...what 2008 was for Barack Obama, the Philadelphia Phillies, Mad Men, Batman, Ironman, the Boston Celtics, Tina Fey, David Cook, Michael Phelps, Amy Winehouse (when not hospita

lized), the iTunes store, the LSU Tigers, Tiger Woods, Kerry Wood, the Slumdog Millionaire, C.C. Sabathia, The Big Bang Theory, Kanye West, Kansas Jayhawks hoops, Oprah, Patricia Cornwell, No Country For Old Men, GreatBigRadio.com, Clint Eastwood, the Mentalist, Kirsten Haglund (Miss America), the Detroit Red Wings, Wall-E, Hulu, House, Daniel Day-Lewis, The Amazing Race, Rafael Nadal, Bryan Cranston, Cole Hamels, the Coen Brothers, the Shield, Vince Gil, Twilight, Tilda Swinton, Rachel Maddow, Paul Rudd, the Hills, Richbroradio.com, Mama Mia, Dr. Drew, 007, Zeljko Ivanek, Diablo Cody, Albert Pujols, the New York Giants, Bill Self, Herbie Hancock, Ratatouille, Evan Longoria, Eva Longoria, Maxwell Smart, Jean Smart, Stephen Colbert, Guitar Hero, Alicia Keyes, Malcolm Gladwell, NCIS, Hellboy, Glenn Close, the Prius, Marion Cotillard, Project Runway, Dustin Pedroia, Alec Baldwin, the Daily Show, President John Adams, Greg Yaitanes, quite possibly Al Franken, Matthew Weiner, Juno, Simon Cowell, David Gregory, Democracy, and me for having readers like you.
Have a great year everyone!
It's post-midnight here on the East Coast, so I guess I'm the first commenter of the new year!
Just wanted to wish you a healthy, happy, fabulous year Ken. Thanks for adding a consistently funny - and more than occasionally insightful - few minutes to each day.
To the other 'regulars' here ... you help make this blog a daily 'go-to' for me as well. Hope you're all having a wonderful time tonight (please travel safely!!), and that 2009 is a bright and bountiful year for all of you.
It's stoill 2008 where I live, and here's your final factoid for the year. On this date in 1946 World War II officially ended.
Patsy Cornwell?
Still 2008 here too.
Happy New Year Ken. Thanks for making my life just a little funnier. :-)
Happy New Year, Ken.
Discovering your blog was one of my highlights for 2008 (Hey! It was a slow year...) so thanks for posting so well and so often.
Go Team Franken!
WV: forme - yeah, this year will be for me :-)
Happy New Year Ken!
Thanks for all the great laughs.. those you give, and those I take credit for when I use your material in conversation.
WV: ightest= vision exam for the spelling challenged
You forgot Uno - the Beagle that proved a REAL dog can win Westminster
Less than three more weeks of the reign of error...hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
(From the blogger formerly known as vp81955)
verification word: "engledir." A shorthand abbreviation if Mr. Humperdinck (the more recent one) ever ditched singing to make films.
Bonne Année!
Feliz año nuevo
Ein glückliches neues Jahr
Buon anno
Stastny Novy Rok
Onnellista uutta vuotta
Feliz ano novo
Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Shana Tova
Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Sawatdee Pi Mai
Boldog uj evet
Greetings from Texas. They think it's still the late 90s.
BTW, WV: "chwooma" which I'm hopping to get as my free itunes novelty sound download -- having failed for the past half hour to figure out how to get the free rimshot and whawhawah sad trombone they've been hyping all morning on our Yahoo boot up. Told ya it was the 90's.
Happy New Year, Ken! Thanks for another year of laughs on your blog.
2008 was, indeed, a great championship year for the Philadelphia Phillies. History could also repeat itself. The last time the Phillies were world champs, the Eagles then went to the Super Bowl. Okay, so they lost, but let's not quibble the fine points. We managed to back into the playoffs with a few miracles, so, we could get to the big game and win this time.
Elvis could also come back from the dead.
Hey, hope springs eternal.
I'm impressed that you know Miss America's name. Ever since they ripped the pageant from my home town of Atlantic City, I forget to follow the tiara trail.
wv = ingori A particularly gruesome injury
You wrote in one of your posts that you see a lot of movies this time of year because of your membership in the WGA. I was wondering if you have seen "Gran Torino" and, if so, what your thoughts on the film were?
Thank you for your time,
Ashley (Oklahoma)
Mary Stella: Have you forgotten that Elvis has already returned from the dead? It was in 2007, when he performed with Celine Dion on American Idol.
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