When I scan through headshots and actors’ resumes my eyes always drift first to the “special skills” section. The skills considered “special” always amuse me. From this batch come these:
Stuttering, loves to travel, can impersonate Tom Waits, lisping, great with kids, dual citizenship (that takes talent), rollerblading, swimming, can say the alphabet backwards, CPR, stick fighting, weightlifting, good with pit bulls, elementary school teacher, rapper, United States Army Reserve, snowboarding – 3 years, hula, reflexology, pistols, valid U.S. passport, fire walking, back packing, balloon animals, some French, smoke rings, pilates, spinning, clowning, can ride a camel, accent: North Hollywood.
I wish them all great success. I’d hate to think that that fire walking training or reverse alphabet reciting class would be all for naught.
Had to add this. Saw it in the Sunday LA TIMES.
The archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Francis George, was hospitalized with a slight hip fracture Saturday morning after he apparently slipped and fell on some holy water.
Not to wish ill on anybody but this is the kind of headline that would lead to hours of one-liners in a sitcom writing room.
And speaking of the SITCOM ROOM ...
Her's an update:
We’re moving forward. This will be a two day workshop that will simulate the experience of actually being in a writing room. It’ll be a cross between a seminar/workshop and comedy writing fantasy camp. More details here.
The dates: Saturday/Sunday, July 21 –22
The place: Los Angeles. I've managed to secure a very good site -- really convenient for anyone
flying into L.A. and with a set-up that is especially well-suited to a
Sitcom Room atmosphere.
Limited to just 15 attendees, so I can give personal coaching to everyone.
All the details will be available on a new website within the next week or so -- along with an online registration form.
For update information first just drop me a line. sitcomroom@gmail.com
Hope to see you in L.A. in July!
One thing I am curious about is what script or series you are going to be working on? It seems to me that working in a real room, one of the advantages ia that everyone is working on the same show and has the same understanding of the characters - or at least theoreticly.
And don't worry - I won't be applying, however much I would like to. But I do hope you will eventually turn it into a book.
It could be a great little project to make a dvd out of it
I've always been led to believe that "some french" is one of the most valuable additional skills one could have in Hollywood.
The archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Francis George, was hospitalized with a slight hip fracture Saturday morning after he apparently slipped and fell on some holy water.
Not to wish ill on anybody but this is the kind of headline that would lead to hours of one-liners in a sitcom writing room.
You might be interested to know that when this story was put on the Web site of WJLA-TV in Washington, for some reason an Arizona Cardinals logo accompanied the story. Yes, the franchise did begin in Chicago (sharing old Comiskey Park with the White Sox), but I suppose when someone running the site saw something about a cardinal slipping and falling, that person automatically assumed it referred to that woebegotten NFL franchise.
I better learn more at this than I did at that Learning Annex workshop with Star Jones!
I am a frustrated writer -- most would say (and have) with good cause. Nevertheless, I'm interested in one point about the workshop. What about the snack food? Bring your own or supplied? Most popular, least popular? And so on.
I'd so much like to attend this workshop, but unfortunately there is just no way I'd be able to make it. Having no money and way too far to travel.
A DVD about it would be a great substitute though. At least I'd get to see how it's done.
This weekend the Archbishop of Chicago broke his hip when he slipped on some holy water. Afterwards, the archbishop said, “That’s the last time I try to walk on water.”
>>The archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Francis George, was hospitalized with a slight hip fracture Saturday morning after he apparently slipped and fell on some holy water.<<
He must have gotten his foot caught in one the holes.
Maybe I should go. I've been on 7 shows, but the way things are going on the networks, this might be my only chance to be in a Room for the next two years. I'll bring the "Wacky Sitcom Writers' Room Toy Set" (featuring favorites like Slinky, Nerf, Whiffle Ball and gay porn. What, you didn't watch gay porn at Cheers?)
Gay porn?
NOW I'm interested!
Wow, I love Google - I Googled Balloon Animals Chicago and it listed your site. If you would like to write about a balloon entertainer drop me a line ;-)
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