Monday, November 25, 2013

My 8th anniversary

When I started I thought this would last a couple of months.  I mean, who reads blogs anyway?   But I had nothing else going at the time, and it seemed like a fun novelty.   I could write whatever I wanted with no one giving me notes.  So what if my audience was zero?  At least the unread articles were all mine! 

Actually, I had no idea what I was going to write about.  So I just opted for variety.  It's not like I had anyone's expectations to meet.   One day I'd give writing advice and the next I'd describe my experiences at Porn Star Karaoke.  It was all free-form and very liberating.

I introduced myself to several established bloggers and asked for advice.  How do I get any traffic?  Besides nude photos of Kim Kardashian how do I get any traffic?   They said post something new every day.  That way readers would always be rewarded stopping back.  And more new readers would find me via search engines.  "Every day?"  I asked.  "Yep," they said, "Each and every day."  I nodded and said,  "How do I get those nude shots of Kim?" 

Since I had already committed to starting the blog I figured I'd give the new-post-a-day format a try.  At least for a couple of weeks.  And if it ever got to be too much of a burden I could just pull the plug.  No one was paying me.

Eight years and 3,485 posts later I'm still churning stuff out.   Thank God I settled on variety and not AMERICAN IDOL recaps.  This blog has taken on a life of its own.

I'm frankly surprised I have so many readers, surprised by how many international readers I have (why does anyone in Kuwait give a shit what I think about anything?), and delighted by how many new friends I've made via the comments section.

At one point, Google Ads came to me and said I could make some money by running their advertising.  The money wasn't spectacular and I felt the ads would junk up the site.  If you want to support this blog just buy one of my books.  The Kindle version of MUST KILL TV is only $2.99.   It's a cheap way to say think you and if you are a fan of my writing (after all, you are here) you should get a lot of laughs out of it.   As proud as I am of my blog, that's how proud I am of this particular book. 

Hopefully I'll keep coming up with ideas for daily posts.  I haven't run dry yet.  My sincerest thanks to you for reading my blog and keeping this folly going.   Eight years.  Wow.  That's longer than all the GOLDEN GIRLS spinoffs combined.

Onwards and sidewards to the next eight.

Just for giggles, here's a link to my very first post


Brian Phillips said...

Thank you for eight wonderful years! 10,000 blog entries to the Emperor!

Dan Ball said...

I'm really inspired by your blog, Ken. Not just the content, but the consistency and the effort you put into it often urge me to make my own blog better.

Wish I had more to say, but...Natalie Wood.

Richard Y said...

One of the first things I look foreword to every morning.

Wendy M. Grossman said...

Thanks for the daily entertainment and thoughtfulness.


Phillip B said...

First thing in the morning, a new post is always there. Constancy means a lot in this world - so thanks, Ken - and congratulations!

Michael said...

That you have been able to maintain such consistent quality speaks well for you, but also reminds us of what wonderful work you have done over the years. Now if only the rest of us could do this .... But thank you for brightening my day, every day.

slgc said...

Happy Blogoversary!

JT Anthony said...

Me thinks we should all be thankful for your consistent and humorous entires. Keep it going please.

JT Anthony said...


McAlvie said...

It's the consistently good writing, regardless of topic, that keeps me coming back.

Scooter Schechtman said...

If this blog was a network morning show, you could have a feature with Great Big Radio Guy, asking him how it felt to be the first commenter. And you could have idiots jumping up and down outside the window, holding signs that say "We love you Ken!" and "Happy B-Day Grandpa!"

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Ken. Here's to 8 more. Well, more than 8, but I thought 80 was a bit unrealistic.

Pam aka sisterzip

Brian said...

Congrats, Ken! I love it reading it every day. Thank you for making it so interesting and entertaining.

Jeffro said...

Dear Ken, Happy Anniversary and Many Happy Returns of the Day! Cheers, Jeffro.

VincentS said...

Thank YOU, Ken. I stumbled onto this blog by accident - perusing IMDB trying to find out why Terry Farrell got kicked off BECKER to be precise - and I'm so glad I did. Before the magic of the Internet (yes, I'm dating myself) I never thought I'd be able to communicate with some one who wrote for MASH, CHEERS and FRASIER.

Barefoot Billy Aloha said...

You write good.



cpcathy said...

Thank you, Ken, for eight years of your blog (I tuned in just last year). It's my opinion that the Cheers writers are gods, and I am so grateful for all of them.

Charles H. Bryan said...

I enjoy reading it everyday, and it's good to know that you're having fun writing it every day. To anyone reading this who has not availed themselves of Ken's books, do so -- not just because it's a way of showing some appreciation for the blog, but they're just plain funny and good.

Cap'n Bob said...

Another thing to be thankful for this week. This is must-read BV (blogoverse) reading for me every day.

Howard Hoffman said...

Proud to have joined you for the ride, pal.

alopecia said...

Happy blogoversary, Ken. Your blog has taught me a great deal about the reality of the entertainment industry, made me laugh loudly enough to startle the neighbors' dog, and on a few occasions caused me to stop and ponder.

Thank you for your effort over the past eight years. It's very much appreciated. (So are the pics of Natalie Wood, but that's a topic for another time.)

Frank Paradise said...

Cheers for 8 years of great laughs Ken!

Pat Reeder said...

Congratulations on the anniversary, Ken, and many more.

I can sympathize with you because my wife and I wrote our radio service The Comedy Wire five days a week, 50 weeks a year, for just over 20 years before becoming corporate sellouts and moving to writing exclusively for Cumulus shows, which we now do 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year. When people ask how we come up with things to write jokes about day after day, I give credit to the billions of people all around the world who selflessly get up every day and think up idiotic things to do for us to make fun of.

Hamid said...

By the way, I finally remembered how I found your blog back in July or August or whenever it was I started reading and commenting. It took me a while but I finally remembered. I'd been watching a Cheer rerun which featured the wonderful Al Rosen and afterwards I went online to see if there were any photos of him from his younger days and your blog was the first result with a thread in which you mentioned you couldn't find a photo of him.

When I saw the thread was dated 2007, I initially assumed it was one of those blogs that had lain dormant for years, so I was delighted when I saw it was not only still going but thriving, and I've been a regular reader ever since.

iain said...

Congratulations & thank you!

Johnny Walker said...

Happy Eighth Anniversary!

Anita Bonita said...

Mazel tov, Ken!

As for why we (or, at least, I) keep returning: it's not just the content. It's the way you say it.

One of my favorite books of all time is Anatomy Of A Murder. Not just because it's a ripping good yarn, but because it contains gems like "I was blinded by the light of an oncoming dragon" and a description of a pair of earrings as being something from which small gymnasts could "depend." The language is to be savored.

Same goes here.

cadavra said...

Congratulations from me as well. And my dead-tree copy of MUST-KILL TV is en route!

Breadbaker said...

Congrats, Ken, and thanks. Even with the crazy catchas, I still love my daily dose of your life.

Breadbaker said...

P.S. My review of Must Kill TV (which, as I promised, was the first book I bought and read on my new Kindle) just went live.

I will add, if you're on a dark train for an hour and a half, it's a wonderful way to kill the time.

chuckcd said...

And I have been reading it nearly that long.

Chester said...

I haven`t missed a day since I started reading this blog 4 years ago. Always enjoy it. Thanks.

GC said...

Thank you, Mr. Levine!

LouOCNY said...

I came here the first after I had picked up a copy of IT'S GONE....NO, WAIT A MINUTE at a remainder table at (RIP) B Dalton. Having truly enjoyed it, I did what I always do when I find someone interesting/entertaining, and did a Google search of your name. And so, I literally will hit this, when possible, right when the day's blog posts at 9 am ET - for the last 7 or so of those years.

It has been my pleasure to actually buy all of your books, as they are all as witty as your blog and work over the years on television. I have been lucky enough to actually exchange a couple of emails with you, and to also have suggested a couple of topics you have actually used - such as the discrepancy of Annie's name as a child, and the one she currently uses - unless, of course, she has decided to use 'Porntrip' again...

You are one of the few relatively famous people I have had the chance to contact like this - the other real one being fellow diarist Jim Bouton. Both of you have been utterly gracious, by the way.

I love this blog, and hope you continue being able to do this a long, long time - it would sure as hell be a little more boring each day without it!

Hope someday you can make it to the Right Coast sometime, and hold a little get together for us BKL readers here - besides, you said you'd buy me lunch at Katz's!!

Congrats again Ken!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on eight years...I think that makes you the Jamie Moyer (or Smokey Burgess) of blogging.

I found the blog early on, via James Wolcott and have stayed ever since. The one-post-day gives the blog a good rhythm and have tremendous respect that you've kept to it with thoughtful and funny posts.


VP81955 said...

From the administrator of a blog that will turn 6 1/2 in December (with more than 2,500 entries), happy anniversary from "Carole & Co."

Incidentally, what "brand" broadcast booths have you worked in over the years? I'm listening to the Redskins game tonight, and the announcers proudly proclaim they're in the "KFC broadcast booth." (Hope they're enjoying the complimentary chicken.)

404 said...

Happy blog-o-birthday, Ken! I look forward to stopping by every day and seeing what you have to say (even when it's about baseball). Looking forward to many more years!

Lorimartian said...

Congratulations, Ken. I really admire your dedication, and your take on a broad range of subjects keeps me coming back. We are of the same generation so your recollections of the "old days," whether about childhood or the entertainment industry, strike a chord with me. Keep up the good work.

Hamid said...

Charles Muncie's "I celebrate you/us" habit is hilarious. It's such a specific trait, I'm guessing it's based on a real person?

Barry Traylor said...

Thanks for doing this Ken. I look forward to reading whatever your thoughts are every moring along with a cuppa joe.

Dana Gabbard said...

My friend Joe Torcivia who also has a blog once asked why don't I start one. I retorted basically you have to post fairly regularly and I just didn't want to start something I wasn't sure I had time to undertake. I know like Ken that Joe enjoys sharing his passions and insights. Kudos to the bloggers who bring light to the darkness! I have Must Kill TV (which Mark Evanier gave a rave to) on my list for future Amazon buys.

Dean Minderman said...

Thanks for the laughs and the interesting stories, and congratulations on sticking with it this long. I hope to read many more years of blog posts "By Ken Levine."

benson said...

cardnew 655Congratulations, Ken. Thanks for 8 great years. I've been here since close to the beginning.

Just thinking about it, I've guess I've become a fan boy. I own several of your books, read the blog everyday (though I was actually swamped with work yesterday) and do quote you in conversations.

Dale said...

Thanks Ken.
I do not always get to read this blog every day. I often read back through the entries to catch up. Then leave comments nobody would see. Typical. Always the last to know.

I think I found the blog about one year ago. I knew your name....

I am not a writer. However I find your thoughts interesting. A podcast would be great too. Michael Shrieve had a great podcast until recently. *hint hint*

Your are right to be proud of your novel. I loved it. I burst out laughing on the bus! The last author to do that to me was Cervantes. So you are in fine company.

Cheers mate. Dale