope Emerson and Marjorie Main. (Once at the same time.)
I was never on BEWITCHED, although I did party a bit in a few select bars with the second Darrin.
>>I was never on BEWITCHED, although I did party a bit in a few select bars with the second Darrin.<<
I thought you realized that I was just pulling your leg. Was it good for you, too?
hey ken,
As a college senior who has officially panicked over the lack of "career skills" that I have acquired while in school, i felt like maybe you had some advice. What is a legitimate way to break into writing? Are there people who can help out there? Is there a special Starbucks I should go to? Sorry if this question has been posted before, but I'm seriously considering becoming a hippie if I dont get into writing.
-David M.
Suzanne Somers has a vagina?
Sorry if this question has been posted before, but I'm seriously considering becoming a hippie if I dont get into writing.
It helps to start writing while you're examining your options. Just sit down and do it.
Or become a hippie and then write about it. Either way, you'd be a writer.
WV: ludicin - A new drug that induces ludicrousness in people, those who need a drug for it.
Springsteen was as out of tune as the singing bird on the Puppy Bowl.
Then again, I was never a fan despite the fact both Bruce and I were born on the glorious 23rd of September.
[btw Short-time lurker, first-time poster. This is my favorite of all the pro TV/ screenwriter blogs that I've run across.]
Hi Ken,
My favorite thing that Al Michaels said all night was that he had just received a $28 residual check from being in Jerry Maguire. That killed me.
Thanks for blogging.
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