Ione Skye Marries Singer Beau After Their Guru Gives OK
Lisa Bonet's New Baby: Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Momoa
Tom Cruise: Jett Travolta's Death "Horrific"
MTV Star Was Arrested For Offering To Pay For Oral Sex With Oxycontin
Lindsay Lohan Moans: I Work As Hard As Scarlett Johansson
Travis Barker Takes Shirt Off At Concert, Shows
Crash Scars Lisa Rinna's Filler Regret: "I Look Like A Freak!"
"Lost" Star Wins Custody Of Kid After The Mother Alleges Witchcraft

Michael Jackson Moves To 12-Fireplace Mansion In Bel Air
"Idol"Fantasia Ignores Sheriff's Pleas Over Home Auction
Lisa Marie Presley Defends Travolta Family, Scientology
Anne Hathaway To Obama: Explain Rick Warren
"Dexter" Brother and Sister Now Husband-Wife
Josh Brolin & Jeffrey Wright Arrest Video: Tasers And Pepper Spray
…and finally….

Larry Flynt Sues Nephews For Putting Family Name On "Inferior" Porn
It seems to me these are all the same headline:
The End of the World is Near!
Reading about these stories in Hollywood really makes me wonder if they exist in the same world as I do.
Is it ego and too many yes men? Some of these folks need a good kick in the ass.
Reading about these stories in Hollywood really makes me wonder if they exist in the same world as I do.
Is it ego and too many yes men? Some of these folks need a good kick in the ass.
This is interchangeable with anybody who lives in Washington, DC. Way too removed from the concerns of other people.
Let's be fair. Tom Cruise knows horrific when he sees it; he owns a mirror. And he's seen his wife act.
What is an "MTV Star"? And how much of a star can you be if you have to pay for oral sex?
"Lindsay Lohan Moans: I Work As Hard As Scarlett Johansson" ... harder than Kate Hudosn, but not quite as hard as Tina Turner. There's a scientific scale.
I'm with Anne Hathaway (who looks great given it's been about 400 years since she was married to Shakespeare), but I think explaining Rick Warren is beyond even Obama.
"Dexter" Brother and Sister Now Husband-Wife, ... soon to be father-daughter.
And be honest; would you want YOUR name on inferior porn?
Larry Flynt Sues Nephews For Putting Family Name On "Inferior" Porn!
Inferior porn? You'd hate to see porn without all the usual fine characterization. What is inferior porn? Does it have a soundtrack of good jazz?
"Wayne said...
What is inferior porn?"
Well, to me personally, it's porn with girls in it.
Larry Flynt would have a different answer.
The second headline isn't that strange. Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa (of Stargate: Atlantis fame) had their second child. Momoa was born in Honolulu. As a Hawaii-lover I thought especially you would understand such a longwinded, Hawaiian name...
I hope your ready for the vastly increased traffic you're going to get now Mr. L.
WV: ratio - the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)
> "Dexter" Brother and Sister Now Husband-Wife
While the headline is glib, the story behind it hardly heralds the end of the world.
I mean, two actors that play siblings on a TV show got married. Big Deal.
Cocaine isn't the only way God tells people they have too much money and too much free time, you know.
Inferior Porn sounds like the name of a band from Seattle...debut album, Tasers & Pepper Spray.
To be fair, the actress that plays Dexter's sister is from here in Kentucky, so it probably didn't seem that abnormal.
Other Larry Flynt news: He thinks the porn industry should get a government bailout.
He's backed in this by the guy who does the GIRLS GONE WILD videos, which is to porn what MIGHTY JOE YOUNG is to KING KONG.
This is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time, on this blog or elsewhere. If people just had the patience to look beyond the Israel stories they would get some news worth their money.
and to tie it together with my previous comment I'll add another one: "Joe The Plumber Files First Reports From Israel On Gaza Crisis"
The Huffington Post is great overall, but they do often try out-Drudge the Drudge Report, in terms of having sensationalist headlines. Ones, that make you think there's a conflict when there really is none. But it does get people to click open the story, and see the ad attached, so I guess it works.
MTV Star Was Arrested For Offering To Pay For Oral Sex With Oxycontin
Bet someone else offers to pay for Oxycontin with oral sex.
Y.now, I hate it when inferior porn is released.
I think the reason this blog was cited, was that the only thing we find HERE is inferior porn..
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