Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Announcing my Seattle book signing!

I will be having a book signing for my new book THE ME GENERATION... BY ME (GROWING UP IN THE '60s) on Monday, August 20th from 5:00-7:00 PM at the Mariners Team Store at Safeco Field on First Avenue.   The M's will be playing the Cleveland Indians that night, but you don't need a ticket to get into the store.  

This is sooo much better than a bookstore.  At a bookstore you can't also get team logo tanks. 

So come on out.  Would love to meet you, sign a book, answer questions, and perhaps interest you in a handsome jersey. 

My thanks to the Seattle Mariners for sponsoring this event.  See you on the 20th... which coincidentally just happens to be "Support Your Local Announcer Day." 


Unknown said...

That's an awesome venue. So great to see that the Ms support you.

Can't make it though - that's my birthday and I'm otherwise occupied and there's the pesky travel problem. 7000 miles and a lot of Canada between here and there :-)

They just played the Benny Hill theme at the Germany - Netherlands beach volleyball game. Stay classy, London.

VM: vaSchem

Oh the irony.

Mike Barer said...

How about that! I'll try to be there.

Wendy M. Grossman said...

Have a good time...

Meanwhile, the Guardian has out a piece on the four writers who have been short-listed to write the movie version of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY (which I say right now I have not read and have no particular desire to read). Brett Easton Ellis has apparently been campaigning like mad for the job but is not one of the four.

I would love to read *your* pitch for this job. Call it a Friday question. :)

The Guardian's piece is: http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2012/aug/08/fifty-shades-of-grey-movie-writers?newsfeed=true


David S. said...

Darn, we're coming down (we live in Vancouver) for the Wednesday day game. Certainly would have attended if we were there. Do you think they'll keep a few copies for sale in the team store after the signing?

Cap'n Bob said...

If you could sign my Kindle I'd be there.

cityslkrz said...

That's incredible, we'll actually be in Seattle that day (traveling from NYC)

iain said...

Good luck with the signing & the way the Indians have been playing lately, you can also call it "Guaranteed Victory Night" for the M's.

Graham Powell said...

Ken, are you going to be coming back to Texas this year?