That wouldn’t work for Jesse James. Hard to confuse America’s sweetheart, Sandra Bullock with Bombshell McGhee.

I love 24 but this season it has gone off the tracks crazy. First off, I can’t decide – is Katee Sackhoff the hammiest actress ever or has she just been given horrible direction? Not since Little Nell was tied to the railroad tracks has a villain been soooo melodramatic. It's like she's growing a mustache.
And what kind of air-tight security check could CTU have if someone who used a different name and once committed a major felony could get a top secret clearance? They pat down old ladies at the airport but Jack Nicholson of THE SHINING is allowed to be the chief systems analyst during a nuclear crisis?
And way to cover your tracks Katee. Who calls the terrorists repeatedly using a company cellphone while in the war room of CTU?
One app the iPad doesn’t offer is a way to predict sales of the iPad. First day sales were way less than expected (but still more than Blackberrys, Kindles, and Vegematics combined).
I’m thrilled that KABC radio and the Dodgers have agreed to extend their partnership for at least two more seasons. It’s hard enough to work for an organization you love; much less two.
Based on opening day can I revise my baseball predictions? The Pittsburgh Pirates will win the World Series.
ABC: Here's the thing about countdown clocks (like the one you had in LOST last week promoting V, which was distracting and totally insulting to everyone who worked so tirelessly on LOST to give you a good show) -- they're only effective if we care and are really looking forward to the event being counted down. So a countdown to the opening of the Olympics made sense. The countdown to when the Olsen Twins would turn 18 made sense. But no one give s a shit about the relaunch of V.
Thanks to everyone now following me on Twitter.
I will be reviewing AMERICAN IDOL late tonight. It’s “Lennon & McCartney Week”. Oh please let Katie Stevens sing “I Am the Walrus”.
Actually, you can tweet longer if you need to. Just go to and blab away (I do sometimes). It links up to twitter and provides a link to your longer tweet.
I was growing bored with AI and 24 last year. Too bad Jack Bauer and Paula Abdul couldn't have swapped places; would have kept me watching both shows.
I think linking back to the blog is the way to go. That way, when your memoir comes out, twitter followers are brought back here, where there are all of these other posts for them to enjoy, and you'll have nice little links to Amazon and iTunes so that purchase of said memoir is quick and easy. (I think you get a bigger pie slice that way, too.)
I used to be a commie hippie. Now look at how I think.
Sackhoff's character's fake ID bugged me, too-- in a different way.
This ID was so tight that it fooled CTU and whatever other government agencies clear CTU agents for access to sensitive information (NSA, obviously)...
...but a half-bright redneck strong-arm robber penetrates the cover and finds her? Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot!?
I had hoped Didi Benami would still be around this week and would sing Why Don't We Do It In the Road.
It would be even funnier if they could dub Hans Conried's voice onto Katee Sackhoff. Even funnier if she also started acting like Uncle Tonoose from the old Danny Thomas Show.
I've never watched 24, but after I heard that it was canceled, I started thinking to myself if the producers had been smart, they would have had this year's 24 hours include the switchover to Daylight Savings Time -- Bingo! One whole episode's production costs saved....
I think John is on to something. Or maybe on something. Half the shows on TV could be immeasurably improved with the addition of an Uncle Tonoose character. It might be tough to work him into, say, the O'Reilly Factor, but it'd definitely be worth it.
WV:columc - when the stuff in columns a and b just doesn't cut it.
Ken, could you expound a little more on this claim that Springsteen had an extra-marital involvement? I avoid celebrity gossip like the plague, but in this case I have a slightly personal connection--my friend's son attends Boston College alongside Bruce's boy.
will be using the abc countdown thing as my facebook status. tyvm there is no way i could have said that better..
Dana Walsh is stupid and boring but I'm excited about Charles Logan coming back.
Ken, Ken, the restriction is 140 characters, not words. Although turns out you needed more than 140 words also.
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