Details change as Hollywood stories get passed around. Heard from a number of writers that the Nakamora story happened on an MTM show not TAXI. But the particulars are right. And Jim Brooks was involved. Allan Burns (who was there that night) checked in to say the script was written by Dave Davis and Lorenzo Music.
Thanks to Allan, Sam Simon and a few of my other colleagues for setting the record straight.
Later tonight: my recap of Tuesday's AMERICAN IDOL. So I guess I better watch it now.
Garfield was a writer? I didn't know that! What else did he write for?
I don't know, Ken, I'm pretty sure it originated in the writer's room for Gilligan's Island, the one where Mary Ann and Gilligan were smoking Ganja with a horribly stereotypical Japanese submarine sailor.
I believe it's from the Bob Newhart Show episode "TS Eliot", the one where Elliot Carlin takes Carol to a Japanese restaurant.
"Lorenzo Music" may be the most pleasing (aurally and literally) name I've heard, ever.
In addition to Garfield, the late Lorenzo will always be remembered for "Hello, this is Carlton, your doorman."
Garfield, Carlton and the voice of Peter Venkman in "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon.
Lorenzo Music was also one of the funniest audience warm up guys. Saw him a few times warming up "Rhoda." The audience, not Valerie.
The episode was a Bob Newhart episode, second season, called TS Eliot, written by Jerry Renert and Jeff Wilhelm. In the episode Eliot Carlin dates Carol Kester. Eliot works for Nakamora Real Estate and the character keeps referencing all the other companies owned by the Nakamora company throughout the episode.
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