Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Christmas Story: different versions

Here's one of my favorite scenes from A CHRISTMAS STORY.

Proving that Christmas can commercialize anything, here's A CHRISTMAS STORY CINGULAR AD.

And finally, for those of you who have seen the movie and have a twisted sense of humor -- here's another example of how trailer makers can make any movie look like any genre. Ho ho ho.


Anonymous said...

And little Ralphie is an executive producer these days, working with the notable scabs Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau...

Oh, where did the poor innocent Ralphie go?

Dwacon said...

bah humbug...

Anonymous said...

A thumb, actually.

Tony C.

LouOCNY said...

Vid 1: Hey! I already claimed that as MY favorite scene!

Vid 2 : They actually did that pretty good....



Anonymous said...

I loved the commercial and while I liked the fake trailer my favorite is the now famous one where they make the Shining look like a family film.
You can see that on Here is the site

Rick L. Phillips said...

It said I signed as anonymous when I posted my comment above but I didn't mean to. Mine is...I loved the commercial and while I liked the fake trailer my favorite is the now famous one where they make the Shining look like a family film.
You can see that on Here is the site

Anonymous said...

Mr. By Levine
c/o The Internet
Somewhere in S. Cal.

Dear Mr. Levine
It has come to the attention of AT&T Wireless…formerly known as Cingular Wireless…and before that, Ma Bell…and before that, just The Phone Company, that you have recently made use of a copyrighted work entitled “A Christmas Story Cingular Ad,” (the “Work”) with which we had previously made use of a previously copyrighted work entitled “A Christmas Story” (a “Lot of Work”).

We have reserved all rights in a Lot of Work and have registered copyright therein. Your work is not only essentially identical but actually identical to a Lot of Work and clearly used A Lot of Work as its basis. As you neither asked for nor received permission to use our presumably authorized a Lot of Work as the basis for – oh, whatever – nor to distribute electronic copies of same, you have willfully infringed upon our rights under 14A U.S.C. Section 555-555-5555.

Please understand that we did not become aware of your above infringement through the use of any unauthorized warrantless government wire tapping, but rather under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act – since being a member of the California entertainment industry, we have good reason to believe you have on at least one occasion worked with somebody who worked with somebody who worked with somebody named either Milos or Laszlo.

However, be advised that we will cease and desist our harassment for what we can’t seem to admit is a fair use application of a Lot of Work – although, in itself, Relatively Little Work –- if, in the true spirit of this holiday season, you would consent to extend your calling plan for an additional two years no questions asked.

-------------------Z-----a -----------------

Matthew Frederick said...

Love the alternate trailer.

Reminded me of this. (Language absolutely NOT safe for work.)

Captain Obvious said...

That trailer was disturbing, Ken.

The ones you guys linked in comments were pretty funny.

...and the threatening letter from A Buck Short was priceless.