Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I'm on the news

If you live in Los Angeles, I probably will be on the Fox 11 10:00 news as part of their Manny Ramirez-has-signed coverage. They filmed me for an hour hosting Dodger Talk on KABC so I should get a good 8 seconds of screen time.

Unlike Jennifer Aniston, I did not fly my hair guy in from Paris to do my do.

I fully expect to be bumped for a story about a cat who can use the toilet.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! A toilet cat?! I'll be watching.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm flush with excitement.

WV: gasense - knowing enough to not buy an Escalade.

Georgyne said...

Think about it, baseball players a dime a dozen, a cat using the toilet? Priceless.


YEKIMI said...

If it doesn't flush, we'll know it's a male cat!

Anonymous said...

"8 seconds" Good call. Almost exact to the second, and they didn't even give your name. "Guy with mike being cleverer about it than we are. To hell with telling you who he is."

Anonymous said...

Fox has ALREADY shown me a cat who uses the toilet...when my cable added FX circa 1997 I saw it on the pet program they were airing at the time (the last remnant of its original schedule, with shows like BREAKFAST TIME, hosted by Tom Bergeron and Bob the Puppet).

Cap'n Bob said...

I've seen cats using toilets many times. Showing a tom cat putting the seat back down would be a scoop, however.