So on Tuesday I switched over from 20th to Sony. Alas no tequila. But more shade! There's a different vibe at Sony. At 20th it's primarily a large group marching out front in a circle. At Sony there are little pockets of picketers at each of the entrances. And the groups have settled in and have become little families. Years from now the members will hear horn honks and get nostalgic.
Wednesday I'm hitting CBS Radford. I wonder if Gary Sinese is still making homemade cookies.
Members of the negotiating committee have been going to the various picketing sites updating us on the situation and answering questions. John Bowman filled us in at 20th on Monday. It’s pretty clear the AMPTP is made up of Bond villains, Gordon Gecko, J. R. Ewing, Mr. Spacely of the JETSONS, and Henry F. Potter from IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE.

Looking for that perfect Christmas or Hanukah gift? How about a WGA strike T-shirt or plastic bracelet? She’ll LOVE you for it! He’ll be blown away. Get your Writers Strike Swag here.
You can tell the screenwriters from the TV writers on the picket line. TV writers all know each other, say hello, march in little groups. Screenwriters are used to being alone. You see them walking by themselves, scanning the line, desperately looking for someone they recognize… who hasn’t rewritten them.
Wednesday wr

It’s also Diversity Picketing Day at Paramount on Melrose. You don’t have to be diverse to attend but if you could, that would be nice.
Why won’t the AMPTP accept a deal where we would share internet earnings, even small earnings, based on a percentage formula? Because that would mean they’d have to open their books. We might learn that the SIMPSONS has not been a huge loss leader all these years.
I didn't know this: If the wood post sticks out above the sign on a placard it is considered a legal weapon.
I’d say boycott the Carson Daly show but really, who the hell watches it anyway?
80% of what you hear about the strike in the media and blogs is incorrect, although I’m not sure that’s the right number.
Fox is counting on AMERICAN IDOL to get huge ratings again in January. But with Jordin Sparks being the first American Idol to have her debut album tank maybe this will be the year AI starts to show its age. And Paula can follow Kellie Pickler on ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER?
Nick Counter, the lead negotiator for the AMPTP, is doing his best to not only screw us but also his own daughter and son-in-law. They’re both members of the WGA.
My girlfriend wants to know where she can buy some of that tequila...
"Nick Counter, the lead negotiator for the AMPTP, is doing his best to not only screw us but also his own daughter and son-in-law. They’re both members of the WGA."
Does the "A" stand for "Arkansas"?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
You guys should never have fired John McLean. He's the tough S.O.B. you want on your side of the negotiating table.
Sorry to disappoint you, But Gary Sinese hasn't been seen at Radford or Colfax in weeks...
You can tell the screenwriters from the TV writers on the picket line. TV writers all know each other, say hello, march in little groups. Screenwriters are used to being alone. You see them walking by themselves, scanning the line, desperately looking for someone they recognize… who hasn’t rewritten them.
Ha! Ain't that the truth.
The bulk of the strikers at Radford/Colfax are TV writers (and comedians at that). I usually do the 6-9 shift at Colfax (there's a certain element of danger there which adds to the fun), where I've been embraced though I'm a snotty features writer. After I head over to Radford (the second gate where it's also mostly TV people) for the noon to 3 shift and hang out with Larry Miller (and a couple of other folks), who doesn't have to do this but nonetheless does so because (besides being a really cool guy) he's a true believer in the WGA cause.
I hear the Big 7 is actually deferring to Pete Chernin (despite being a supposed moderate) and it's him who has taken the hard line.
Like I said to Rick Overton yesterday, who even knew Carson Daly had a TV show anyway? you think Nick Counters relatives scab? Naaaaah, me either.
Carson Daly mystifies me. He's a horrible interviewer, not funny, doesn't get very good guests, but stays on the air. I can actually understand him going back to work. When you've got as little talent as he does, I think it's best if you do as little to piss off your bosses as possible.
Picketing is getting old. We should combine it with an AIDS walk. That way when we don't get a good deal, at least we have cured a deadly disease.
If you could get Officer Tina on your side, you couldn't possibly lose.
Bought four shirts for the UK! Are people getting more ideas as they walk?
It's hard to boycott Carson Daily when I've been asleep for four hours. He stays on the air because not even NBC was aware he was actually on the air.
I'd like to find out where I can buy Captain Obvious' girlfriend some of that tequila.
My question is.....
Has the cast of Without a Trace been seen on the picket lines?
Keep marching for victory. I just wonder how many scripts there'll be about strikes once this is over? And think of the plagiarism suits!
"80% of what you hear about the strike in the media and blogs is incorrect, although I’m not sure that’s the right number."
And, I might add, 77% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Oh, and HONNNKKKKK....
"80% of what you hear about the strike in the media and blogs is incorrect, although I’m not sure that’s the right number."
My first laugh of the day. Thank you!!
What Hollywood moguls fear most is opening the books. Not the financial records. Americans opening a book and reading instead of vegging out in front of a TV.
Carson Daly is GE's bitch boy. He will be rewarded for his ratty ways by the suits upstairs and he knows it. He talks about all the people who would be layed off when in fact he is acting in the most selfish manner possible. Let's remember this when he reaps his undeserved rewards.
I went to Radford for the first time last week. Lots of shade. I didn't know anyone, but the people were nice and inviting. Larry Miller was out there then, too. Going strong even as the day was wrapping up.
So, Ken, what are your favorite WGA strike related youtube videos?
Hey Ken, that Swag Site has your name spelled wrong on it.
Re: Photo #1. Eight more and you got a menorah.
Re: Strike. Have you seen Dan Petrie Jr. out there? I'm emailing something tomorrow and would prefer a strike anecdote that's personally allegedly funny, as opposed to just generally allegedly funny.
Re: Omaha. Yes it’s sick but, I posted some dumb POV comment that even though Sudan pardoned that teacher, somewhere in Baluchistan a teddy bear was going to be beheaded. Today, the wacko in Nebraska shoots 14 people…and a teddy bear. Great, now we'll have to find something else to complain about those guys for.
About the Jordin sparks thing- I wonder if the writers' strike is indirectly responsible for her disc's performance- with lack of a push available from most of the chatfests that would have been featuring her the past month
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