• A-Available/Single? Not according to my wife
• B-Best Friend? My partner. I'd be a lot poorer emotionally and financially without him.
• C-Cake or Pie? I'll have to go with Elvis and say cake.
• D-Drink Of Choice? Makers & ginger ale but only after 7 a.m.
• E-Essential Item You Use Everyday? My Pocket Fisherman.
• F-Favorite Color? Green. They asked me this for the Dewar's ad, too.
• G-Gummy Bears Or Worms? Whichever one is not banned from commercial flights.
• H-Hometown? Los Angeles
• I-Indulgence? Irene Jacob movies even though I can't understand them.

• J-January Or February? February. Pitchers and catchers report.
• K-Kids & Their Names? Matt, Annie, and maybe some in Bakersfield.
• L-Life Is Incomplete Without? Laughter.
• M-Marriage Date? July 8. Same date that crime boss Soapy Smith was shot to death in 1898.
• N-Number Of Siblings? 1
• O-Oranges Or Apples? Apple, if we're talking pies or computers. Orange if we're talking Bowls.
• P-Phobias/Fears? Mimes.
• Q-Favorite Quote? Enough is as good as a feast to an idiot.
• R-Reason to Smile? Linda Eder singing
• S-Season? Bob Gaudio
• T-Tag Three or Four People? I don't know four people.
• U-Unknown Fact About Me? I was kicked off THE DATING GAME
• V-Vegetable you don't like? Pat Robertson
• W-Worst Habit? Sweating the small stuff
• X-X-rays You've Had? Teeth, chest, and what kind of stupid question is that?
• Y-Your Favorite Food? Lobster...but must not still be alive.
• Z-Zodiac Sign? Aquarius man.
What a clever way of throwing an Irene Jacob photo into a post.
that unknown fact must be expanded upon
I don't know if you want us to do likewise, but here goes:
• A-Available/Single? Yes
• B-Best Friend? Probably a guy who I met 25 years ago at a baseball luncheon in Washington. Used to see him a lot at Phillies games when I lived in Philadelphia (he grew up in south Jersey and had a Phils' Sunday plan for more than 30 years, commuting by train from D.C.), and now that we have the Nationals, I frequently see him at RFK.
• C-Cake or Pie? Depends on the filling, but all things being equal, cake.
• D-Drink Of Choice? Pepsi One.
• E-Essential Item You Use Everyday? This computer.
• F-Favorite Color? Red, followed by purple and sky blue.
• G-Gummy Bears Or Worms? Neither.
• H-Hometown? Washington area.
• I-Indulgence? Old-time radio.
• J-January Or February? As with Ken, February. Pitchers and catchers report. Wish I was in Viera -- and I don't even like Florida.
• K-Kids & Their Names? None that I know of.
• L-Life Is Incomplete Without? A good laugh.
• M-Marriage Date? None, yet.
• N-Number Of Siblings? 2
• O-Oranges Or Apples? Apples for juice, oranges for (diet) soda.
• P-Phobias/Fears? Too afraid to tell them.
• Q-Favorite Quote? "There is no such thing as accident. It is Fate -- mis-named." (title card, "The Wedding March," 1928)
• R-Reason to Smile? Louis Armstrong
• S-Season? Baseball
• T-Tag Three or Four People? what?
• U-Unknown Fact About Me? I was my school spelling champ four years in a row
• V-Vegetable you don't like? Brussels sprouts; if George H.W. Bush had said he didn't like that instead of broccoli, he might have won a second term
• W-Worst Habit? Caring too much about the little things
• X-X-rays You've Had? Teeth, chest, forearm
• Y-Your Favorite Food? Cincinnati chili, no beans.
• Z-Zodiac Sign? Leo -- hear me roar.
V-Vegetable you don't like? Pat Robertson
Bravo, good sir!
Ken: I don't know if you've already done this...but you must tell us your "Dating Game" story!
I mean, Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck both appeared on THE DATING GAME twice without being selected...but Beaver Cleaver never even got up to bat? That's terrible...oh, and who exactly IS Irene Jacob?
Irène Jacob
Do yourself a huge favor and go get the Criterion The Double Life of Veronique
Then watch Blue and White so you can see Jacob in Red (pictured above).
• A-Available/Single? Maybe. What did you have in mond?
• B-Best Friend? Was David Tarling, but he died. Was John Fugiel, but he died. Now it's Bryan Miller, and he's nervous.
• C-Cake or Pie? Pie: apple, pumpkin or cheese!
• D-Drink Of Choice? Milk or Pepsi. No alcohol ever.
• E-Essential Item You Use Everyday? Computer, TV, DVD player, bed.
• F-Favorite Color? Orange
• G-Gummy Bears Or Worms? Neither. Yuck.
• H-Hometown? Los Angeles
• I-Indulgence? Pot.
• J-January Or February? Neither. May.
• K-Kids & Their Names? None. But my cats are named Clark & Godzilla.
• L-Life Is Incomplete Without? Laughter & sex.
• M-Marriage Date? Never married.
• N-Number Of Siblings? Originally 4, now down to 3.
• O-Oranges Or Apples? Apples for pie. Oranges for juice.
• P-Phobias/Fears? Cancer. Tightly inclosed spaces. Republican victories. Losing all my books.
• Q-Favorite Quote? "Faith is the traditional alternative to thinking." Oh, and I'm quoting me.
• R-Reason to Smile? Seeing Dame Edna live.
• S-Season? Spring.
• T-Tag Three or Four People? I don't understand the question.
• U-Unknown Fact About Me? I don't hate all kids; just my neighbor's kids.
• V-Vegetable you don't like? LIMA BEANS!!!!!!
• W-Worst Habit? Masturbation.
• X-X-rays You've Had? Teeth, chest, soul.
• Y-Your Favorite Food? Filet Mignon.
• Z-Zodiac Sign? Gemini.
July 8'th; my birthday, your wedding and the date a guy named Soapy was killed. Looks like we've got it all covered, start to finish.
the site is very all world populer in the beautiful culter site
the site is very all world populer in the beautiful culter site
the site is very all world populer in the beautiful culter site
the site is very all world populer in the beautiful culter site
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