Sunday, September 23, 2012

Here's my book trailer

Attention authors: You need book trailers these days. It used to be you needed book stores but there are very few of those around anymore. So with the help of my good friend, Howard Hoffman I made one for my new book, THE ME GENERATION... BY ME (GROWING UP IN THE '60s). I've seen other book trailers and wow! They're slick with great production values and probably cost thousands to produce. Mine cost maybe thirty dollars. But as you will see, every dollar is right up there on the screen. 

Lemme know what you think.

I guess the exercise here is to use these social medias to get the word out. The theory being that once someone sees my trailer they will immediately go to my website and buy copies of my book. So if you like the low budget-independent trailer, would you please share it with all your Facebook, Twitter, and whatever-other-network-you're-on friends? Would you click "like"? I don't know why other than to make me feel good, but apparently that's a big deal. And of course, you could buy the book yourself.  Thanks much and enjoy!

A couple of quick things:

I will be reviewing the Emnmys tomorrow. I watch so you don't have to.

And an announcement on the Sitcom Room is coming this week.


VincentS said...


Beth Ciotta said...

Loved this video. Clever and very unique compared to a lot of book trailers. I shared on Facebook. Hopefully you'll get the hits and likes and sales you deserve, Ken! Oh, and I bought the book a while back. Also loved.

Paul Duca said...

Don't blame me if you bring down the ghosts of Audrey Hepburn and Truman Capote on your head, Ken.

jcs said...

Don't get me wrong, but holding the admittedly well-deserved Emmy in your hand during the opening shot is not exactly subtle.

Madame Duchery said...

Ha. Good job.

Note: as my eyesight declines, I am less and less able to comment due to your Captchas. Sigh.

Barefoot Billy Aloha said...

Finally, a use for those darn statues.

I propose that the Academy issue letterman's jackets instead. They're most useful plus you can wear yours to the high school reunion without appearing too braggy. :)

Fun video!

Mitchell Hundred said...

Was Taft High abnormally large in comparison to other schools? Because that would be appropriate.

emily said...

jcs -

That's not an Emmy -- it's Ken's keyring.

Mike said...

You need to cap the interogation scene at the mall. At it's end, turn to the camera, hold up a newspaper and say:
"What? Rock Hudson? Gay? Never!".

@Paul Duca: I don't get the Hepburn/Capote reference. Unless it's Breakfast At Tiffany's and you're saying that the little lady at the mall - Annie Levine - is Mickey Rooney.

Anonymous said...

Ah, it's Le-VINE, not Le-VEEN. Have to reprogram brain now. -MW

Doug Thompson said...

Nice use of The Beach Boys CD "Stack O' Tracks" in the bg (Back in the 1960's, Capitol Records released an album, and years later a CD, featuring band tracks to a bunch of Beach Boys songs).

Let's hope the lawyers from that 'piece of s**t' jewelry store don't see this anytime soon.

Funny is funny...but lawsuits are usually not that funny.

Kudos to you and Howard for this. Hilarious stuff.

I remember when I first moved to LA in 1970 that I spent a lot of time in Wallich's Music City at Sunset & Vine listening to the latest hits in their listening booths. Now I could spend days and days hanging around Amoeba Records about a block further up Sunset.

Phillip B said...

Very nice - especially appreciated the music.

Interesting where YouTube leads after the video. A eulogy delivered by Keith Olberman, a clip from Amos & Andy, a documentary on radio piracy in Brooklyn, and a book trailed from a Christian publisher.

Was tempted to watch all morning!

Brian said...

Great video, Ken. It's a perfect promo - your sense of humor comes through, and that's all you needed to do.

Love the Emmy. Got one myself!

Cap'n Bob said...

I'm from ASCAP and you owe us $3245.89 for the use of the music in your video. You can make the check out to me and I'll take care of the rest. Thank you.

Kirk said...

Very funny.

You know, your school, house you grew up in, and shopping mall you hung out at, all still looks "modern" to me. Is that because architecture hasn't changed much since the 1960s? Or maybe it has, and at my age (I'm 50) I just haven't noticed.

RCP said...

Glad to share and "like" - !

Do you usually carry your Emmy around?

HogsAteMySister said...

Hi Ken. Great trailer! And since you grew up in the Sixties, you may be pre-approved to join Just scowl more in your application photo.

Paul Duca said...

It has nothing to do with Annie--or Mickey Rooney. I'm just commenting on Ken's remark about Tiffany's.

By Ken Levine said...

For the record, that's not Annie I'm interviewing.

Paul Duca said...

Another point...I can't think of anything nicer that being able to eat your lunch in the sunny outdoors throughout the school year.

cshel said...

Ken -

You had me at Gallenkamp's.

I haven't heard that name in forever.

My only critique is that you should have called it Monkey Ward's.

Hope you sell a gazillion more books.

nairam_tdlowneorg said...

Hey Ken, nice trailer!

By the way: i have a friday question for you: What do you think about laugh tracks nowadays? Why do modern shows like Big Bang Theory and How i met your mother still use them and are they maybe necessary for a multi-camera-show? Even if some shows like HIMYM aren't really shot in front of a live audience, but they will show it to them later on a tv and record the laughs. And what do you think, are the advantages and disadvantages? Would love to hear your opinion on this! Thanks!


maven said...

9Great trailer, Ken. Boy, visiting Taft sure brought back memories...I thought our bench on the other side of the quad was very special...I guess not! Bonnie

Mike said...

So what lies did you tell about yourself in your author bio?

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Storm said...

Poor Madame Duchery can't make out the captchas, but the spammers with the bootleg bags can? There ain't no justice.

Since I've never heard your baseball announcing, it was nice to have a voice to go with your words, especially since it was set to music for us to tighten up to, and hey, who can't use that, at any age?

The Beach Boys music reminded me of something I just read; Mike Love has somehow managed to FIRE the other remaining ORIGINAL members of the band and replaced them, mid-tour, much to their surprise and shock. I've always "heard things" about Love, none of them good, but wow, what a schmuckazoidus supremus!

Cheers, thanks a lot,
