Besides my family, here are some of the things I’m thankful for this year.
Claire Danes
Claire Dunphy
The Seattle Mariners
Twitter followers
Jenny Johnson
New Yorker cartoons
Carl Reiner
Vin Scully
Lobster at The Lobster
Jon Stewart
Facebook groups
The yellow line in football
Flavored Tootsie Rolls
My daughter is not dating a vampire
Don Draper
Rebecca Hall
Opening Day
The iPhone (when it works)
Rachel Maddow
A one cent residual when MASH plays on the internet a thousand times.
Hula dancers
Hawaiian sunsets
Bob’s Big Boy
Spam filters
Frank McCourt is selling the Dodgers
The Gigi salad
DVD screeners
Morena Baccarin
Clayton Kershaw
Aaron Sorkin
Joe Torre
Louis Black
Louis C.K.
Peter Luger's steak sauce
Manhattan Transfer
Alicia Florik
Dinah Washington
Denzel Washington
Diablo Cody
Red Eye Radio
Patton Oswalt
The Bilko box set
Coffee Bean Ice Blendeds
Tallulah Moorehead
7 game World Series
Jon Miller
The Crab Cooker
Brian Wilson
Jenna Fischer
Stephen Colbert
Antenna TV
Ricky Gervais
Christina Applegate
Milk Duds
Cassell’s hamburgers
Red carpet shows
Nicole Atkins
Amoeba Records
Fellow bloggers
On Demand
Our troops
Care to add your own?
Lobster at The Lobster
Jon Stewart
Facebook groups
The yellow line in football
Flavored Tootsie Rolls

My daughter is not dating a vampire
Don Draper
Rebecca Hall
Opening Day
The iPhone (when it works)
Rachel Maddow
A one cent residual when MASH plays on the internet a thousand times.
Hula dancers
Hawaiian sunsets
Bob’s Big Boy
Spam filters
Frank McCourt is selling the Dodgers
The Gigi salad
DVD screeners
Morena Baccarin
Clayton Kershaw
Aaron Sorkin
Joe Torre
Louis Black

Louis C.K.
Peter Luger's steak sauce
Manhattan Transfer
Alicia Florik
Dinah Washington
Denzel Washington
Diablo Cody
Red Eye Radio
Patton Oswalt
The Bilko box set
Coffee Bean Ice Blendeds
Tallulah Moorehead
7 game World Series
Jon Miller

The Crab Cooker
Brian Wilson
Jenna Fischer
Stephen Colbert
Antenna TV
Ricky Gervais
Christina Applegate
Milk Duds
Cassell’s hamburgers
Red carpet shows
Nicole Atkins
Amoeba Records
Fellow bloggers
On Demand
Our troops
Care to add your own?
You had me at the 2 Claires and apps!If I had to add one I'd say my 'camera' for giving me a different view on the world.
Diet Dr. Pepper
Trident Layers Green Apple Pineapple
Ron Swanson
Bored to Death
My dog, Maeby
Living where it doesn't snow much [KY]
My mom
That the Twins replaced their GM
Pepsi products
My supervisor's departure
Finally finding a pair of athletic shoes that fit.
JADP: It's spelled Alicia Florrick.
And I'm grateful for her, too. :)
Since you're a big lover of Hawaii, have you read Sarah Vowell's book, "Unfamiliar Fishes"? It's a history of the coming of the missionaries to Hawaii and what that meant to the islands. She'a a fine, witty writer.
Fran in NYC
I'm with you on Carl Reiner.
The man is a genius and role-model in so many ways.
He was married to one woman for 64 years.
His book "My Anecdotal Life" is the funniest book I've ever read (of course, a very close 2nd is Where the Hell Am I).
He's been a major influence to, on on, television since 1950!
Yes, I also am thankful for Carl Reiner.
Police officers
Old 97's
Alison Krauss
The Clash
The Ramones
The Replacements
Root beer
Sidney Crosby
Betty White
David Isaacs
Ken Levine
That I live somewhere (even if it snows sometimes) where there is zero chance of ever accidently running into a Kardashian.
My daughter isn't dating a vampire
Once Upon a Time
The Wire (I'll be thankful every year for that)
Bill Maher
Discovering Blogging
Fellow Bloggers
Gerard Butler
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Winter Tires
Muppets Return
Carl and Rob Reiner
Foster The People
And this is not a suck up line but discovering the Ken Levine Blog
Thank YOU, Ken!
I too echo the last 3 commenters--"Thank you," Ken Levine." Yours is the first blog to which I've been faithful, in terms of reading and commenting (could be why my blog doesn't have waaayyy more links). But I'm learning the rituals of the blogging world, and I note yours is listed as linking in on mine, too, so "Thank you" for that, as well.
Mel Brooks
Billy Wilder
Howard Hawks
Chuck Jones and Michael Maltese
Aaron Sorkin
David E. Kelley
Mexican Coke
Dublin Dr. Pepper
Steak Tartare
Nathan Lane
Sutton Foster
Major League Baseball
Lorraine Feather
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (of course)
Bernie Sanders
Keith Olbermann
Rachel Maddow
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Bernard Herrmann
Duke Ellington
Ken Levine
WV: "epicr"--Expensive movie with a lot of sex and violence.
My husband, who after 28 years of marriage has decided he LIKES dancing
Oregon Duck Football
Bill Maher
Jon Stewart
Coffee and toast
Warm days in November
Spring coming (I can hope!)
Grilled cheese sandwiches
CBS’ Sunday Morning
The Republican Presidential candidates (totally amusing)
Catching up with old friends on FB
Many of the fine radio shows on PBS
E books downloaded to my phone (so I always have a book)
DVRs (commercial free life)
Five Guys burgers
And of course Ken Levine!
I'm grateful that Don Barrett and steered me to "By Ken Levine." My first stop on my daily Internet cruise.
Rachel Maddow?!?!?! Seriously?!?!?!?!
I am thankful for:
The Men and Woman who serve our country so that we may all do and say what we want, to a certain extent...
Also, alcohol and the fact that we live in a country where we may not always agree on everything but have the right to express it!
God Bless us all and a Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!
Love Claire Danes but she has a tendency to exhibit Michelle Bachman eyes of late. Perhaps her Homeland scripts are too hair raising?
Elbow room
My house and land
A Cubs owner who tries to win
Theo Epstein
My animals and their health
My girlfriend still laughing at my jokes after 6 years
Whatever self-acceptance/confidence I may currently have
Noel Fielding
H. Jon Benjamin
Nice people
The word "flerf"
My family & pets
The Beatles
All the girls I've loved before
The Internet
John Wayne movies
My concealed weapons permit
As you know, Ken, Greg Halman of the Mariners was murdered recently. I wonder if you have any memories of him.
These are choices from your list that stand out for me that I'm thankful for as well. If I added more of my own it would take too long. Happy Thanksgiving Ken! : )
Vin Scully
Jon Stewart
Rachel Maddow
Hawaiian sunsets
Frank McCourt is selling the Dodgers
Louis Black
Louis C.K.
Diablo Cody
Stephen Colbert
Antenna TV
Ricky Gervais
Christina Applegate
Our troops
"My daughter is not dating a vampire" has special resonance, since I just watched From Dusk Till Dawn last night.
Besides my family, in no particular order:
- Wifi
- Streaming video
- US Postal Service
- Mad Men
- Museum of Modern Art
- Digital Cameras
- Cougartown
- Figure skaters Daisuke Takahashi and Jeremy Abbott
- Links to live figure skating coverage on Eurosport
- Trader Joe's
- Public Theater Shakespeare in the Park
- New York City
- New York Public Library - especially the great DVD collection
- Giancarlo Esposito on Breaking Bad
- The Good Wife
- Apple (not perfect, but far better than the alternatives).
- Cougartown Alley and Inspector Spacetime on Community
- This American Life
- Elizabeth Warren
- Arab Spring
- Occupy Wall Street
- Cool digital image libraries on Tumblr
- Talkinbroadway forum "All that Chat"
- Free samples
- So You Think You Can Dance
- Animator Andreas Deja's blog
- This blog
Taking a break from a busy day.
I'm thankful for this blog, too. As so many sites on my bookmark list seem to be going away, this is still a MUST READ BLOG every single day.
Happy Thanksgiving Ken and all.
I think we are all thankful for Claire Danes.
I think we are all thankful for Claire Danes.
Pepsi One
Turner Classic Movies
The Washington Nationals
University of Maryland women's basketball
Bud Light + Clamato Chelada
"By Ken Levine" and the blogosphere
Classic films on DVD
My family, including Jaguar the cat
I'd like to add (besides my family):
French and Swiss cheese made from unpasteurised milk
Salsiz, bündnerfleisch and saucissons secs
Creme brulee and mousse au chocolat
NY Times
The New Yorker
Green Bay Packers
Van Laack business shirts
Ben & Jerry's ice-cream
Berlin Philharmonic
Foo Fighters
Not suffering from cancer, autoimmunity or some strange genetic disease for which no cure exists
The ability to watch US and UK TV shows one day after the original aired
Living in a country where you do not have the right to bear arms, childcare is subsidised and where universal health insurance exists
George Clooney
Whit Stillman
Alexander Payne
Norman Lear
Thank you, darling. And I'm grateful for you as well, also for vodka.
Hey Cadavra, I have the DVD of Lost Skeleton of Cadavra and I LOVE it! Feel free to use me in a blurb.
I'm thankful for being able to read such an entertaining blog every day eh. Cheers Ken.
Craig Ferguson and whoever is the voices of "Geoff Peterson," his robot skeleton sidekick on THE LATE LATE SHOW.
Roger McGuinn and the Byrds and the music they made
Turner Classic Movies
Taylor guitars
The girl in the T*Mobile commercials
Well-written sitcoms
Good friends (both in the TV business and outside it) who have been down on their luck and are starting to find success again
My new hip (which I haven't yet had to try and go through airport security with -- my opinion may change a year from now)
Laughing at the idiots on The Fox News Channel
Watching any CHEERS episode with Jackie Swanson in it
Watching USC win a football game
Enjoying Thanksgiving with my family and friends
Being able to start the day off by reading Ken's blog
Tallulah, I'm sure vodka is even more thankful for you..
Recession? WHAT recession?
The Crack Puppy, Moosedawg and my son's new CD. Yep, that will do me.
Cassell's, really? Haven't been there in decades, when Al Cassell sold the place and it went rather precipitously downhill. Is it worth a revisit? I loved their burgers with swiss cheese, and also, surprisingly, their awesome and huge grilled ham and cheese sandwiches on egg bread. And I can still remember the taste of that potato salad.
Turner Classic Movies
TOP GEAR on BBC America
Carey Loftin movies
Pigs and their gifts to mankind
Vin Scully
Annette Funicello in slow-motion
Edgar Cruz videos on the internet
Real-time stock quotes
Towns with historic districts
Thanksgiving, the best holiday of the year
I have to 2nd your thankfulness for the YELLOW LINE IN FOOTBALL. How in the hell did I know if they got a first down before that? The little angel with the bottle of yellow spray paint is awesome!
Me? You've never met me. You wouldn't be thankful if you met me. Pretty sure.
Family and friends
Being able to live in a cool place
My health
People that don't politicize everything.
Blogs I enjoy (including this one)
Everything I have that I have taken for granted at times.
As for shows, right now I'm thankful for Homeland, Frasier on Netflix streaming, and The Good Wife
my sons
diet cherry Dr. Pepper
Frasier on the Hallmark channel
Wegman's hot food bar
Stephen Colbert
my Honda Fit
Fage yogurt
Michael Moore
this blog & Mark Evanier's
Trader Joe's
Aaron Sorkin
Terry Pratchett
Vaughan Williams
Keith Olbermann reading Thurber
red wine
Friday question: how usual is it for a consulting producer to actually write episodes for a show?
The internet, for hours of entertainment. Then again, maybe that's a bad thing.
The Apple Pan hickory burgers in W L.A.
Growing up in W L.A. in the 40s and 50s
The Cleveland Indians (hey, somebody has to be thankful)
the internet
Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold
Ken - One very important thing from your past and mine - personality Top 40 Radio!! ie - KTNQ, KFRC, KNBQ (my bet job)...Happy Thanksgiving!!
Tallulah: A little late for blurbs, but always glad to have another fan. BTW, to bring this back to Ken, our next film featured a title tune sung by The Manhattan Transfer.
Bob: Cassell's may not be as good as it used to be--what is?--but it's still, IMHO, the best burger in town.
As someone who is also (god knows why) thankful for the Mariners, I'm thankful that you are once again involved with them. Good to have you back, Ken. Please stick around.
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