On Monday the Vermont Supreme Court will hear arguments in a class-action suit brought by inmates who are claiming a certain prison practice is cruel and unusual punishment. No, it’s not creating an environment that leads to relentless violence and brutal rape. That the inmates can live with.
But some prisons are serving Nutraloaf at mealtimes and the line of cruelty has to be drawn somewhere. (I can almost see you OZ spec writers racing to your computers.)
Nutraloaf is a prison created dish often given to inmates who are unruly or throw their normal food in the mess hall. Guards got tired of having to clean hand-cut fettuccini pasta with Sonoma lamb Bolognese, Hudson Valley foie gras, and pan-roasted French turbot off the walls. So they were served this meatloaf-like concoction instead.
What’s in Nutraloaf? It’s whole wheat bread, nondairy cheese, raw carrots, spinach, seedless raisin, beans, vegetable oil, tomato paste, powdered milk, and dehydrated potato flakes

Prison officials argue it’s nutritious (and to prove it, “Nutra” is right in its name) and easier to clean (the yardstick for all fine food).
I’m sure, like me, you will be anxious to hear how this plays out. Depending on the ruling, Spam and KFC Meals-in-a-Bowl could be next.
My one piece of advice to the Defense attorneys – do not let the judge or jury eat the evidence.
I find the idea of using an image of Rachael Ray in an article about "cruel and unusual punishment" tres appropriate.
If I never see or hear that braying harpy again, it'll be too soon.
I don't know who Racheal Ray is but if she cooks in that outfit, maybe I need to find out.
This may be off topic, Ken...but my brother Michael will be at the Coliseum tomorrow for the Dodgers/Red Sox game. He came out from Boston just for the event, and I told him to listen to you afterwards.
With apologies to The Man in Black:
I hear the food a comin'
It's rolling round the bend
And I ain't had good pasta since I don't know when
They’re servin’ Nutraloaf now, and time keeps draggin' on
It's like eatin’ a shit sandwich, washed down with Gran Patrón
everybody sing along...
The prisons should just order the same ingredients in protein drinks and present it in juice boxes like they do for soccer kids and Beverly Hills bulimics. Lara Flynn Boyle could be hired as the celebrity spokesperson and be on all the new jail cell calendars. With the proper marketing program, even death row inmates will be demanding Nutraloaf as a last meal.
Nutraloaf? Soylent Green? I'd be suspicious (hey guys, anybody seen Lefty recently?)
Whoa. I always hated Rachael Ray until you posted that photo. Strangely . . . drawn in . . .
David Cassidy Man Undercover? Huh?
That ain't Rachael Ray from the neck down, kids.
emily, when I first saw this thread late last night, I toyed with the idea of doing my own "Folsom Prison Blues" rewrite, but fatigue won out. Just as well, 'cause I couldn't have topped yours. Brava.
This post was hilarious. I laughed so hard I almost peed into my cellmate’s hand
Nutraloaf probably costs $8 a pound at Whole Foods. (And it probably tastes better than the gruel known as "slop" they serve on "Big Brother.")
TB, "David Cassidy: Man Undercover" is a short-lived drama Cassidy was in soon after "The Partridge Family." (It was a spinoff from an actually good show, "Police Story.") He played a groovy, young-looking cop who would go undercover as a student or juvenile delinquent, "21 Jump Street"-style.
Take a look!
Confinement Loaf! Who wants a slice?
Don't do the crime, if you can't eat the grime.
I think I'd prefer Soylent Green.
Some inmates love the stuff. I heard one of them got an extended sentence when he was caught pinching a loaf.
Tired of that boring old Nutraloaf? You know, the meatless meat substitute made from whole wheat bread, nondairy cheese, raw carrots, spinach, seedless raisins, beans, vegetable oil, tomato paste, potato flakes, powdered milk and -- rumor has it -- just a light sprinkling of potassium nitrate, aka saltpetre. The old samo-samo. (And btw what’s with the powdered milk? God forbid there might be a win-win in the Vegan wing?)
Well suffer no more my feckless felonious food freaks, it’s a new day in prison and about time to have yourself gormandized. With the assistance of our team of Fear Factor dietitians, we took this sucker to arbitration. It was a streak of luck (and perhaps a carton or two of cigarettes under the table) that the authorities failed to run spellchecker, sending over a meateater instead of a mediator.
So beginning Monday here at Café Correctionale, new from Pied Piper Pies, it’s Nutrialoaf. One-hundred percent protein from the world’s largest rodent, long coveted as a delicacy in South America. Yes, now here in America, that short-limbed, small-eyed, orange-toothed, coarse-haired, scaly tailed tasty delight, equally at home in the Amazon rain forest or on a bun. And we might add, said to be an excellent source of potassium. An aquatic herbivore that our Cajun culinary consultant Chef Parola [honest to God we are not making that name up] assures us in this cooking video is 22.1% protein with 50% less fat than chicken and, we are quoting here “half the cholesterol of a pig.” We don’t call it nutria for nothing:
As you can see on the menu at video's end, Chef Parola gets $23.95 for a nutria entrée, but because you were fortunate enough to have been sentenced to hard labor at our
Angola Maximum Security Correctional Institution, right here in Louisiana, you are even free to request seconds, really as much as you want -- because these suckers breed like rats.
Yes, nutria, flame broiled then cooked again in water – it’s natural habitat. Nutria, it’s what’s for dinner!” And here at Angola, also for lunch and breakfast.
If you people had a clue what they really get served (clue: none of what Ken mentioned is on the menu), you would know two things:
1. Why they throw the slop they're fed.
2. Why Nutraloaf is actually better.
I'd hate to see any of you bourgeois bolsheviks do 24 hours in LA County (I did it for a political protest) - you'd be cryin' to mama and begging for nutraloaf.
Are you sure it isn't Nutrialoaf, made from the ground meat of semi-aquatic rodents that live in the Louisiana marshes?
Speaking of Prison Break (on your post) I hear they re-hired Sarah Wayne Callies to appear in the next season, after, they had her head in a box last year. I'm glad to see her back, but I wasn't expecting them to pull a "Patrick Duffy" on us again. I guess 20 years have passed, and so has the statute of limitations of that "Original" idea. It's "Undead" time, folks. Hope they can do better than they did last year.
Its nice
some one can learn by practice how to write a song,
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