Besides blogging and my other writing projects (I have many irons in the freezer!) I host Dodger Talk after every game on KABC radio in Los Angeles. And now through the wonders of electronics the station has decided to podcast Dodger Talk.
You can hear them here. Much more fun than actually watching or listening to the games is hearing callers bitch about them. So join Josh Suchon and me as we give out our game balls, talk people off the ledge, and break for traffic.
Yes! I have always wanted to be able to listen to Dodger talk at work. I ride my bike to the stadium and have no radio at home so I dont get to listen to you and Josh nearly as much as I want to. I wont be able to call in but, I'm not much of a call in guy anyway.
Having listened to dozens of hours of sports radio, I must ask you if it's easier to do this sort of show when the team's fortunes are up (which is the case right now with the Dodgers), or if the opposite is true.
In NYC, our sports radio seems to thrive when a franchise goes into panic mode, like it did last year when the Willie Randolph firing rumors started swirling, or when individual athletes take a fall from grace. be it from substance abuse or random gunplay.
Irons in the freezer? That sounds ch-i-i-i-l-l-y! Smooth moves, Levine.
Ken. I think tonight's game is it for the Dodgers - the back-breaker, the knee-crusher, the one that gets under their skin, forages around and rips up their vital organs.
The Rockies are playing like men on fire - the Dodgers like listless little boys who've just been denied their weekly allowance. I'm not sure where the difference is between these guys and those upbeat, talented men we rooted for during the first half of the season. What I saw tonight was disgusting, not only with respect to execution, but also regarding Mr. Torre's asinine managerial choices.
How, in God's short name, did we get here? Our "ace" versus a guy who's barely kept his head above .500? The sad thing is, you could see it coming, what with all the men left on base and the rather meaningless and nominal first two runs. We got lucky there in the 9th and the game was made a bit exciting as a result, but you KNEW the Rockies would come back. What one did not know about were the lead-off walk in the 10th and then the botched bunt. Is this the way a division champ plays? No. These guys look like amateurs, and it's been quite a while. This is not a slump. This is a swamp - a place that fire cannot exist. Amateurs. you and Josh are not doing this team any good, citing every bit of dwindling light you can find. I wish you'd start telling it like it is and stop making excuses for these neobums. These guys need a fire lit, and now, not more excuses.
Yes, the Dodgers will "stay close" in a lot of games. They have a bunch of very talented guys on the team. It's the fire that's missing.
The fire is gone, and, at least for the remainder of this season, gone for good, I fear.
Long live the darkness.
Andrew awespishus@gmail.com
Hi Ken,
I am Abin Lee an editor of www.ohzone.org
We are a non-commercial web radio network in Taipei, Taiwan.
Our purpose is to provide a free 24/7 all-English environment for Taiwanese students and Adult Learners.
We broadcast with permission college and community radio stations from the UK, US, New Zealand, Australia and Canada as well as
Newsweek on Air and several other talk podcasts.
Kuo Hung-chih of Taiwan is a Dodger and we beleive Wang Chien-ming will sign with the Dodgers.
May we discuss adding to archive shows of Dodger Podcast to our schedule?
We could take the shows from your web site.
We do not edit programs.
We do not resell programming provided to us - we are a free service to Taiwanese wanting to improve their English.
We will create an announcer page for your hosts and link to your website.
It's fine with me but you'd have to get clearance from KABC radio. Call them and ask for Lindsay in programming. She can help you. Hope it works out.
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