Some will be delighted, others will groan, but yes I will be reviewing AMERICAN IDOL this year. Not every week, especially during the early rounds, but from time to time. AMERICAN IDOL is still one of the only shared television experiences we all have. If TABATHA'S SALON TAKEOVER ever catches on I'll review that too.
My thoughts on the season premiere coming up.
When I saw the title of this post in my RSS feed, my hope was that the body of the post read, in its entirety, "Fuck no."
But it'll still be entertaining.
More brilliant and hilarious thoughts on current movies, or the current state of TV, or classic sitcom anecdotes please!
Not boring, Tyroc. The same brilliance and hilarity will be there. And what do you think the current state of TV is? American Idol.
WV: plyings - Shit I give you that you probably don't want.
Well, I'm sure Mr. Levine's writing will be smart and funny as always, but I just can't get into the show.
Ah well. At least Lost and Battlestar Galactica are coming back.
Well, I'm sure Mr. Levine's writing will be smart and funny as always, but I just can't get into the show.
Me neither, which is why I always don headphones whenever it's on, since the computer and TV are in the living room, and my mom and sister are fans of the show. But somehow, it always ends up being a case of pop culture osmosis. Guaranteed that once the eliminations start, I'll know about these people, and I don't want to. Fortunately, there is a site called Television without Pity (www.televisionwithoutpity.com) that's full of excellent snarky comments from viewers, and from the staff, that makes the show somewhat tolerable.
WV: couter - Someone who narrowly missed out on having the evil last name of Coulter.
I run away from Idol like a dog runs away from a chainsaw, and nothing anybody ever said about the show suggests I've been missing anything.
Or as my cousin would say, I don't watch Idol for the same reason I don't watch football: I could never find anybody who'd pay me to do it.
Great, love it.
That Tabatha show is a hoot too.
I have NEVER been interested in that program...especially the presumption that as an American, I SHOULD be.
I don't watch American Idol but I love reading Ken's reviews. They make me almost want to watch, but not quite.
Same as RMS...even if I wasn't entertained by Ken's post, I can decide whether or not to read his posts but still know that I can keep myself pop culture updated without wasting my (not so valuable) time watching Idol. It's not just a blog; it's a public service.
I totally approve. Don't let them hate, Ken.
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