Monday, December 22, 2008

The Daffy Definition Kontest Part 2 VOTE NOW!!!!

Congratulations to Dave C. and Veyhoo, winner of the first heat of the Daffy Definitions Kontest!!

Dave C., please email me with your address to receive your grand prize of a signed copy of MIDNIGHT, one of our better failed pilot scripts. Thanks to our runners up – Mike Bell, jbryant, Doug J., and Simon H.

Here’s the second heat. For the same spectacular prize so please vote because a lot is riding on this. The poll closes Saturday night at midnight P.S.T.

The five nominees are:

Mencries – What happens after every airing of “Brian’s Song”.

Bioner – A bionically engineered erection.

Derchaci – The German translation of Scott Baio’s autobiography.

Ophelly – Hamlet’s hillbilly girlfriend

Vivisms – The wit and wisdom of Vivian Vance.

You can vote below and keep checking the results. Thanks so much for participating and happy holidays from all your friends at BY KEN LEVINE (which is just me).


Anonymous said...

Is anyone making book on these?

P.S. My WVW is "spere" which is what you use to study geograpy.

Anonymous said...

To quote that great Poet Laureate of our time Jay Leno, 'Whatever you do in life, always try to come in fourth.

For those of you who were not related to me that voted for Hutdo, thanks. To Dave C., had one of my entries not been in the top five, you would have had my vote. Congratulations.

Cap'n Bob said...

Robbed again!

Anonymous said...

So my prock didn't finish first. That almost sounds like a good thing. :)

Thanks to all who voted it for it, and congrats to Dave C.

Anonymous said...

yikes, my verification word is "curger" -- a dog sandwich?

Anonymous said...

JBryant, well you had my vote.

Dave C, congrats.

That said, I have to observe that the entries in round 2 seem stronger all round. All five made me laugh, and I voted for the one I laughed hardest at. The prock of the crop.

Anonymous said...

"Derchaci – The German translation of Scott Baio’s autobiography." gets my vote. :)

Anonymous said...

Veyhoo comes through despite stiff competition from prock - thanks to everybody who voted, and even more thanks to the judges and, of course, our host. Oh, yeah - thanks to the generations of vaudevillians who've ensured that Yiddish=funny.

That really was a can't-miss competition. So many of the submissions were great, let alone the other four finalists. What a fantastic bunch of readers here.

Verification: henessiv - reeking of cognac.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Dave!

Since the contest, I have a hard time typing in my WV without studying it for a while.

poporki: A swine in an economic downturn.

Anonymous said...

Boy, this round's tough. The one I liked least was easy enough, but the rest were pretty much a tie. As it stands, I voted for what's now in second place, though I have no problem with the current winner at all.

My wvw is "ropicise," which is so obvious (though not in a funny way) that I'll pass.

Anonymous said...

I had to vote for Bioner. I just keep picturing Steve Austin. Deedeedeedeededee!

Anonymous said...

My vote went to Bioner! Though I'm not sure I want to meet the man who has one!

Anonymous said...

Wow - again, I saw many more that were stronger than these. I "get" all of these and they are "heh heh", but they're too easy.

I know it's all for fun, but you lot are all way too easily amused. I'm not saying all humor has to be "cerebral", but ... "bioner"?? Seriously? At least go for the DIY real estate service catering to people who swing both ways.

And "Derchaci"? It doesn't work unless it's "chachi" or "ciacci". Otherwise it's "CHAH-see". C'mon.

"Ophelly"? Osmelly.

"Vivisms" - now THAT was funny ... when she was alive.

And, "Mencries" (if it was a word) would be pronounced "men-CREES" or "men-CREASE". And with regard to the latter ... I don't want to go there.

So, only by reading this far will you be "rewarded" by learning that I am TOTALLY joking. I enjoyed all of these.

I'm torn between "Derchaci" and "Bioner". Coin toss goes to ... "Derchaci".

Happy Holidays (of all varieties) to all you fine folks here! Oh, and Ken, too.

Anonymous said...

What!? Vivian Vance has passed on?!? Dear god! Someone get Louella Parsons on the blower right now!

Eric Curtis said...

Congratulations, Dave C!

Having a harder time choosing this round, all of them are great.

WVW: wingeo - A GM contest that no one entered.

Anonymous said...

I would get Louella on the line, but I have an existing deal with Hedda, so she'll be getting the scoop on Viv.

I also have to say that I thought many entries were stronger than these - different strokes, I guess (is it okay to say that on a TV writer's blog?)

WV is fouckli - modesty prevents me from revealing the definition (besides, none of mine got picked, so I'm a little spiteful).

Dr. Leo Marvin said...

Dave C.,

Congrats. I hope your tenure as the Ken Levine Blog's Daffy Definition Kontest, Part 1 Champion does us all proud.

WV: carnives. For the confident sushi chef.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Leo - Weren't carnives used in that SNL ad for the Royal Deluxe II?

"It's a beautiful bably...and a beautiful car."

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can vote for "Vivisms," because I'm still traumatized from being railroaded into dressing up as Ethel Mertz for the company Halloween party this year. Probably not as traumatized as the other employees. I may not be the manliest man on the planet, but matronly 1950s drag is not a good look for me. We did win the costume contest though.

Anonymous said...


Matronly 1950s drag is not a good look for ANYONE. It looked lousy on Viv. It was supposed to. Lucy wanted ONE looker on that show, herself! Hence all the gags about Viv being a lot older than Lucy, which she wasn't.

WV: kriesse. What my mother used to yell at me when her patience was at an end.

The Curmudgeon said...

I thought these were a particularly strong field as well; it was harder for me to choose from among these.

P.S. -- for the entrepreneurial types out there, there does not appear to a site up and running. Yet.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I guess as a mag writer, I need shorter one-liners. And my humor needs to be less disturbing...which I doubt I can do.

Time to go watch It's a Wonderful Life again--except for the happy ending--and wallow in the existential angst. I've published a couple humor pieces but apparently the snicks and yuks just aren't my forte.

Still, I had an awful lot of fun participating. Thanks Ken.

Anonymous said...

And now I get a WVW:


Too easy. They don't exist.